Last month was so unusual and exhausting in its energetic overload but somehow you kept your ordinary life going as your extraordinary self leveled up yet again. You found moments to catch your breath all the while realizing that before the new year, you need to end energy-draining activities and relationships because the energetic pace will not slow. The next few weeks is the time to declutter and refine what truly needs and deserves your focus in life.
When you are fully expanded and open surprisingly wonderful experiences occur but then you contract back and all is almost as it once was. But you are never quite back where you were for always you are progressing further and will never return to who you were and the live that was. But the gulf between what was and who you are now is ever growing and soon you will leave what once was for the final time to live fully in the present and now as the authentic evolving you. There is no need for disappointment if you do not have with you those you once thought you would for others better suited to the authentic you will be joining you on your path in ways they never did before. Know that those you seemingly leave behind are safe and cared for and you need not feel guilty for embodying who you are even if it means that you now live in what seems to be different worlds. Life in their world of control and drama you would now find too confining and stifling for you have expanded beyond such limited space. Their lives will continue in predictable even absurd patterns but yours is unpredictable now. The new normal is to feel unsure and even lost at times. Be at peace with not knowing. There is no need for frustration if you cannot see clearly ahead as you once did. Just relax knowing that all is unfolding at the right time and in the way that is right for you even if it seems too slow. You are not missing anything that is meant for you even if nothing seems to be happening now. You have created the space to manifest all that you wish so trust the process. When you least expect, it will happen in a way you could not have anticipated. Just keep moving forward and trusting that all is well because it always is for you. At times, the ways and behaviors of the old world will invade your new space not to indicate that you have done anything wrong but to allow you the opportunity to stand in your integrity with calm and love in your heart. Your lack of reaction is a powerful message to the Universe and soon such invasions will become infrequent and then disappear. Some days you will be tired and disconnected and on such days, rest and do not judge yourself for not doing and being more. No one can be on every day in such intensity. Time will continue to move briskly and opportunities will appear suddenly and choices will have to be made quickly so allowing for downtime will enable you to be ready for action when needed. Always make the choice for your highest good even if it does not please others. At the moment, others will continue to be distracted by the illusion but focus is your greatest tool now. What holds your attention, what you anticipate, you can and will create for yourself. Your focus will change the world for everyone not just yourself. So do not allow the mind to worry or doubt your abilities or worthiness because you can do this – you are doing this. The results of everything you have done this year to lay your foundation and begin building the life always meant for you will become more obvious in the coming months. You will not feel as alone as you often have for more and more will join you. You have had the courage to hit the reset button in every area of life and it feels uncomfortable. For now, find opportunities to laugh and have fun and spend as much time in nature that you can for soon you will be amazed by the life you have created for yourself. (c)Lisa Renee ~ GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit.
January 2023