August 2015 Energy Report ~ "That's All I Can Stands, I Can't Stands No More!" - Popeye the Sailor8/2/2015 Last month carried with it an unprecedented intensity but you have been surfing the waves for a long time now so you were able to navigate more adroitly than those newly awake who seemed unable to find their footing. Not that you did not have your own moments when balance was less assured for you were truly tested, but you allowed whatever emotions came up to be felt and let go.
Many eyes are now engaged on the injustices in the world - all the many incidents of misuse of power and trust betrayed are surfacing - and though once for the highly sensitive, this would have been too much to bear, you now are ready to take the necessary action to bring more ease and security to life in this world. No longer will you sit back and hope for the best. It is time to make your voice heard and take the action necessary to see the results you desire. The awakened world now shouts “Enough!” and the status quo is challenged. It is not a time to martyr yourself or to stand in righteousness but to dig even deeper into your soul so as to not fall into anger and sadness but to open more fully to love and compassion for all. Everyone has a spark of divinity even if at times it is difficult to see. Some play out roles to provide contrast - to demonstrate to us why and how not to live in ego. But it is not for us to judge ourselves better or superior. Laws may need to be altered and enforced in order to protect the boundaries that others do not respect until they too unlearn their conditioning and remember their own divinity but we must avoid hatred or the need for revenge as such intent would only perpetuate that which we do not want to manifest in our experience. Everything is adjusting and shifting including relationships so expect more to fall away that is not in line with who you are and who you are becoming. More and more as you find your place in the world and begin doing and saying more that is true to you and not what others expect or demand of you, you will find new people and interests to take the space vacated by what and who previously held you back. There will be challenging situations and emotions to face but you cannot be derailed. You always have an unseen support team with you so you are never alone. Take a moment each day to send love to Mother Earth, the forests, the oceans, and to all sentient beings for this is a tipping point for all. Strive to stay in a state of grace and see the higher perspective in all situations. Everything energetically is aligning to bring in transformation as mankind has never witnessed. Have faith and find joy in the beauty that has always been yours to experience. Smile even on the days that your eyes are filled with tears. For all of this chaos, all of this ugliness is only temporary.
The energies from the collective have been intense as many are projecting their emotions in extremes but your place remains in the eye of the storm where you are safe - a beacon of love and peace welcoming others to join you. It is important not to place judgment on what you witness but to stand unwavering not allowing yourself to be swept up into the circus orchestrated by those seeking to keep humanity divided. It is not wrong to distance yourself from anything and anyone that does not ring as truth to you. You are not required to change anyone’s mind or to rescue anyone from their soap opera.
In those areas of your life where you have been anxiously awaiting change, you may now experience movement. It may not yet be a full fruition of what you have hoped to manifest but the occurrences will be a welcomed, noticeable shift. Remain steady and patient knowing that any delay is truly for your highest good and in no way a punishment for some wrongdoing or an indication that you are not keeping up with others. This is not a sprint and there is no competition. Rather, it is a marathon spanning millennia and you have gone farther in just this one lifetime than you did in dozens of previous lifetimes put together. Acknowledge your achievement knowing that there is yet much farther to go but you have never been more prepared for what is to come. You are changing very rapidly on so many levels and the physical world still lags. Your physical body feels this lag but continues to operate the best that it can under duress. Do not get frustrated if you experience lethargy or unexplained weight gain as the physical body is an amazing creation so honor it for how well it is performing for you while it adapts to this new world. You will notice others who are awakened who are struggling. Some will choose to stay at the level where they currently are so rather than judge them, respect their path just as you would have them respect yours. It is not necessary to continue relationships with anyone - including a family member or a lifelong friend - who dishonors you or judges you making you feel less than. You will recognize that others are entering your experience who are more in line with who you are and who you are becoming - a truer you. Over the next 18 months, some of you who have waited a long while alone, will find yourselves in romantic connections. Allow these new relationships to unfold naturally, not trying to impose old world standards upon them. Find someone on similar ground to your own so that neither has to play the role of rescuer. If someone does not instantly recognize your value, do not try to convince them. There will be no struggle in a relationship that is meant for you. You have been conditioned that relationships are hard so the ease of these new relationships may make you question, but simply allow the flow and you will experience something entirely new. Continue to send love to