Your days remain unusual and strange, often challenging in unforeseeable ways. Existing in survival mode is destabilizing so ground yourself by spending time in nature or engaging in activities that quiet the mind. But do not numb out or fog your mind trying to block out collective reality. Others may be pretending that life is returning to normal but any sense of normalcy is ultimately illusionary at this moment. The old way of being and doing is being dismantled. No amount of stalling or grandstanding by those who perceive themselves as powerful will stop the planetary metamorphosis that is underway.
You no longer have the luxury of picking apart memories or rehashing old stories as if they remain relevant to the ever evolving you. Right now you are required to take with you only what you need for your survival in an ever increasingly precarious present that requires adaptability and focus. Attempting to recreate or redraw the past, drowning in what ifs or what might have beens only keeps you in a perpetual emotional quagmire which serves no one including yourself. Allow it to drop. This act of shedding is not bypassing but an acknowledgement that the past can only be transcended by learning from experience and being your best self in the present moment, making better choices, not by continuing the same patterns, making the same choices, recreating the same scenarios that have led to your and the collective's present circumstances. Many will disappointingly continue to devolve into incivility and cruelty. Distance yourself from anyone whose rhetoric is toxic, whose behavior is abusive for those elements need not be included in the groundwork for your future. Realize that some people are only present in your life to deplete your energy and distract you. Drop them. The loudest voices are often the most radicalized so align yourself with the helpers quietly doing their work in service to others and the planet. Be mindful of when it is necessary to react and when it serves you best to be an objective observer to what unfolds around you. Hold those without integrity and honor accountable for the evil they perpetuate on others for those devoid of love can no longer be allowed to be the caretakers of others, the oceans, the lands. The survival of humanity depends on humanity accepting a new way of being in all relationships particularly the one with Mother Nature. Many rapid course corrections will be required on the road ahead as far more opportunities and potentialities will emerge than can currently be perceived. For now, remain curious about the world but be cautious. (c)GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit.
January 2023