If the energies of recent weeks have left you feeling deflated, you will notice a shift that, while not lifting you high into the stratosphere, will at least leave you feeling as if you are again moving forward on your path. The collective will remain turbulent as the old paradigm continues to collapse and people will continue to unconsciously project their fear onto others. Be an observer of what plays out around you, detached and at peace - for much of what is swirling about now has more to do with others than with you. Communication on an intimate level may remain elusive, your passion unmatched, the supportive presence of others inconsistent or entirely absent. Your daily experience may often leave you disappointed or sad and allow yourself to experience those feelings without believing that somehow you have failed or fearful that your feelings will attract more of what you do not want. Allow yourself to acknowledge and move through the feelings in order to not attach to them as your permanent state of being and to not obscure all that you have in your life to be grateful for.
You and/or those around you may be processing grief or overcoming post-traumatic stress syndrome - even from being highly empathic and sensitive in a dysfunctional world. Offer love and provide space for healing without judgment or a timeline for snapping out of it. Do not interfere or try to fix the situation for another unless asked directly for assistance. Resist allowing the apparent emotional and spiritual defeat of others to discourage you from believing that something better is on the horizon even if on some days that notion seems far-fetched - even impossible. Continue to reach out to the mountains, the trees, the animals, the oceans for strength, stability, and love when you need support. Acknowledge the sacredness of and send love to all sentient beings as part of your daily practice. Remain as present as possible - not clinging to the past, nor worrying about the future. Stubbornly attempting to hold yourself in place and not releasing what needs to go due to fear of the unknown will only result in unnecessary emotional and spiritual pain for new opportunities are ever-unfolding if you do not close yourself off from receiving them. Free yourself from any limiting beliefs and forge on. Be open, fierce, and determined, love unabashedly, creating a unique joyful masterpiece for yourself to experience. It is happening - it really is - even on the days when it seems lifetimes away. (c)GingerMysteries http://www.gingermysteries.com/ You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit.
There is plethora of retrograde planets at the moment bringing an overall drag to any forward momentum in the collective. Rather than being at the mercy of outside energies, it is important to continue to venture out of your comfort zone. If you tried something new that in theory should have worked but didn’t, do not consider it a mistake but a learning experience and keep trying. There are no mistakes for you are experimenting now to see what is meant to be a part of the life of the new you and what is not.
For those of you who are highly empathic and energetically sensitive, you may have witnessed a lack of sense and discernment from those caught in a 3D haze over these past few weeks. Even those who are awakened may seem at times to be trying to follow the old world rules and be judgmental and restricting in their words and actions. Do not allow such behavior - even if directed at you - to be seen as a reflection of you or your progress. Do not attach to their words or actions - merely allow them to slide off of you as if you were wearing a non-stick suit. Forgive those who fall into out-dated roles and patterns in order for disappointment and bitterness to not take root within you. Strong boundaries remain your best defense. Your journey remains about moving upwards and onwards - being the loving, creator being that you are. Trying to follow well-worn steps of the past will not lead you to any place expansive and this is particularly true in relationships. It can get frustrating to witness others easily fall in and out of romances when perhaps you have waited months or years for the right partner. However, such shallow entanglements are not for your best and highest good. If you find yourself single in these intense energies, focus on developing strong friendships built on trust without a particular timeline to stick to. There really is no need to hurry things along as impatience and expectation does not create a supportive environment for growth for either party in a partnership of any kind. Yes, there have been delays and interference in your growth but you are the one now who dictates how your story plays out and how it ends. So continue to be bold, even defiant, of the way things have always been and forge a new way, the right way for you. Be respectful of others and their paths but do not be afraid to stand alone for it will be only temporary. It is unnecessary to use the opinions of others about you to gauge how well you are doing. Toss out the old labels of how you define yourself, that old story you told others to define you, and create that new more authentic you to allow yourself to experience a new way of being that is focused more on joy than on lack. Your time here is short so make the most of it by having fun, loving fiercely, and creating with the gifts that you brought here to share. Always radiate your light so brightly that when others close their eyes to shield it, all they see is purple. (c)GingerMysteries http://www.gingermysteries.com/ You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. In each and every moment, it is up to you to discern what feels right for you and what does not. Without judgment, allow what does not to fall away from your space to avoid cluttering and inadvertently attaching to that which is not meant for you. Do not look to others to see what might be working for them even if they seem to be on a much easier path than yours. Make the choices that are right for you - even if no one else really gets what you doing. In fact, if they seem confused or lost by what you are doing, it is likely a sure sign you are doing what is the best and highest good for you. It may seem disappointing and frustrating that your outward experience right now does not seem to match the strides you have made to release the past and become a more authentic you. But do not allow discouragement or the feeling of being alone discourage you or dissuade you from going even further. If much of what is playing out around you seems boring, predictable - even surreal - you are having an authentic experience. There is a continued lag in the physical world to catch up but it will and when it does, it will be worth enduring this void period.
