In some ways, the first quarter of the year proved more challenging than you were prepared for or had hoped for and since the intensity will not be abating, try to make the next few weeks about consciously slowing down and indulging in self care when needed. It can be disheartening to see what is happening in the world at large at the moment but try not to be overwhelmed by the number of causes needing attention. Express your dismay at the absurd, illogical, and unethical things happening but do so without judgement. Know that whatever ugliness comes to light does so to be healed and transmuted. Make your voice heard and take a stand if needed but do not become part of the cacophony of hate and always take care of you first. Focus on what is before you in each moment and try not to worry about everything and everyone else. You are not required to fix everything.
Most others around you are truly living in a different world from you now and their lives may still appear to be going along business as usual while your own experience may be very surreal. You will become increasingly aware of the necessity of being able to operate in the heaviness of the 3D world while being more energetically present in the lightness of 5D or higher. In some areas of your life, manifestation of your intentions may appear delayed or happening very, very slowly and that is due to the majority of the world still operating from a 3D density. You will notice that in situations in which there are fewer interpersonal relationships involved and more independent action required, the quicker the manifestations will occur. As others start to release more fear, relationships will evolve more quickly and so too the experiences that require the presence of others. For now, accept others where they are and be grateful for all that you do have and how far you have come so quickly. You are never falling behind or running out of time to create the life of your dreams. If you are still delving deeply into your patterns and working your way out, that is fine. If you have released your patterns and are now hanging in limbo, that is is fine. Everything meant for you will happen at the perfect time. All may not be perfect right now, and that is perfectly ok. There will be days you will struggle and/or be exhausted from the weirdness of the new normal. No matter what you are feeling, trust that all is in divine order and believe in the magic of the unfolding of the miraculous. Life can be beautiful if you choose for it to be. (c)GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit.
You have been in this process for years and there remains a disconnect between you and the collective, even others on an awakened path. You are often not visible - sometimes even completely invisible - to those not in your energetic bandwidth. A few people may tune into and out of the place you exist now but it is not a space that they can yet consistently dwell in as you do. Because of this, you may not be finding your tribe, financial success, a romantic partner, or other opportunities you wish to experience. Rather than over-analyzing yourself seeking the reason the much-touted Law of Attraction is not working for you and rather than judging and blaming others for lagging behind in their inner work, try to remain in a state of grace and faith that is all is as should be.
It is not easy to stay in acceptance when something in the physical world appears to be wrong - but unless some area of your life is glaringly in need of your attention and correction, you are right where you are meant to be. Most likely, clearing for you now is mostly dissolving away what you have accumulated from others rather than ridding yourself of huge karmic weights. When you see yourself falling into worry, doubt, or other states of fear, call yourself back to the present. Breathe and surrender into the moment knowing that all is in Divine Order even if your mind tries to convince you that based on this, this, and that, things should be a particular way and that it is only your failure in some way or your lack of something that things are not as you want them to be. In every Now moment, go in the direction you feel forward movement. Even if certain goals are particularly important to you, there are times when you must let go and accept that either the timing is not right or what you are asking for is not in alignment with the being that you are. Trying to force anything or trying to convince someone to join you on your path when they are not ready will only be successful in draining you of your energy. Trust that if something is not happening for you now, there is a higher reason for it that perhaps you cannot yet see. Rather than being disappointed, know that something even better than you could think of or would ask for yourself is on its way to you if you are willing to let go of what is not meant for you. Look for the blessing in every situation and you will find it. Your presence here at this crucial time for humanity and the planet is not an accident. If you are trying your best to live a life of integrity and peace, you are doing enough. Do not give energy to those who seek to destroy or to disempower others. Have faith in yourself as a being of Love and in Love itself to support creation and renewal. The beauty of the human experience is always present even at the moments you feel weak or defeated. Pace yourself and retreat into quiet as needed knowing that even though time passes at lightning's pace, you are not going to miss all the glorious experiences unfolding for you now. Savor each moment of joy, each moment of pleasure, each moment of laughter, each moment of expansion knowing that though life is short, it is meant to be a fun, not a somber journey. (c)GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. You notice now that the current collective path has essentially reached a dead end. Years of allowing the hidden agendas of a few to play out along with indifference to the destruction inflicted upon Mother Earth and all sentient life has led us all to the current state of decay. And since the Universe recycles all - even the rot - all that is no longer sustainable in the new frequencies of Mother Earth and the mass of awakened ones must be transformed. This process is fast moving and destabilizing for the collective that resists speed and change. For you, change