Mother Earth and to the animals, the oceans, the forests for they are here on this planet to support you. They have long been much abused and unrecognized for their roles but they are always ready to come to your assistance if you ask. When you need grounding and love, there are there to reach for. Mother Earth will continue to shift but this is not punishment, merely necessary energetic adjustments. You have called for growth and expansion and Mother Earth shifts to meet your call. The calls of Mother Earth, the animals, oceans, and forests must also be met. Stand up against greed and ignorance to protect them. Energetically, we are all one. Strange and disrupting events will continue to play out in the world but wonderful lovely things will, too. Others are in great fear and believe it to be the end of days but you know the old world is already gone. It will take the others a bit more time to accept this so just let the dramas they expect to experience play themselves out. Observe it all as if a movie for it is no more real than that. Sometimes you may doubt or be frustrated that things are taking too long but when you have faith and believe that only love is real, the amazing moments and experiences will come and you will enjoy them so much more. Have the curiosity of a child as you look into this new world and explore the possibilities available to you that never were before. Remember always that you are the sparkle bringing magic to this world so have fun waving your magic wand. (c)GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. Some may feel as if they spent many days/weeks in a pressure cooker but you have been in a detached state-observant and aware. The playing out of old dramas and patterns is dull and disengaging for you. You continue to follow what feels right because you have learned to not try to recreate the past thinking that somehow you can improve upon what failed to work before. You forge on into unknown territory even if often your destination seems uncertain and the path unclear. It may seem an odd concept but really you are not meant to know right now what is ahead because it is not something that our evolving selves can yet conceptualize.
It is the old way of thinking that nothing of value can come from the path of ease - it is deeply entrenched belief that humans must toil and suffer to achieve anything worth having - whether it to be successful in a career or in relationships. Release this archaic belief and instead continue to follow the path of least resistance. The further along you go, the more you will be surprised and grateful by what appears for you to experience. Have faith that all will be as it is meant to for your highest good and it shall be. The new way of creating and manifesting is tricky. You must have the intention and focus yet not control the process or have a rigid expectation of outcome. The timing is not yours to know nor are the particulars of how you will achieve your desires. Maintaining a state of grace while you take the necessary action and wait will not always be easy. Any perceived delay in manifestation in the outside world is not a sign of failure. You will know what adjustments you need to make as options appear. Trust your instincts to discern which choices to make knowing ultimately you cannot make a mistake or ruin your chance for the life you have imagined. There are many changes ahead in the physical world and you will need to adapt calmly to the unexpected. All is as it should be even if at certain moments it may seem unsafe, dangerous, and chaotic. Mother Earth is adjusting and transforming just as she has done continually for millions of years. Weather patterns are shifting causing displacement and disruption. Such phenomena is not to instill fear or mete out punishment for it is all part of the natural way of the Universe. Continue to send love to our planet and to all sentient beings during this time of transition. Allow yourself to feel the love that flows from the trees, the earth, the wind, the rocks. Their love is always constant and they are there to assist you and connect with whenever you need to steady yourself and feel safe. Often your body may feel tired, your mind may be foggy, and your spirit may feel disconnected, leaving you unable to work toward goals. At such times, simply honor your body and rest. This is not a race and you have no competitors nor a taskmaster - including your own mind - dictating what you need to do and in what limited time you must do it. Trust in your ability and readiness to act whenever action is called for. The time for worry and doubt has long passed. All will come to be at the right time, in the right place, with the right people. The energies will remain wild and unpredictable allowing for any and all possibilities. Relax and have fun with your freedom. (c)GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. You like many followed a bumpy, disjointed road throughout last month wondering where you had taken a wrong turn. You were going full speed ahead as you could feel the manifestation of your dreams just inches from your reach - but then those dreams seemed light years away as you found yourself encountering one detour after another. It was as if all that you had so carefully planted in your garden months before had begun to sprout only to have the Universe backhoe over it for your greater good. Anything that appears before you that at one time may have been good enough for you now may disappear quickly as being not quite right - this is true of relationships and opportunities. Let what slips away go knowing that something much better is coming. Time is moving very swiftly and there is no time to waste on anything that might be only so-so for you are meant for so much greater.