Do not allow anyone - even self-help gurus or so-called spiritual experts- make you feel like you are failing because you are tired or restless or not living a life of laughter skipping through fields of flowers every day holding hands with your twin flame. Seek guidance only from those who make you feel empowered and supported. The statement to "be your own guru" is quite true. If it makes you feel bad about yourself or somehow less than or that you are failing, then allow it to fall away as not for you. For those of you who have expanded to 5D or beyond, the struggle to remain positive and open while having to operate in the illusion of 3D is challenging. It is easy for those who are living in a forest or meditating in a cave to feel at peace but a sign of true mastery to remain at peace when working day to day with those existing at a very different vibrational level. Give yourself credit for being the light in the darkest of places. Because irrational emotions and erratic behavior are running high, keep closest to you only those that are truly beneficial for your well-being. Anyone who is a drain on you needs to have their impact on your energy minimized so set and keep boundaries in place when it is necessary. Spend time with those who put you at ease particularly if you are seeking a life partner. If someone makes you feel nervous, on edge, unsure, he or she is not for you. Be patient with others who are ascending just as you are as often they may seem unavailable or absent but many times it is not reflective of their feelings for you, but rather the chaotic energetics in play keeping them at a distance. Again, it is goes back to discernment for you to know who is meant for you and who is not. Much may seem delayed with an air of seriousness but it is important to relax and trust that all is in perfect order. At times, you may not be sure of why you are here or what you are supposed to be doing as nothing may seem to be working but continue to send love to Mother Earth and to all sentient beings as this remains the primary mission for all. When you are in a pause, reflect and revisit dreams and ideas that once seemed impossible because when the energy shifts, and it will, that which once seemed impossible will be possible as the distortion fades and the path ahead clears. (c)GingerMysteries http://www.gingermysteries.com/ You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. The first two months of the year have prepared you for the next four weeks that will bring rapid adjustments to your daily experience. Expect unexpected delights. Expect painful endings that are ultimately for your highest good. Expect illusion everywhere. Expect to make magic. Let go of all you have been to allow yourself to be reborn as someone more authentically you.
This month the Universe will stop allowing you to avoid or bypass the reality you need to face as it shatters the illusions you have created for yourself so that you can fully stand open and ready in the Now to receive all the love and abundance that the Universe has to offer you. What have you been conditioned to believe about yourself and your life that anchors you to a pattern no longer comfortable for you? Why do you keep hiding or holding back or playing small when freedom and joy are in reach just beyond your fingertips? The fear perpetuated by your mind keeps you safe but also keeps your stifled. All the painful moments that you dread repeating and even the beautiful moments of the past exist no more but in your mind. The time has come to stop attempting to create something wonderful from a place of fear or to recreate seemingly perfect moments of the past but instead to create anew from a place of innocence and faith tempered by wisdom. Emotionally and even spiritually you may already feel spent from the first two months of this year. If so, withdraw and recharge without feeling guilty for not accomplishing all the must dos. Spend time in nature and connect to the trees, the water, the earth. Feel the love that is available to you in nature and allow it to replenish you. Remember to breathe deeply and acknowledge that in each moment you are doing the best you can with the circumstances presented to you. It seems cliche to say but when the rest of the world feels like it has abandoned you, it truly is a sign to love yourself more. Be generous with your kindness and gentleness. Realize that even those closest to you who are awakened and aware are facing their own demons and may not have knowingly abandoned you when you are feeling your loneliest. When you are with someone who loves and appreciates you, soak up each moment in gratitude without expectation of what is ahead, only savoring the Now. Allow yourself to relax, enjoy, and play in those times of ease for it makes getting through those intense lows just a bit easier. Much of the energy waves you ride on now are so much bigger