happens too slow. However, be assured that even the changes you have long awaited - the ones that seem improbable or even impossible - are on their way. Your deep inner work and your highest intentions have put into motion many moving parts and players, each individually transforming and evolving, to fall into place and be revealed at just the right time. Do not doubt this though others who are awakened now seem lost in emotional and spiritual struggles and others who are barely awake seem lost in distractions of the collective. Be assured that the unfoldment of your manifestations will no longer be delayed by the drag of others when you continue to make the best choices from the options presented to you in each now moment. If a certain player or situation falls out of alignment with you due to free will choice, rather than becoming an obstacle on your path as in the past, now the player or situation will be removed and replaced by someone or something better suited to your energetic frequency because a state of limbo is no longer an acceptable state for you. Stay in gratitude for what you have and remain focused on the fulfillment of your dreams in each now moment. Do not grieve for who or what is lost to you as you might miss the someone or something better that will bring you amazingly wonderful experiences. Often it may seem you live in your own world but you are still part of humanity even if you barely identify with what drama others are embroiled in. Much turmoil and ugliness will continue to get churned up. Keep your emotions on an even keel so that you can truly feel into a situation with your heart and wisdom. Keep your discernment high. You may have never experienced this level of social unrest in your lifetime but it is not your job to fix all of the world's problems. It is not necessary for you to react to the low vibrational actions and words that attempt to deceive, trigger, and trip you. If your direct action is needed, stand up and be the voice for the vulnerable even if you stand alone. Know that you contribute to the betterment of all sentient beings through your unwavering unconditional love and steadiness. When you need to withdraw from the collective fray, do so. Your well-being and self-care are always your top priority. Find time to relax in quiet and spend time in nature for the pace will only be quickening. All that you have experienced in this and previous lifetimes has led you to this moment. Unbelievable as it may seem, you have completed the difficult part of your journey. Enough with the seriousness. Breathe. This is the time for pleasant surprises and beautiful revelations. Enjoy! (c)GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. We are swept into a new energy to assist in shaking off the lingering effects of the cataclysm that was 2016 and start afresh. There was an extraordinary amount of grief to process last year individually and collectively and now in order to heal your heart, you have to open it. You may have some resistance to opening your heart - fearing a repeat of the hurt and disappointment that you experienced in prior years - but remind yourself that it was in actuality the absence of love that caused you pain not the presence of it. Love creates. Love empowers. Allow love to flow through you and from you. But most of all, allow yourself to receive love.
If you have been deliberately limiting or distancing yourself in relationships in an attempt to feel protected, it is time to let that dissatisfying, unrewarding habit go. As an empath and highly sensitive person, you are understandably cautious. It can be challenging to put down the armor, to reach out in love, and to open to love from another. However, you can only truly demonstrate your self love by trusting yourself to give and receive love. So seek out one like you. There is nothing to fear as only relationships based on interdependency will be sustained long-term in the current energies. You have done so much inner work, dissolved patterns, and learned difficult lessons so it is time to move on and to have fun demonstrating your mastery in an interdependent relationship. Right now, you cannot know all the hows and whys. When you get comfortable with the unknowable and mysterious, you will be in spiritual joy - being at peace with all that is without judging it as good or bad. And it is from this place of spiritual joy that you can create magical experiences for yourself and alter your world into one where you experience emotional joy, too. In the past, you may have always known what to expect ahead of you but now be excited by the mystery of all that could be. You are living in a time of expect the unexpected and the more at ease you are with having unlimited potentialities, the easier it is for the best choices to reach you. Since you have free will, you may choose to continue choosing as you always have attempting to keep things the same with a predictable outcome or you may choose differently for a potentially risky experience with an unknowable outcome. However, it truly is the time to just go for it - to choose differently so you can enjoy every moment of your short human life to its fullest. No matter your age or the circumstances you currently find yourself in, this is your new beginning. All the losses you have endured and all the karmic debris you have released has cleared space for you to build your dreams. Get out of your own way just like everyone and everything else did that hindered your expansion. Your mind may try to convince you that making new choices will only bring more disillusionment, heartache, boredom - but what if it doesn't? The heart knows that giving yourself permission to love without hesitation will make all the difference. So go ahead and try love. Allow the magic to happen. (c)GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. You may be anxious to get this challenging year of endings behind you but the intensity and upheaval brought by necessary universal adjustments will not be diminishing anytime soon. The level of drama and emotional projections from others will remain high. Trust your instincts about people and situations especially when outward appearances seem to contradict what your inner knowing tells you. Continue to live from your place of authenticity no matter what chicanery plays out around you. Your discernment remains your greatest ally.