You ask "when will your dreams manifest?" And the answer is "at the perfect time which is soon" but perhaps soon is not soon enough for the impatient mind that has waited for months or even years. Try to keep your mind quiet - not worrying or questioning if there is yet even more deep inner work to do. For some, this is the case but for you, there is only fine-tuning and becoming more comfortable with being who you are as you operate in the outer world. Have patience with others who seem to be lagging behind for they truly are doing the best they can at the energetic level they are currently at. The distorted male energy that has dominated for so long got a swift kick during these past few weeks but will still heavily impact both genders for several months and years which is why you may perceive a continued delay in attracting friends and lovers best suited for the truer you. It is important to observe the ego-centric behavior of others without attaching to it or believing that somehow it is a reflection of something lacking within you. Continue to focus on you and what steps you need to take to continue in the direction most suited to you. Others who once traveled close with you now travel on distant, divergent paths but do not be sad for those that love you are not ever lost though for now it may be more beneficial for you to have space for others to appear. There may be days that you long to see a map so you could gain some understanding of where you are going but really only where you are now is important. You have been shaped by where you have been but it no longer anchors you or limits your available destinations. You can truly take your life in any direction you wish to go when you trust your ability to use your own instincts and wisdom to make the choices that are best for you. It may be unsettling and uncomfortable to be headed where you cannot see into what you cannot yet know, but trust that you are safe and that your journey with its many challenges has not been in vain. If you are honest from your perspective, you will see just how far you have come in such a short time and also that the rest of the world is starting to change with you. You will never return to the suffering and limitation of the past for you have expanded too far for that. For the joy is near, you have had hints of it so you know this is true. Continue to move along with ease, being the most honest, authentic you, taking rest when you need to, knowing that all is well. You truly are creating wonderful, fulfilling experiences for yourself. Be patient and trust the magic that you are. The destinations ahead really are worth waiting for. (c)GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. You are still entrenched in the intensity of the eclipse cycle and much anticipation lingers in the air. Others are struggling unable to let go of the old life that was unsatisfying but predictable and secure - however, you are ready for your new life though you cannot quite perceive what it might be or look like. You have cleared away the major patterns that attempted to keep you small and in lack and are now seeing the first indications of the fruits of your labor. Continue to press onward knowing your efforts are not in vain.
It is frustrating when others attempt to keep you in roles that are no longer for you - perhaps were never for you - be patient with them knowing others really are doing their best from the level of awareness they are operating from. You may know they are capable of so much more but do not be disappointed. They will attempt to put you back into a place where they feel comfortable but continue to stand true in your integrity for it is not your role to please others at the expense of yourself. Be kind and compassionate but maintain boundaries always. And if others continually refuse to respect you, let go of them with love knowing it is best for all. You are not afraid now to take bold, courageous steps to make life-altering changes. These changes may not be fully understood by others, if at all, but when you follow where your instincts lead, you will not go wrong though others may fret over your choices. You have learned that it is advantageous to be the leader of your own life and the direction you follow but others still rely on fate and sudden changes of circumstances to put them on whatever path is available. However, you now follow the path of your own making and though you may not know what for certainty what is ahead, you know with confidence, you are far better placed than ever before. You are on the precipice - in the stillness within and without. But soon you will dive into the next level of challenge - onwards and upwards into unconquered, unexplored territory for you. You are well ready for this next stage and there is no hesitation to experience every detail of it for it is your own creation. All that you have desired to be and feel has been readied. Watch for the signs and prompts that indicate what direction to go. You will not get lost or return to the place of imprisonment where you were. You are free now - never to go back to what once was and what might have been. Now there is only what is and it is beautiful and yours. You are never alone and you are never unloved though the old ways and beliefs still try to pull at you from what seems now a far away place. Remember Mother Earth is always ready and available to ground you and embrace you with her love. Feel the wind, touch the trees, taste the rain. Never doubt that you exist in a new world full of love and peace and trust that very soon others will as well. For you are magic unleashed and the love that you are is everywhere now. (c)GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. The energies surrounding you remain unusual and clarity is often elusive. Much of the time the outside world does not reflect who you are and what you have accomplished. You try to ignore your outside experience as a barometer to how well you are doing yet you have been barraged with the messages in the mainstream such as like attracts like which bring doubt. Every day you try to be the best you that you can be. You look again within to see what might be keeping away that which is a truer reflection of you, yet there is nothing obvious there to see. You have broken your disempowering patterns and let go of those who limited you. You have scrubbed and cleansed the shadows of your soul to the point that there are no more 800 pound purple gorillas that you are ignoring in the room. You have created a vast space to fill with all that more resonates with you yet very little appears that is right for you to become part of that new space.
