<![CDATA[GingerMysteries - Energy Reports]]>Wed, 26 Feb 2025 22:50:52 -0800Weebly<![CDATA[February 2023 Energy Report ~ Things Have Been Dark for Too Long]]>Sun, 29 Jan 2023 14:08:41 GMThttp://gingermysteries.com/energy-reports/february-2023-energy-report-things-have-been-dark-for-too-longThe exhaustingly slow death of the cycle of the oppressed and the oppressors grinds along. Many days it may seem that the wrong side is winning the final stand in a struggle
that has lasted millennia. This struggle has erased histories, languages, works of art, scientific and engineering achievements, and untold lives. The collateral damage has been an incalculable number of animals, insects, and plants that have gone extinct due to being used or simply being in the way. This cycle must end because humans now exist in a nearly destroyed habitat that once easily sustained them and there is no other option for humans to live on than to end it.

It is not comfortable to face and accept truth.  It is far easier to pretend that there is no ongoing worldwide plague, that autocracies do not have majority rule of the world, that climate is not actively changing - to be indifferent to all the suffering as long as personal needs are met.

But the measure of any man or woman is how when faced with so many challenges, so much horror, so much loss, they can accept what is while having the courage to be kind and open in order to strive for something better.  Such people can be immersed in it all and still find peace rather than bypassing all of the ugliness that has been made an intrinsic part of human existence.

Some are conditioned to be violent and sociopathic to enforce the will of the oppressors. But mainly the oppressors want the oppressed to be distracted by the wasting or hoarding of resources. Resources may be money, time, energy, food, opportunity. The oppressors want the oppressed to believe that they are broken and undeserving while feeling overwhelmed by overly complicated systems that must be navigated in their daily lives.

Many social media influencers, new age gurus, self-help books, mainstream magazines and media are part of the conditioning so attention remains focused on fixing what does not need fixed in one’s self rather than focusing on the systems of oppression which are the root cause of lack. Thus even after putting forth their best efforts to achieve goals or an improved self, rarely do the oppressed gain the desired result. Failure is nearly always inevitable because it is the outcome chosen by the oppressors. Focus is misdirected for years until this conditioning is recognized and adjustments made to better serve the individual by directing personal resources to dismantling the systems which only serve the oppressors.

You may feel depleted and defeated but you are a warrior because you still care. Humans are at their best when they look out for each other.  Even if the odds seem stacked against you, step up when your voice, your presence is needed. Be love in action.

Even with all the disappointment and loss, it is a gift to be alive surrounded by the magnificent natural beauty of this planet, to have the pure joy of laughter, to have the pleasure of hearing music. May you be filled with the grace of remembering on the days when you feel battered and unsure that light is ever present here even when it feels that you are the only the light.

(c)GingerMysteries www.gingermysteries.com
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<![CDATA[January 2023 Energy Report ~ Be Yourself, Don't Hide, Just Believe in Destiny]]>Sat, 31 Dec 2022 15:46:25 GMThttp://gingermysteries.com/energy-reports/january-2023-energy-report-be-yourself-dont-hide-just-believe-in-destinyA Trekkian-type alternate universe continues to exist alongside actual reality. In one universe, a large number of people continue to act out outdated parts in a play that has already ended pretending that infrastructure is not failing, that climate is not changing, that ecosystems are not collapsing, that a pandemic does not exist and in the other universe, a smaller number of people are guided by truth and facts seeing where humanity is and where humanity - indeed all sentient life - needs to be in order to survive and thrive for generations to come.

Many are choosing ease and frivolity in the short term thereby denying others happiness - even life - in the long term. It is disheartening and disappointing to see what is as it truly is in this moment but no matter the present circumstances, hope is ever present. You may have to adjust your expectations of this moment but you do not have to settle for less. Your value and worth are not reflected by what you have experienced in the past nor by what you have in the present. Make the conscious choice to be happy anyway.

Existing in this world, you encounter many thieves of joy to make you feel lesser and be less. Instead, be more - more kind, more creative, more passionate, more loving. Those that inherit or achieve great wealth or positions of leadership are often the most empty. Instead, be filled with generosity, laughter, faith, love, peace.