Those you deeply love may continue to remain confused, adrift, or withdrawn as they struggle in emotional, even psychic, pain for refusing to let go of the habits, roles, beliefs, and people that that they need to for their highest good. Demonstrate your unconditional love by offering prayers of support and allow them to be who and where they are. Avoid the temptation to prod them along or to tell them how to fix their lives. If they choose to be angry or sad or frightened in order to feel self-protected, you must respect and accept their choice. Be present, consistent, and forgiving trusting that when they are ready, your loved ones will choose differently in order to experience something new and expansive rather than dwelling in fear and the past with a false sense of safety. If life in general primarily disinterests you and your daily life is lacking in fun, then your last obstacle to overcome is the passage of time as you wait for the right people and circumstances to fall into place to make your intentions reality. You want all the magical and beautiful experiences that can be had as a human but most others are distracted by shadows and remain stuck in the muck of 3D. Try not to fall into disappointment or sadness due to the absence of others or their attachment to illusion. Realize that now that you have cleared so much on an inner level, the pace of change for you on an outer level is set by the pace the collective can handle, not the pace of change you might choose for yourself. You are far more capable of adapting and recovering from rapid changes and revelations than others so be compassionate towards them rather than frustrated. They may seem twenty years behind you and in a sense, they are but do not despair for they will catch up quickly when they choose to do so. Continue to have faith - even if all is unfolding much too slowly for you - because when things do shift for you, they will shift in a drastic way and appear in a far better form than you can envision right now. As patriarchal rule of the old paradigm continues to crumble, there will be many battles ahead so make self care a priority. Be vigilant about keeping your own energy field clear. Call in the light and send love to Mother Earth and all sentient beings daily. If you often find yourself alone, visit new places, spend time in nature, and do activities that you enjoy by yourself knowing that eventually those who are meant to be will be by your side. You are never alone - for all over the world and the Universe there are other loving beings of peace and you are connected to them all. Have faith that you will find your long-awaited tribe - even the life partner - who shares your mission of being in service to Mother Earth and all sentient beings. Breathe. Unexpected surprises are coming - yes, even pleasant ones - along with plenty of course corrections. Move onward steadfast and ready into the unknown for all is in divine order. (c)GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. Is is an unusual and uncomfortable time especially for the highly sensitive and empathic. The energy of the collective remains compressed and fear-ridden so much so that your expanded self easily becomes exhausted. Time-outs for self-care remain a priority so that you can face and overcome the challenges presented to you. Trust your wisdom and try not to get discouraged for your presence here at this tumultuous time is having a greater positive impact than you can yet know.
Relationships are the fabric of society yet society is being shaken as every type of relationship is in the process of ending or breaking down and re-configuring into a more authentic form. This is a necessary but painful process in order for the sacredness of sexuality, femininity, masculinity, and nature itself to re-emerge. The first stages of this collective and personal healing of sexual wounds is creating a lot of confusion, anger, and denial as the masks of deceit fall to reveal long-hidden truths while the old ways of doing are no longer working. The reality projected to you by the media and the powers that be is that we exist in a surreal, shadowy world filled with hate, lacking love and hope that is descending to a dire fate. However, you have been walking in the darkness for so long acting as your own light shedding all the conditioning that was never true of you that none of the distraction or power-grabbing in the collective can destabilize or disempower you unless you embrace the bleak visages and disturbing emotional projections of others as part of your own identity. Others will continue to exist in line with the illusion projecting fear onto each other until they find their own divinity within. Once that divine recognition takes hold, they will come to realize that there is only love and there is no need for those with loving hearts to control or destroy the planet or other sentient beings. Do not get frustrated with yourself or others if progress seems slow or stalled because you are actually still moving forward as long as you are trying your best in each moment. Continue to build on the foundation of the new life you are creating for yourself by making choices that allow for further expansion even if it seems pointless in this density. Be assured that when the timing is right and when you are being and doing that which supports your soul's growth, you will encounter ease and rapid movement. Stay out of judgment and expectations of yourself and others allowing everything to unfold in a way far better than anything you could ever expect or imagine. Do activities that elevate you and bring you laughter for far too often you are much too serious when life is meant to be a joy to embrace, not a burden to carry. Soon may seem far away but in truth, it is already here now, so hold on to your faith and keep your drowsy eyes open because you will not want to miss any of the magical reveal. (c)GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. For most the part, all that plays out around you remains surreal and out of alignment with who you have become. Do not doubt your progress or try to assess where you have taken a wrong turn for you are right where you are meant to be and no amount of self-evaluation or adjusting will cause what is currently around you to rapidly transform to how you might prefer it to be. For now, just let it be.
