You realized long ago that you and your life were not "normal" and stopped trying to fit in but others have spent the majority of their lives following paths dictated by their programming, checking off boxes of what people are supposed to do while trying to fit into an unrealistic image of what a human is supposed to look like and be as dictated by societal norms and trends. Their energy has been wasted and their power handed over to outside authorities. Now complete ecological collapse is looming and drastic changes must occur quickly in order for humanity to survive.
You are exhausted from the endless conflicts and cruelty on this planet - the energetic war - but an end to this cycle is rapidly approaching. Remain calm, vigilant, and brave. Much is and will be happening behind the scenes and out in the open to interfere with and distract you. Let those attempts fail. Stay grounded and connected to Mother Earth. The natural world is your constant, undistorted source of loving and supportive energy while in physical form. Rely on its sacred presence to help you be clear-headed and emotionally stable while tyranny and oppression reign. Throughout the many rapid shifts ahead, be kind and supportive to those trying to bring their best self forward. Some people will behave in extreme, irrational ways either due to being interfered with energetically or being unwilling to adapt to higher frequencies of light. Remain shielded and maintain strong boundaries in such circumstances. No matter how it appears, there is nothing and no one to fear. Nothing and no one is more powerful than you. Resist anything and anyone that contributes to the harm of the vulnerable and the destruction of the sacred. While you have to respect the evolutionary state of others and the roles they have chosen to play, you do not have to tolerate the presence of evil. The buck stops with you and others like you. As one by one you stand together, the framework of the corrupted patriarchy degenerates and soon the mechanisms and controls of society will crumble en masse causing panic to ensue as everything plunges into the unknown, into darkness, to become something new. Trust your intuition and wisdom to navigate in the dark and into the unknowable future. You may feel you have exhausted your experiences on this planet since much of your life has been spent on repeat but you are no longer tethered to the third dimensional Earth reality construct and its limited possibilities. Because the world currently appears to be a dysfunctional mess, you are cautious not wanting to face further disappointment and boredom by hoping the future will bring something fresh and wonderfully different. But what would your life be like if you started always making the most expansive choices for yourself and the planet along with having an unwavering belief that your dreams would manifest in a way perfect for you and for all? And what would happen if hundreds, thousands, millions also did the same? With billions of contrasting visions of what the future on this planet should be, it may be difficult to perceive how peace can ever exist here. However, consider what peaceful times can be - big and small. For you personally, it could be time spent playing guitar or painting a landscape or playing fetch with your dog or having drama-free relationships with loved ones. Or it could be opposing sides in a centuries long religious war deciding to lay down arms. There are no limits to what peace can be. By experiencing what brings you joy, engaging in ease, you bring peace to the world. When your heart is full of joy, there is no space for hate or lack. What others have or do or do not do does not diminish your peace because you are full. You accept what is from a place of spiritual joy. There is no resistance or conflict, simply peace. And this is how peace - quietly and effectively - will come to Planet Earth. (c)GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit.
January 2023