than you and any of your shadows for it is the collective in chaos, the masses awakening and unsure what life preserver to cling to as they try not to drown in the nearly overwhelming cesspool of illusionary fear and lack. But you have the ability to rise above the fray by merely focusing on the peace within and the love that is the true force of the Universe. Be brave and continue to love even if it seems no one is open to receiving it. Unconditional love of others is never wasted as it plants seeds - the results of which you may never see but it is the stuff that dreams are made of. Continue to send love to our planet and to all sentient beings knowing that you are the magic creating not only a new world but each new experience for yourself. You have learned your lessons, gained your wisdom, so take big risks. If you something you try does not work out, try again making better choices for yourself the second or even third time. Do not dwell on worry or fret about what qualities and abilities you seemingly lack but instead align with what is for it is there that Love and all the abundance of the Universe is always available to you. And then get ready to be amazed and say “Wow…just wow” at the astonishments you manifest for yourself. (c)GingerMysteries http://www.gingermysteries.com/ You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. There is a maelstrom in the collective caused by turbulent astrological aspects, solar activity, emotional overwhelm, and shocking revelations. Even if your own little world remains peaceful and seemingly uneventful, it is crucial to find a moment every day to just breathe, collect your thoughts, check in with what is yours and what is not that you might be carrying with you, release what belongs to another, feel into the love that you are - the love all around you, and breathe once more. So much is in play right now and the intensity and pace of movement will not be easing. After all the jolts and shakes of last month, use this month to get yourself and your space tidied up and ready for the pre-eclipse season will soon be here with more of the unexpected and life-altering coming your way.
With regards to relationships, those of you have been without a partner for a considerable time may experience a new level of intimacy in a unique and sacred relationship with another. Allow it to unfold gently as you are meant to have this connection free of the bitterness and disappointment of the past. Notice what still blocks and triggers you and move through it without projecting this on to the other. You should feel calm and peace with this person - not fear which leads to attempts to rush, control, or manipulate. Bring your highest and best self to this union and allow it to transform and add beauty to your overall life experience as you are called to go even deeper into intimacy with yourself. This is a time to line your ship with your heart's horizon and sail, though you cannot be sure where you are going and how it will all turn out. It is absolute trust and faith in yourself and complete belief in your worth and value to manifest the life experience you have always dreamed of. It is not pie in the sky to believe that you can end each day feeling fulfilled rather than drained and disappointed. Consider what adjustments need to be made by you and what circumstances need to align in order for it to happen. Remember to continue to send love to Mother Earth, the animals, the trees, the stones, the oceans each and every day. There is a lot of destabilizing energy in the collective but the natural world is your constant loving support through it all. Continue to embrace the ever-unfolding authentic you and let go of all things, beliefs, judgments, actions, people, emotions that were never quite you. So many choices will need to be made quickly soon and the more free you are of the past, the greater ease you will have discerning what is temporarily you from what and who will remain with you for the remainder of this life experience. You will experience relief and joy when you are finally able to drop your armor and play creating the magic that you are. And it is coming soon - very soon. Maybe even now.... (c)GingerMysteries http://www.gingermysteries.com/ You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. You stand on the precipice - a place of quiet and peace - but what’s ahead remains unclear - it could be a quagmire that attempts to keep you in the drama and emotional teeter-totter of the old energies or it could be a void of vast, vague potentiality of what may or may not manifest. But truly now you can only take the path that takes you forward. You cannot re-do your steps resulting with a different once-desired outcome. Instead, you must release the past and step boldly into the unknown with everything unclear but the desire in your heart for something better than what you have experienced before.