If those you love seem absent when you need their support, forgive them knowing they have their own trials to face in the intensity of this time and place. Try not to be sad and disappointed that things are not coming together now for it is not a sign that your magic has abandoned you. You remain, as always, a powerful creator being but so much that surrounds you is out of alignment with itself thereby out of alignment with you that for right now, it is not meant for you. Again this does not indicate that you have made poor choices, but that in actuality you are a bit ahead of the curve and others must now close the gap. You can no longer diminish or compress yourself to fit in with others where they are so there is a pause - a pause that may seem endless - but it is truly brief so that they may rise to meet you. It may seem that much of the world goes on as always - for many are still unaware or pretending to be unaware - that humanity is in a historic shift. Hold space for the planet for far too long humanity has stripped our world of its sacredness and exploited the natural kingdoms. You may feel an urgent need to save the planet but do not be annoyed by those doing seemingly frivolous things instead. Those engaging in play and joy are more beneficial for healing the world than those engaging in war and hate or even those who are judging others as somehow less. The key lesson of the moment is acceptance. Acceptance of what is and allowing everything and everyone to unfold in a new way at the right time. There is no need for you to try to control any of it. Have faith that all is as it should be even if it appears to be an overwhelming heap of chaos. Continue taking risks and making the best choices for yourself in every given moment even if it seems you are making no progress at all. It may not make sense to you and it really does not need to in order for it to turn out better than you expected. You are a radiant beam of light and love and no one and nothing that happens to you can diminish the divine being that you are and will ever be. You are worthy of happiness and abundance in all its forms. At this moment, your energy may be low and you may find yourself directionless but you are getting closer to making your dreams real with each energetic wave. Have no doubt your vision will soon clear and you will delight in what you see and will run toward your destiny. (c)GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. At this point, many of you are exhausted. You feel as if you could sleep for days, months, years and still be too tired to exert any energy into projects or relationships that you feel passionate about. So much integration of higher energies is taking place at the same time the collective is chaotic and heavy. Those of you who are sensitive are getting bombarded but you have the tools and strength to endure. Be patient for your body will adjust and then you can take necessary action when you feel alert and ready. Be gentle too with fellow empaths who may be acting out of character and do not project any frustrations or disappointments onto them for many are connecting with the fear and darker streams of unconsciousness in the collective but they will find their way back to their light in their own way in their own time. Remember you are only responsible for processing your own stuff and it is not your duty to carry or rescue anyone else energetically for all are divine and capable of self-healing.
You may feel you are losing people and pursuits important to you. Do not be afraid to hold on loosely to anyone or anything right now even if often you find yourself standing alone without the necessary support from those close to you. All is in flux now and everyone needs space to transform and expand. Remember that you always have Mother Earth, the trees, the animals, as well as your guides, to support you even when your fellow humans do not. If you lack direction, not knowing what to do or where to go, just pause until a path clears - and it will no matter the level of fog. Some of you may be quite bored with all of this and how long it is taking. All the inner work with its emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual pains may not seem worth it but stick with it because your boredom is an indication that you have cleared so much already that the physical world has not yet caught up to what your inner world now attracts. Keep holding your intentions and remain focused on the peace and love that you are trusting that all of your efforts will pay off in a way even grander than you can anticipate. At this point, you may not even care what is ahead but all that you are deserving of is coming your way despite your apathy. Self-care and self-correction are the most important themes now as they are your means for navigating through the turbulant waves of change that will be crashing into everyone and everything changing the course of lives for lifetimes to come. Yes, this energy is truly that BIG but have no fear. You have weathered similar repeatedly up to now and survived it - even thrived in it. So continue to seek along the horizon a beautiful new world that holds fulfilling experiences. For it is just there, almost within sight, soon to be in reach and for some of you, you are just minutes away from taking your first steps onto the sandy shore. Enjoy. (c)GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. For you, the world has become quite surreal. You exist here yet it does not suit you - it is a distortion composed of chaos and decay powered by fear - while you live in a state of peace and beauty powered by love. Looking out there, it may seem quite absurd - a twisted spectacle where those who engage openly in deceit and greed seem to thrive and triumph. But do not give in to fear and disappointment as you are free to bloom and be all that you are meant to be - including successful and happy - no matter what reality others choose to experience. Do not try to force others to see your truth or judge them for clinging to a dead paradigm. Simply be an example to them.