There is always a dusty corner of your psyche to sweep for spiritual, mental, and emotional maintenance is forever ongoing but you have become more free than ever in your human experience yet there is no joy in all you have achieved as you feel alone in celebration on your human level. You acknowledge the bits and pieces of the new that become part of your experience and give gratitude allowing the love that is being reflected to you to fill your being to an even greater glow. But yet the expanse of nothingness persists and it perplexes you for all that is to come and to be experienced - all that you have dreamed into being - you know to be just right there beyond your fingertips yet as you reach for it, it cannot be touched. You have trained and readied yourself for months and years and a new game has begun to be played in the field yet the Universe acting as coach does not yet allow you off the bench to play. Your excitement and anticipation to show off your new skills and talents grows but the coach keeps you on the bench. Everyone else around you seems to be in their own game while you are trying to be patient and maintain faith. You try to not get anxious but you have waited so long and yet on the bench you sit. You want to play and to experience so you wonder what the coach is waiting for because you are ready now. You try to not become frustrated or discouraged. Finally you say, “Put me in coach, I am ready to play.” The coach tells you to trust in the divine timing and be at peace and on the bench you remain for weeks or months more. What you cannot see or entirely perceive is that your game is not yet ready for you. The other players are not yet ready. This is not to blame others for being slow or to think yourself much greater than others. It is a time to respect that everything comes in its own time and in its own way. You cannot control and you cannot always know with precision what is to come. Trust that what is for your highest and best good is on its way and quietly go about continuing on your path making the choices that are the best for you based on what is presented before you. Know that there are endless possibilities and the lack of their appearance in your outside experience is not indication that you are not ready but that much is still happening behind the scenes to ensure the highest and best outcome. Be confident and continue to take the steps toward the life that you wish to create for yourself. You have been in a time of quiet and preparation but many rapid changes are coming. Remain at peace as any perceived delays now are not a waste of precious time for time is an illusion. You have stepped out of the safety of your comfort zone and any discomfort is temporary. All that you intend to experience will happen and you truly will forget that you ever felt the lack of anything. All of the potentials of the Universe is yours. Trust that others will be co-creating with you soon and then rather than being impatient for everything to get going, you will be wishing for everything to slow down. Until then, find your joy in nature knowing the animals, trees, and Mother Earth are always lovingly consistent and true providing security for you during this next shift. Love is always available to you so remain open and aware for you will not want to miss a moment of what is to come. (c)Lisa Renee ~ GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. Once again the previous month brought those “Why is this coming back up?” moments and you can expect the resurfacing of seemingly already processed heartaches and beliefs to continue particularly in times of intense solar flare activity and rough astrological aspects. Your resolve to follow your new path is repeatedly tested to ensure that you are truly committed to following your heart and not your mind. There seems to be endless delays in certain areas of your life and this leads to boredom and frustration. What the outside world presents to you is often not a true reflection of all that you are and all that you have achieved for much illusion still exists on a physical level. In moments when you feel defeated, take your focus away from the outside world and back to yourself and to nature - both of which are constant and true.
Be persistent and have faith and do not doubt your ability to create the life and experiences you wish to have. Delay is not a sign of failure but is a sure sign that you have asked for something so big that many pieces, including the right people, must fall into place to make it happen. There are billions of people on the planet and it takes finesse and timing to bring the right people together at the right time - everything must be an energetic match and right now many new frequencies and much distortion and interference is in play. Be at peace knowing that all is truly well even when your mind attempts to tell you to give up and give in. You will meet resistance on many levels - governmental, societal, familial, mental, emotional - but your soul is always free so it is important that you focus your goals on that which most calls to your heart for it is led by your soul. There is much fear, sadness, anger, and confusion in the collective so do not attach to the drama that plays out there but instead hold steady your balance and continue building that which you wish to create in this world. You will be presented with challenges and obstacles to keep your journey unpredictable but there is nothing that can truly overwhelm or destroy you. Continue stepping out of your comfort zone without fear of making a mistake. There are no wins or losses to the Universe. There is no one scoring your game. Perfection is not required to live a content and abundant life. The presence of the authentic you is all that is required. So be you and try your best. It really is enough. You are enough. (c)Lisa Renee ~ GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. Last month and most of the year moved so quickly that you had a sense of “Just what was that?” No time to analyze, figure it out, or have a do-over because it was already gone and seemingly far in the distant past. The next three months will not be any slower but they offer you a final clean-up period to get ready for the next level of your experience. If you still have toxic people, toxic beliefs, and toxic patterns that you are still stubbornly clinging to, this is your time to let go. After this period, the Universe will take on clean-up duty for you and the process will not be gentle. This is not to scare you for if you have already done the heavy lifting and purging, this cleaning assistance will be a welcome relief. But if you have not made the changes you know you need to, expect many shocks and sudden shifts as the Universe makes the adjustments that you have asked for but have been too fearful to do for yourself.