Throughout this new year, you will develop new relationships without the old relationship rules and structures that led to dysfunction and co-dependency. These relationships will seem unusual to you and to those closest to you but will provide tremendous opportunity for growth. The more vulnerable and open you remain, the more beneficial and joyful these relationships will be as the level of intimacy deepens. However, if you attempt to force or have expectations, the relationships will wither and fade away. But ultimately you cannot make any mistakes for any relationship with merit for both parties will weather a mis-step here and there as you both learn to navigate in this new space. However, be vigilant with long-time relationships with friends and family that may still require strict boundaries or even distance to demonstrate love and respect for yourself and others. Continue to pay attention to world affairs from the periphery - aware but not attached. The scenarios that play out will continue to be at times melodramatic or horrific. Know that for most of these situations, your best reaction is one of steadiness and detachment. No matter what is playing out around you, keep a laser focus on your inner peace and the love that you radiate. Much that is spoken of in the media or discussed by the masses is meant only to distract you and keep you in fear. Demonstrate compassion for your fellow humans for all have a spark of the divine even if it is sometimes difficult to see because they have lost sight of it within themselves. Remain the voice for the animals and the forests and the oceans and even the air - for we must remain vigilant to protect them. You are not the you that you were a year ago and you will continue to evolve into a truer you throughout this year. Do not be alarmed if old stuff seems to rear its head from time to time. It is up to you to discern if you can allow it to drift away or if there is more to learn from its re-emergence. If you have long been ignoring an issue, expect the Universe to continually smack you with it until you once and for all, face it head on. But if you have already done the deep cleaning required in your darkest recesses, all you need to say is “this is not for me anymore” and any dross will slip out of your awareness more rapidly than ever before. You have already examined it, processed it, released it a thousand times so no need to attach to it and do it all over again causing yourself unnecessary suffering. Overall this month is a time to get things in order - develop objectives for the near future and take action when the moment is right. Again, nothing is to be forced. Even when you feel stuck - and you will from time to time as things evolve behind the scenes - take small steps and be okay with holding space and waiting for the opportune time to take big strides. You have long been disappointed and often become impatient but now you can anticipate with excitement the experiences your magic is creating. Some of these long-awaited experiences have started to manifest already - allow them to develop and flow. How far you can go now depends on how bold you can be. So be fearless and radiate the love that you are. Be at ease and watch the magic manifest. And then finally, at last, after all the twists and turns of your healing journey, experience the beauty and joy and fun that human life alone offers. (c)GingerMysteries http://www.gingermysteries.com/ You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. As you enter this last month of a most unusual and powerfully transforming year, you find yourself in a state of grace. At peace with what is and what is to come. Internally you have cleared lifetimes of karma away yet the world around you seems to be stuck in what was, not thriving in what is now. The world is waking up. It will be jarring to those who have long enjoyed bliss in their ignorance. But it is not for you to attach or to judge or even to console, unless asked directly for assistance, but to merely to be a beacon of peace and love in the maelstrom. Your steadiness, your calm, your neutrality reflects the qualities you have earned as the warrior you have been. You came here to serve, not to fight as you have in the past with weapons, but to alone endure and to overcome with love. In this you have triumphed and now slowly, hesitantly the masses rise to meet you not because you are better or are greater but because in the darkness, you are lighting the way. They will learn what you have come to know, what you have always known. They are unsteady, confused, and unsure. It is for you to embody integrity in both word and action to lead them fearlessly into the unknown.
Those who have long been around you may still be more concerned with the mundane and mediocre than the sacred and profound and that is perfectly fine for them. Others who may have at first seemed to be on the lightening speed path with you may have also fallen into the safe and predictable. It may be disheartening to see others with so much potential settling for less, believing they have to retreat into a newly constructing box after fighting so hard to free themselves of the old one. Do not try to rescue or fix things for them. Call them out on their victimhood with love and compassion, then let it go knowing that they can take care of themselves and will find their way at the right time. There are those who still push away love due to fear even among the awakened ones. Do not try to convince them that loving you is right for them. Instead, love them from a distance trusting that the one who will be a true and loving partner is on his or her way to you. There is no need to worry that you will long be alone in this new space as others more in line with you will be joining you soon. Venture out into new places so that you can find one another knowing that it is safe for you to stray from the known and predictable. Keep your discernment high. Be alert not afraid. No matter what is playing out around you, whatever emotion might overcome you, remember that only the mountains, the trees, the sky, the ocean, the animals are true - the rest is only temporary and fleeting. At any moment, you can tune into universal love that is always steady and strong - always waiting to envelope you at the asking. As this year ends, keep your goals lofty and continue moving forward toward them with your head held high. Continue to be bold and if you mis-step and perceive that you have failed, learn from it and try again a new and different way. Keep the vision of a peaceful, healthy planet in your sights and be at ease. You are doing splendidly even on the days you cry or just want to take a nap. Never doubt that your magic touches many even if it is unknown to you. You will continue to break from the matrix that has long held you and you will meet others who will honor all that you are and not seek to diminish you in any way. The more quickly you release the patterns and beliefs of the past, the faster you will be guided forward into an entirely new space but you will always travel at the pace right for you. There is a quickening now due to the mass awakening and you feel it more than most so continue to take time to rest and spend time in nature without worry or feeling guilty that you are not doing enough. There is much to do to keep the world on this new trajectory but the burden is not on you to fix everything. You being here trying your best, letting go of the programming of ages and that is more than enough. (c)GingerMysteries http://www.gingermysteries.com/ You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. The more the storm rages around you, the greater your awareness of your inner calm. You have detached from the old programming. Your personality remains but you just do not get swept up in the collective madness and distraction anymore. You may feel at times quite isolated even from those who are awakened who still seem to play by the old world rules. Continue to be at ease for your way does not need to fit in with what others are doing or believing. Simply being uniquely you is more than enough.