Over the next few years, you may need to continually adapt to unanticipated changes and alter how you maneuver on your path as your surrounding circumstances shift in unexpected ways. Nurture the relationships that help to sustain and support you and do not take for granted the presence of those that matter the most to you. Your way forward in pursuing your dreams may be obscured now but your efforts have not been for naught. It will be uncomfortable and unsettling exiting the old collective way of being and entering the new collective way of being but you have done this already on a personal level multiple times. You are well-prepared and ready. Step in.

(c)GingerMysteries www.gingermysteries.com
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<![CDATA[December 2022 Energy Report - They Give You This, But You Pay for That]]>Tue, 29 Nov 2022 20:02:09 GMThttp://gingermysteries.com/energy-reports/december-2022-they-give-you-this-but-you-pay-for-thatWhile the majority continue to pretend that all is back to the old normal, ignoring the essential work of sorting the meaningless from the invaluable, the fake from the real to the detriment of the future of human life, you remain living in the trenches being aware of so much, experiencing so much. You may not have a carefree life but your existence has meaning and purpose.

Many world issues need immediate attention and course correction but energy is diluted into the frivolous or the profit-bearing. You are disappointed that so many choose denial rather than the truth of the present reality. You are cognizant that your choices - your action or inaction - often has unforeseen consequences and outcomes, partly because society’s game is rigged for the few but also because much about life is unknowable and uncontrollable.  But you at least try your best for the highest good and when you are not at your best, you do what you can with what you have.

Being alive really means being immersed in death. As soon as you are born, you begin your walk toward your own death. Along the way, you experience often too brief respites of laughter and pure bliss, while having to learn to accept loss and endings - even while in the deepest depths of grief, learning to see the beginning in each ending. As humanity runs towards its extinction, there is still hope but delaying acceptance of what is only compounds misery and the amount of effort necessary to build a framework in which all sentient beings may thrive rather than struggle in their short existence.

You have value even when your interactions with others do not reflect that, even if the reward for your diligent efforts is often insufficient. Continue to hold your vision for what this world could be, what life for you could be. Make choices that get you closer to the realization of that vision even if your choices are less than optimum. Demonstrate your love for yourself and others by continuing to accept what is over denial and illusion even if it is unpleasant and uncomfortable for that opens the path forward. Your experiences thus far have well-prepared you for what is ahead. Trust that the future can be better than the past and so it will be.

(c)GingerMysteries www.gingermysteries.com
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<![CDATA[November 2022 Energy Report ~ This is the End. This is the Beginning.]]>Mon, 31 Oct 2022 11:15:41 GMThttp://gingermysteries.com/energy-reports/november-2022-energy-report-this-is-the-end-this-is-the-beginningMany humans are conditioned to manipulate and control other people and their environment to get what they want be it wealth or pleasure without regard for the trauma generated by their use and abuse of anyone and everything unfortunate to come across their path. While this behavior has been systemic for millennia, normalized cruelty is rapidly becoming an unsustainable way of being. Most humans no longer have a habitat in which to thrive long term. There are not generations or decades left to change course.

Those that commit crimes against humanity and nature must be held accountable. This must be done quickly because collectively, there is much work to do in very little time. Those that have been doing their inner work must now turn their focus outward to best serve the world. You do not have to be perfect, you just have to care. For too long, too few have actually cared about anything but satisfying selfish wants without regard for the highest and best good for all.

It is disappointing how few are able to read the room right now. Perhaps it is because they are following a false light.  Perhaps it is simply denial about how bad the world situation has actually become.  Doing the right thing in the face of fear is hard while living in illusion is easy because it feels safe.

You will navigate through what is ahead by being adaptable and wise. Clear your space of anyone who spouts hate or dehumanizes other. Own your past mistakes. Be proud of what you have achieved and overcome. Learn about human history - the patterns that need to end in order to move forward collectively.

Acknowledge what is but foster hope. Spread laughter. Be kind.

Being an observer - an outsider - has well-prepared you for this moment. Trust yourself. There is still beauty and joy to be experienced ahead. Be open to trusting those who operate with integrity and heart. You are going farther than you ever thought you could go.

