You are still entrenched in the intensity of the eclipse cycle and much anticipation lingers in the air. Others are struggling unable to let go of the old life that was unsatisfying but predictable and secure - however, you are ready for your new life though you cannot quite perceive what it might be or look like. You have cleared away the major patterns that attempted to keep you small and in lack and are now seeing the first indications of the fruits of your labor. Continue to press onward knowing your efforts are not in vain.
It is frustrating when others attempt to keep you in roles that are no longer for you - perhaps were never for you - be patient with them knowing others really are doing their best from the level of awareness they are operating from. You may know they are capable of so much more but do not be disappointed. They will attempt to put you back into a place where they feel comfortable but continue to stand true in your integrity for it is not your role to please others at the expense of yourself. Be kind and compassionate but maintain boundaries always. And if others continually refuse to respect you, let go of them with love knowing it is best for all. You are not afraid now to take bold, courageous steps to make life-altering changes. These changes may not be fully understood by others, if at all, but when you follow where your instincts lead, you will not go wrong though others may fret over your choices. You have learned that it is advantageous to be the leader of your own life and the direction you follow but others still rely on fate and sudden changes of circumstances to put them on whatever path is available. However, you now follow the path of your own making and though you may not know what for certainty what is ahead, you know with confidence, you are far better placed than ever before. You are on the precipice - in the stillness within and without. But soon you will dive into the next level of challenge - onwards and upwards into unconquered, unexplored territory for you. You are well ready for this next stage and there is no hesitation to experience every detail of it for it is your own creation. All that you have desired to be and feel has been readied. Watch for the signs and prompts that indicate what direction to go. You will not get lost or return to the place of imprisonment where you were. You are free now - never to go back to what once was and what might have been. Now there is only what is and it is beautiful and yours. You are never alone and you are never unloved though the old ways and beliefs still try to pull at you from what seems now a far away place. Remember Mother Earth is always ready and available to ground you and embrace you with her love. Feel the wind, touch the trees, taste the rain. Never doubt that you exist in a new world full of love and peace and trust that very soon others will as well. For you are magic unleashed and the love that you are is everywhere now. (c)GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit.
January 2023