Some are now finding soul mates and are back in romantic relationships after a long dry spell, others find themselves on the twin flame roller coaster, and others who are progressing quickly breaking patterns and learning lessons still await their partners. You will continue to notice long-time relationships falling apart. The old way of romantic relationships is not sustainable now and more will come to realize that but until then expect those around you to experience plenty of shock and drama. The greatest area of healing for almost everyone is in the area of sexuality and this is the one most will attempt to put off the longest due to the level of trauma, guilt, and shame. As these blocks are increasingly released by individuals, the sacredness of sexuality will begin to permeate into the collective level opening up the potential for mutually-healing partnerships that previously could not have existed. All that has been hidden is emerging so expect more long suppressed history and secrets to continue to be revealed. Be discerning regarding mainstream news and information as much of it seeks to separate and distract. Trust your feelings and inner truth in order to guide yourself away from the many forms of manipulation and control. There may be days you are tired and just not feeling it and that is perfectly fine. Interacting in the outside world may at times feel crushing which is not an indication that you are doing something wrong. Allow yourself to rest and disconnect when needed. Retreat into nature as often as possible. Remember others around you are also feeling tired but may not know what is happening. They may be irritable with erratic behavior so be mindful but not afraid. Try to not fall into disappointment or boredom. The big changes you long have waited for may be taking longer than you would like but your persistence and mindful action will bring results so keep going forward into this uncharted territory. Others around you may be caught up in nostalgia - what was and what might have been - and want to try to recreate the past with you playing a role of their choosing. But you are free of limitations set by others. Stay focused on what you are building and creating in the now. You gained tools and wisdom in the past but your future does not lie there. Take necessary action without hesitation. Feel the love that you are. Allow your serious thoughts to subside and use the magic of your imagination. It is time for fun. (c)GingerMysteries http://www.gingermysteries.com/ You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. You may have noticed now that nearly all around you are being affected from the latest round of energetic shake-ups to one degree or another. You may witness it in the zombie-like driving of others, the complaints of inability to sleep, irrational relationship choices, or weird outbursts. Be cautious of any erratic behavior of others but be compassionate. At least you have gotten used to the routine by now -- huge energetic influx, integration - fogginess, tiredness, lack of clarity, leveling up - steadiness, clarity, energy regained, the cycle repeating over and over -- but imagine how scary it is for them to not understand at all what is happening to them. You will continue to witness others revealing the truth in their words even for actions they wish to hide. But there is no hiding now - only integrity and authenticity can withstand this barrage of light. Expect more revelations of truth from those directly around you and from those on the world stage.