(c)GingerMysteries www.gingermysteries.com
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<![CDATA[October 2022 Energy Report ~ The Truth Is What It Is]]>Thu, 29 Sep 2022 11:59:23 GMThttp://gingermysteries.com/energy-reports/october-2022-energy-report-the-truth-is-what-it-isMost everyone and everything may just seem like too much. Every encounter, every situation always comes with a bit extra. You are in need of a reprieve that has not yet come. Almost none of what is happening to you or around you has anything to do with you. It is exhausting having to experience and endure it all but you are here. You are present. It is enough. Most people are not in a good place right now. Many continue to play outdated roles while ignoring the looming dangers in their present reality while others are enduring unspoken challenges. Walk gently through the world but keep your boundaries strong.

Alarm bells are ringing for the future of humanity. Some may have the privilege to choose to ignore the alarms - even some who proclaim to be energetically tuned-in to All That Is - because they have not yet been a target of harm or destruction so they bypass experiencing anything deemed uncomfortable or inconvenient. Some consider political, legal, and environmental injustice to be low vibe and so it is disregarded irregardless of the suffering other humans and the natural world endure because to be present in collective reality is often unpleasant and they do not want to be anything less than carefree and joyful. Others ignore the alarms because they consider that their accumulated wealth provides protection from civil unrest and escalating natural cataclysmic events. The privileged will not play a helpful role in forging a viable path forward. This leaves the remainder of humans paying attention to what is happening, using their power and energy strategically to attempt to make a better experience for all, while not giving into despair.

The problems may seem too big and too overwhelming - the solutions impossible - but you are not meant to fix it all. Continue to seek out and uphold truth. Learn facts and history from reliable sources and make decisions based on your acquired knowledge and innate wisdom. You may often seem to stand alone and that is okay. Trust that there are others like you doing the work too and you will know when you need to unite for a common cause and the greatest good.

Breathe deep. Be brave. Cry. Scream. Grieve. Feel. Retreat into Nature as needed. All of this is temporary.

(c)GingerMysteries www.gingermysteries.com
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<![CDATA[September 2022 Energy Report ~ When It Rains, It Pours]]>Sun, 28 Aug 2022 17:27:09 GMThttp://gingermysteries.com/energy-reports/september-2022-energy-report-when-it-rains-it-poursLiving is exhausting because systems have made it overly complicated and often no amount of effort will create a positive outcome. Additionally these systems are often controlled and manipulated by mediocre people who consider themselves exceptional and deliberately harm others for money and/or pleasure. But the consensus reality comprised of these systems cannot exist in the frequency bandwidth Planet Earth is moving into. Existing within dying systems is often neither fun nor pleasant but there is potential for something better.

While it is a positive thing that people can no longer hide who and what they are, it is also disturbing to have unrelenting exposure to sociopathic and/or narcissistic people - their words and actions are often an emotional and spiritual assault, and at times, such people cause physical harm. The presence of such discordant beings causes trauma individually and collectively when they are provided a platform to monetize and spread their hate, fear, and lunacy be it a politician or a guru or a media mogul. Their stories manipulate facts by always painting themselves in the most flattering light. But it is a false light. Truth is truth. There is no alternate truth - only deception. Hold such people accountable for their lies and misdeeds for it is the only way to mitigate their ability to harm all sentient life.

To avoid human extinction, consensus reality must shift into a much more pleasant and enjoyable experience within an environment containing the basic resources for survival. Trust that this shift is happening for it is but know that there is much work to do in a very limited time. The planet is quickly become inhabitable for humans in certain areas and mass migrations will occur as populations attempt to stave off extinction. Humans have often manipulated the natural world for profit and comfort but will soon have to rapidly adapt to living and being in new ways in tandem with Nature.

Elevate leaders that follow the path of truth and empathy for they have the capacity to commit to service to others and the planet. Be in the present moment even it is uncomfortable and continue to make the best choice in each moment even when your options are not optimal. You are a being filled with love, compassion, wisdom - committed to truth and service - one who can observe the ugliest depths of human behavior and still have hope - you are enough.