Gaslighting is rampant to keep the masses distracted. Those around you may be shocked by some of the revelations and incidents that transpire so be supportive and reassuring but keep your discernment high. Be a keen observer as you continue to boldly and methodically build the life of your dreams with integrity and love. It is not futile to pursue your dreams and to champion for an existence that elevates and respects all sentient beings as the sacred beings they are. You are building a foundation for something far greater than yourself each and every time you choose to live your life in a manner that proves that the human experience can be something more than painful or destructive to the planet. Many attempt spiritual bypassing to avoid the sadness and lows of human life but you chose to experience a wide range of emotion by being here so embrace all that you are capable of feeling - look at who you are and the situations around you and feel what you feel without turning away - know that there is no need to judge one emotion as better or worse or one situation as good or bad for all are fleeting - just a snapshot of that moment and not a true reflection of the totality of you and All That Is. Now more than ever, it is necessary for your continued well-being to take time outs. Find solace in nature or another quiet time of your choosing. Soak in the love that is all around you always. Nurture your body and spirit to recharge and reset for the challenging times ahead - keeping in mind the challenges are for your growth and expansion and not meant as punishment or a sign that you have failed. You are ready and prepared for all the rapid changes to hit over the next few weeks - some of these changes you have long awaited but they will appear in ways you could not have predicted. You have earned these beautiful moments so bask in them knowing you truly are worthy and are loved. (c)GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. After the past several turbulent weeks, you may look to the outside world and feel so disappointed and disenchanted that you start to believe that all of the anguish you have experienced to improve your circumstances and to heal yourself was for naught. But resist the temptation to doubt that all that you have hoped to experience is lost or impossible to reach. Indeed, the manifestation of your dreams is closer than it has ever been. Do not allow the frustration of the slowness of the unfolding to cause you to close your heart. Remain open to receive and continue to make the best choices for you in each moment and take the action necessary to bring yourself closer to the life that you imagine living.
Much of the time other people in general may seem too volatile or too different from the place you exist in now and if so, do not feel guilty for distancing yourself. Try new activities and going to new places where people more like yourself may be found because though often you may feel like being a recluse, interaction with others is critical because energetically your presence has a healing effect on others even if you are not quite sure what you are providing them. All of the wisdom you have acquired is now part of your essence. To be of service to others, you cannot hide away even though it make seem safer in the chaos. For those of you who are single and seeking a partner, you are reminded that the relationship timeline you have been conditioned to follow no longer applies. What happens for the majority, will not happen for you because the majority of relationships are still based on co-dependency and other unhealthy connections that no longer fit you vibrationally. No less than sacred union will feel right to you. Try your best to be patient and not get frustrated because the relationship you seek is actually more possible than ever before so radiate your love for all to see. For millennia, much hearthache and emotional pain has been caused by the lack of sacredness in human interactions but there is an alchemical change happening bringing back the sacred element to relationships. However, you must be gentle and allowing from your higher heart - not forcing and pushing from the ego - in order to experience the unconditional love of sacred union. If you try to settle for anything less than the best for you, you will quickly become uncomfortable and ill at ease. Remember that not being with the wrong person - even if you are alone - is a blessing. Of utmost importance is to first take care of you and then to give a voice to those who cannot speak - our planet, our forests, our oceans and rivers, and all sentient beings have reached a tipping point. Send prayers, sign petitions, protest - whatever is comfortable for you - but it is critical for all awakened beings to consciously work to bring back the natural balance to Earth. The natural world supports and loves us but most humans have been conditioned to forget the sacredness of the natural world in order to exploit it. Consider ways you can live in a manner that is more mindful to the greater good for all that exists on Mother Earth knowing that even a small effort on your part will not only have a positive impact in your personal life but will also have far reaching potential on a universal scale. So continue to dream, continue to imagine, and then let those dreams and imaginings go, trusting that your own magic combined with the power of the Universe will create something even more magnificent for you. The only limits are those that you place on yourself so release your old stories and beliefs about who you are and what you are capable of experiencing and truly open to all possibilities, the full abundance of the Universe. Dream the impossible dream and make it so. (c)GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. |
January 2023