Your resilience will be tested repeatedly but no matter what is hurled at you that in the past would have affected you mentally, emotionally, and/or spiritually, you carry on now. You feel it, you are aware of it but it no longer has the power to become an obstacle or derail you. You observe, feel into a situation, before taking action that is in resonance to your soul. No more playing roles to please others, no more taking to heart the attacks of others. You stand tall now in your power having found your path and your voice. You forgive yourself and others for any perceived wrongdoings or mistakes which brings greater ease to your experience. Circumstances and relationships around you will continue to be in flux - attach only to what and who feels expansive and allow the rest to flow away. People and scenarios from the past will reappear but it is always your choice to repeat worn patterns or let go. It is not necessarily a call for more healing - just more dross in your memory ready to depart your identity. The new may not appear instantly but be patient for it is on its way whenever you draw a line in the sand and tell the Universe "No more of that. I am ready for something/someone new." At times, slow and steady will be the best game plan and at other times, there can be no hesitation or an opportunity will be quickly gone (not to worry though other opportunities will appear). The more you allow yourself to take time away from the chaos of everyday modern life, the more you will be able to read your body and trust your instincts. Do not push yourself too far, too fast. You are never missing anything meant for you or falling behind others such are only perceptions of the mind. You are in the midst of many changes and you are required to adapt very rapidly but you have come amazingly far already. Rather than focus on what you perceive yourself to lack, continue to focus on all that you are and all that you have accomplished. Indulge in fun often - you deserve it - life was never meant to be so serious and challenging. Do not worry that you are not doing enough, often being quiet and present in the world is all that is required of you. Continue to hold space for Mother Earth, the animals, the trees, the oceans as they support us while often not respected or neglected by humankind. Close your eyes and feel your connection to all of them whenever you feel lost or unsure and you will instantly feel more grounded and at peace. Expect more weirdness and unusual happenings but allow yourself to be amused rather than fearful of the unplanned for it is meant to demonstrate the playfulness and unexpectedness of creation. Know that you are an active creator in the Universe which truly makes anything is possible when you radiate the love that you are. Keep tweaking and holding your intentions for the new world is here and soon all will see and experience the beauty and magic that has been present all along. (c)GingerMysteries http://www.gingermysteries.com/ You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. If you consciously pause rather than continually being swept up in the rush of the incoming waves, you will marvel and laugh at the ride you have taken. For some, their lives continue on much as they always have. But even they know something is different, that change is in the air, yet they cling to what they know hoping it provides security from the changes still to come. And for others, the newly awakened, they struggle to gain their footing on land that has given way. You have already been there, done that, and pulled yourself up and out of the quicksand of much of what held you in the past. But your journey has only begun for so much more learning and growth is on its way. Balancing life as a spiritual being in a world still operating on the concept of limitation can be tiring and frustrating. Allow yourself times of rest by retreating from the world of illusion and distraction - turn off those smartphones and televisions - and just be in the solitude of nature to rejuvenate and reset. The natural world moves at a pace and rhythm all its own and to synch yourself to it for a few hours or days can heal the bruises inflicted by a world dictated by an artificial clock. And if you cannot take an extended time out, take a few moments each and every day to send love to Mother Earth, to the oceans, to the forests, and to the animals knowing all are there to support you and to share this journey with you. Discernment remains an important aspect of creating experiences for your highest and best good. Absorbing what information is for your best and leaving the rest without judgment leads to wisdom and the ability to make better choices for yourself in every moment with ease. Worries and stagnation become less a part of your experience as you gain confidence and trust with your inner knowing. This confidence and trust then spills into your relationships with others allowing the control, manipulation, and co-dependency that may have been present in past relationship patterns to fall away. Trying to maintain the status quo in situations and with people stuck in the past is needlessly exhausting so let go in order to create the life you wish to experience. It can be overwhelming to attach to all the wrongs that need righted in the world so remain in a state of grace and peace and you will not hesitate to take whatever action is needed or to speak your truth at the right moment. Be the best you that you can be every day and know that it is enough. You are worthy of all the abundance and gifts of the Universe, you only have to believe it to be so. There will be many powerful energies at work this month and huge leaps of progress may be made in areas of your life that have not had much progress for months or even years. Do not get impatient as you begin to see movement but rather allow all to unfold at the pace it is meant to. Though time seems to be moving ever more swiftly, there is no need to rush. All that is meant for you to experience and all that you anticipate will occur so no need to hurry and miss out on savoring each moment to come. You have been untethered, out of the box all the while. Allow yourself to experience the freedom that has always been yours. There is no need to follow the footsteps of another. You are your own leader. Life is not meant to be serious all the time so indulge in fun. Do something unusual and unexpected. Enjoy! (c)GingerMysteries http://www.gingermysteries.com/ You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. |
January 2023