The cracks in societal constructs continue to deepen. Many stand transfixed to the soap opera playing out as public servants who have failed as leaders make for compelling players acting out storylines that long ago have jumped the shark. The racists, misogynists, and sociopaths have unmasked themselves. Continue to observe rather than react to disturbing revelations and twisted behavior being either ignored or normalized by the mainstream to avoid becoming physically, emotionally, and spiritually drained. Keep your focus on your path and your purpose not the relentless drama grasping for your attention and energy.
You have fought hard for your freedom - your freedom gained by choosing to do the required work to raise your consciousness. You have remembered who and what you are despite efforts to keep you compliant. Others choose to be manipulated and will fight for their oppressors in order to maintain a distorted reality that they perceive as normal. The level of consciousness others exist in must be respected even if it disgusts and infuriates you. All have their roles to play in this world of contrasts but it is your sovereign right to thwart their attempts to diminish your worth, usurp your power, harm the vulnerable, or destroy the sacred. The foundation for the next phase of your life has been carefully and painstakingly built. You have hesitated to dream that something better awaits as your experience thus far has conditioned you to be wary and cautious, to not hope for too much. But your hopes - your wishes - are powerful. Develop a vision in your mind's eye of what the future for yourself, the future for the planet could look like. Hold that vision. Trust that part of you that is infinite - a creator - and the Universe will respond. To you, change is happening far too slow as the urgency to save the animals and habitats and humans themselves becomes ever greater. Remember it is not your job to rescue everyone. You are not inadequate. You are enough. Gaia has already set in motion a course correction for herself and this planet. You are here to support her and do so by finding acceptance and peace with what is, by seeing and respecting the beauty and complexity of the natural world that surrounds you, by being a gentle yet formidable presence. When existing here becomes unbearably sad, all the problems overwhelming, people far too disappointing, use music and laughter as your tools to lighten and elevate your mood. Spend time with animals and the trees to immerse in unconditional love. Remind yourself that all of this is only temporary and not meant to be taken too seriously. As this world crumbles, reconfigures, and resets, you rise above the fray. Believe in magic to create miracles for magic has and always will be you. (c)GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit.
January 2023