(c)GingerMysteries www.gingermysteries.com
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<![CDATA[August 2022 Energy Report ~ We Know What to Do, We Know What to Say]]>Sun, 31 Jul 2022 15:37:33 GMThttp://gingermysteries.com/energy-reports/august-2022-energy-report-we-know-what-to-do-we-know-what-to-sayAs a caring and kind person, it is a difficult lesson to learn that you must stop expecting to find you in other people. A number of people operate solely from a place of self-gratification. They cannot and will not do the right thing or hold themselves accountable for all the morally - or even criminally -  wrong things they do. You have to lower your expectations for those who are not consciously doing the work to be better and do better. That means keeping your standards high and your boundaries strong. Some people deserve no space in your personal circle and some definitely should not be chosen to represent you when making decisions critical for your safety and survival.

Your choices are very, very important now. Make the better choice in each moment even if it not the best choice or your preferred choice. Do not give your energy, which includes your money, to more of what you do not want. Stop elevating the morally bankrupt members of society, be it politicians or corporate wonder boys, who misuse money and positions of power for their own pleasure. Their cruelty and corruption continue to be called out but yet most still remain in positions where they can do the most harm. These are not the people you need to cooperate with or submit to in order to have a planet that is hospitable to human existence. You no longer have time to waste with their petty games and their mechanisms of misogyny and racism that suppress and oppress those with the wisdom and character to actually allow mankind to survive and thrive into the future.  

The most gifted, the most sensitive, the most creative have often suffered the most in the existing society because of deliberate deprivation of necessary resources to thrive. Society has been built so that your only value is what you can produce which allows others to profit. Your safety, health, or well-being are not considered of importance because you are replaceable with another that will produce until that replacement also needs replaced. This model of society is no longer tenable or sustainable due to an unmanaged pandemic with rapidly mutating variants and disruptive weather events. Your gifts, your insight, your voice which you were forced to limit or even make disappear are now needed to serve others, to serve Mother Earth.

Too many are still pretending that the world is as it was before but what was is gone and those who continue to deny reality will very soon have to confront the true somber picture of human life on this planet. The human collective situation is bleak but it is not hopeless. There are many people willing to do the right thing even if there is no obvious benefit to themselves personally. These are your people. These are the people you elevate and work with. The others will have to stumble in the dark and find their way in their own time. They have played their abusive roles well but now must retreat into the shadows making way for those with true vision and heart to lead. Much must be done very quickly for humanity to survive beyond the next few years. None of what is ahead is comfortable or easy but being flexible and adaptable to whatever presents itself to you is the best way forward.

Remember to laugh, listen to music, to watch the birds, sit amongst the flowers - it is these little things that make life worth living. Take rest even if there seems too much you need to do. Trust that others are doing the collective work when you need to stop and take a breath.  Remind yourself that it is not foolhardy to hold hope in your heart.

(c)GingerMysteries www.gingermysteries.com
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<![CDATA[July 2022 Energy Report ~ In The Name of Love]]>Sun, 26 Jun 2022 14:26:45 GMThttp://gingermysteries.com/energy-reports/july-2022-energy-report-in-the-name-of-loveWitnessing all that is happening in the world, and experiencing some of it firsthand, it is nearly impossible to imagine any future, let alone a future filled with promise and joy. But something new, something different, something better, something equitable has to struggle into existence now because the alternative is deadly. And not just deadly for marginalized, vulnerable groups but deadly for all of mankind.

Men who are mediocre, base, and violent have been allowed to lead for centuries resulting only in failed societies and death. It is obvious that currently many in positions of leadership and trust are incapable of doing the right thing due to their obsession with money and/or their enjoyment of being cruel. They lack the vision and heart to do what is right for it takes effort and a sense of duty and honor to do the right thing particularly when it is of no personal benefit. It is long past time to elevate those with wisdom and compassion to leadership positions.

The greatest threat to the future of humanity remains the inability to rapidly adapt to climatic changes. Societal discord, greed, and violence are preventing necessary preparation for what is now an imminent extinction event. On its current timeline, humanity can only exist a few more years. Time can no longer be wasted on bargaining with sociopaths. In order to survive, beings of love must now perform an act of love for each other and stand together against those trying to maintain the status quo from centuries ago that is not sustainable. To do nothing, to be complicit, will allow humanity to be erased from this planet.

