You may have noticed now that nearly all around you are being affected from the latest round of energetic shake-ups to one degree or another. You may witness it in the zombie-like driving of others, the complaints of inability to sleep, irrational relationship choices, or weird outbursts. Be cautious of any erratic behavior of others but be compassionate. At least you have gotten used to the routine by now -- huge energetic influx, integration - fogginess, tiredness, lack of clarity, leveling up - steadiness, clarity, energy regained, the cycle repeating over and over -- but imagine how scary it is for them to not understand at all what is happening to them. You will continue to witness others revealing the truth in their words even for actions they wish to hide. But there is no hiding now - only integrity and authenticity can withstand this barrage of light. Expect more revelations of truth from those directly around you and from those on the world stage.
Your resilience will be tested repeatedly but no matter what is hurled at you that in the past would have affected you mentally, emotionally, and/or spiritually, you carry on now. You feel it, you are aware of it but it no longer has the power to become an obstacle or derail you. You observe, feel into a situation, before taking action that is in resonance to your soul. No more playing roles to please others, no more taking to heart the attacks of others. You stand tall now in your power having found your path and your voice. You forgive yourself and others for any perceived wrongdoings or mistakes which brings greater ease to your experience. Circumstances and relationships around you will continue to be in flux - attach only to what and who feels expansive and allow the rest to flow away. People and scenarios from the past will reappear but it is always your choice to repeat worn patterns or let go. It is not necessarily a call for more healing - just more dross in your memory ready to depart your identity. The new may not appear instantly but be patient for it is on its way whenever you draw a line in the sand and tell the Universe "No more of that. I am ready for something/someone new." At times, slow and steady will be the best game plan and at other times, there can be no hesitation or an opportunity will be quickly gone (not to worry though other opportunities will appear). The more you allow yourself to take time away from the chaos of everyday modern life, the more you will be able to read your body and trust your instincts. Do not push yourself too far, too fast. You are never missing anything meant for you or falling behind others such are only perceptions of the mind. You are in the midst of many changes and you are required to adapt very rapidly but you have come amazingly far already. Rather than focus on what you perceive yourself to lack, continue to focus on all that you are and all that you have accomplished. Indulge in fun often - you deserve it - life was never meant to be so serious and challenging. Do not worry that you are not doing enough, often being quiet and present in the world is all that is required of you. Continue to hold space for Mother Earth, the animals, the trees, the oceans as they support us while often not respected or neglected by humankind. Close your eyes and feel your connection to all of them whenever you feel lost or unsure and you will instantly feel more grounded and at peace. Expect more weirdness and unusual happenings but allow yourself to be amused rather than fearful of the unplanned for it is meant to demonstrate the playfulness and unexpectedness of creation. Know that you are an active creator in the Universe which truly makes anything is possible when you radiate the love that you are. Keep tweaking and holding your intentions for the new world is here and soon all will see and experience the beauty and magic that has been present all along. (c)GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit.
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January 2023