You are a creator and you would rather spend your short life creating beautiful music, beautiful paintings, creating beautiful stories, creating beautiful experiences but instead you must create a new society. You are tired, so so tired but you will stand in defiance of all that is not love. You will do what is right. You will dare to dream and work toward something greater.

(c)GingerMysteries www.gingermysteries.com
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<![CDATA[June 2022 Energy Report ~ It’s Now or Never]]>Sun, 29 May 2022 16:04:04 GMThttp://gingermysteries.com/energy-reports/june-2022-energy-report-its-now-or-neverFor some, survival is a struggle from birth due to lack of safety and lack of resources. Now this lack is becoming more apparent to a greater number of people due to centuries of failed patriarchal leadership exacerbated by climate change and worldwide pandemic. Indifference and greed has ensured that there is a complete lack of preparedness for life-threatening situations and prevention of human extinction. This is the reality of humanity’s current timeline and it is scary.

Your choices in life should not be dictated by fear but you have to be willing to face and confront actual threats to your safety and well-being which is an act of love towards yourself and others. Pretending actual threats are not real will not make them disappear. It is not low vibe nor judgmental to acknowledge and accept that evil exists and that some people embody that evil. This recognition of evil allows you to choose to stop giving power to those that seek to take your power away. This awareness allows you to be cognizant of spiritual teachers promoting QANON conspiracies, false positivity, and other spiritual bypassing means that only perpetuate harm no differently than unethical politicians.

Those that have an insatiable need for power, pleasure, and money at the life-altering or life-ending expense of others must be held accountable for their actions. Allowing such beings to go unfettered is destroying the possibility for humanity to survive and thrive into the future.

You cannot make sociopaths empathize. You do not have to hold space for their fake promises and fake tears. You do not have the time to disagree or argue with them. You only have time to work around them with others committed to creating a world that benefits all sentient beings.

You are being conditioned to be indifferent to murder, rape, and violent speech, to know and stay in your place so to react with emotion, to resist is an act of rebellion. Your complex grief, anger, disappointment, trauma and those fleeting moments of pure joy and peace along with hundreds of other feelings inbetween are what make you human. Feelings are neither good nor bad, neither positive nor negative - but they are powerful. Allow your feelings to lead you to dream, to imagine what you would like to feel and experience in the future. Use your wisdom to know when and how to act for the most beneficial impact. Have faith that this timeline can transition to something entirely different if human free will and requisite action make it happen.

(c)GingerMysteries www.gingermysteries.com
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<![CDATA[May 2022 Energy Report ~ Don’t Give Yourself Away]]>Sat, 30 Apr 2022 14:08:49 GMThttp://gingermysteries.com/energy-reports/may-2022-energy-report-dont-give-yourself-awayYou have an understanding and even an acceptance that this life is not quite what you signed on for. In spite of this, you continue to do your best even if many days it does not seem like nearly enough.

The majority of people around you continue to try to live life according to what was once perceived as normal. However, there is no returning to normal which was actually existing in denial of reality.  Have compassion for them for they are ill-prepared to process what they soon must face. Illusions will continue to be stripped away so all can see what is truth. The acceptance of truth - reality - and uniting in purpose is the only path that leads to the survival of humanity which faces imminent ecological collapse.

Though you were conditioned to believe you were only capable of and worthy of less, the grief, trauma, and disappointment that you have experienced rather than defeating you has strengthened your determination to overcome each and every obstacle thrown before you. Use that resolve to face any fears and doubts as even greater challenges arise. Trust that you have the traits and tools you need to do what is required of you in each moment. Believe that you are enough.

Some in leadership roles continue to misuse power for greed, glory, and pleasure but never underestimate the use of both individual and collective power to vanquish evil. The opposite of love is not hate but indifference. Continue to care. Continue to try. You may be sad, you may be angry, you may be exhausted but have faith that love and kindness will be triumphant.

(c)GingerMysteries www.gingermysteries.com
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