Again, you may have already made all the necessary course corrections and are taking all the steps you need to build on the foundation you laid last year. You may be bored and frustrated at times realizing the lag until others catch up but continue to create and to dream knowing that it is not all for naught. This is a time when the seeds planted deep last year will bud or continue a slow growth. No amount of forcing will rush this growth. Be patient particularly in new friendships and romantic relationships as the bloom will be worth the wait but the growth must not be hastened in order to bring the true sacred union you seek. People will often be perceived as being in their own worlds separate from yours and in a sense energetically, this will be true as everyone is shifting and growing at an individual pace. Just allow the comings and goings of those who unconditionally love you. Honor their paths just as they honor yours. At the right time, these fluctuations will ease and the right ones for you will be with you in a way that you will never doubt or question their love. You have committed to lead the way toward love and peace and will continue to do so in a quiet, gentle way. Being an example to others not so they follow your way but that they too seek the love and peace within themselves in their own way. Amazing things have already manifested for you on a personal level and on a world level. The momentum is growing so keep going with it even when you feel exhausted by the process. There is much more magnificence for you to experience as you are now capable of experiencing the manifestation of love in ways you were not capable of before. See the beauty in the unfolding. You are the magic creating every now moment. Breathe it in and enjoy but most of all have fun. (c)Lisa Renee ~ GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. Last month was a strange mix that ultimately left you a bit bored – almost like you were stuck in an airplane on the tarmac anxious to reach the beautiful destination you had been waiting to visit for months, even years. Yet despite everything being in seeming readiness, the airplane did not take off. The other passengers on the airplane seemed unaffected, unaware of the delay. But you were quite aware of the delay and began to think that perhaps you had made a mistake and gotten on the wrong airplane and even second-guessed your choice of destination. Ultimately, though you had not made any errors, you were only aware of the pause between stages of the transition that others are as of yet too unconscious to perceive.
As is the usual now, expect the unexpected but also be aware of the perceived delays like scenery being switched between acts of a play on the stage. Use these pauses to take a breath knowing that a huge slow down means a big ramp up is coming. Do not get frustrated that your creation skills seem to come and go as others lives seem to be continue on in the old way. The old way will not work for you even if you try. You are now free and everyone else is still caught in a hamster wheel. In the absence of anything else to move into, you may have to take a few spins on the hamster wheel yourself. But it is not comfortable and it is not for you as it never was. Do not lose faith and continue to persevere even if nothing seems to be happening because actually much is happening though you may not yet be aware of it. Existence may at times seem tedious and pointless but you are making progress. And even though the moments of joy may be fleeting, more of those moments are coming and soon you will sustain longer periods of manifestation as the collective becomes more supportive of the vibrational range you can now attain. Take a few minutes each day to reflect on how far you have come this year – the goals you have reached and the obstacles you have overcome. Be proud of yourself and your bravery. Know that at any moment everything can and will change no matter how stuck one area of your life may appear. You have gotten very adroit at adapting and switching it up to whatever is thrown at you. The Universe now knows what you do not want, even that which you would have readily chosen just a year ago, and now is at work in bringing you what is more in line with this truer you. Continue taking steps out of your comfort zone. Obviously avoid unnecessary danger, but if you feel uncomfortable or unsure about trying something yet is something you have always wanted to do or be, it likely is what you need to do so push on through the fear and have the experience. This is not to say that you need to do things that you do not like or do not prefer to do. However, do those things that just months ago, you would have stopped yourself from doing – those things that your mind told you that you are not smart enough, fast enough, pretty enough, skilled enough to do. This is not the time to play small. Stay out of judging yourself as somehow lacking. Have a strategy and make choices that are for your highest good, choices that will open up even more to you. Continue expanding even if you are tired and feel you are going far beyond where others are ever going to be willing to go. Set appropriate boundaries with anyone who seeks to diminish you. Let go of anyone who refuses to honor you – this includes relatives. Do not hold on to the wrong ones preventing the right ones from getting to you. Next year, new people will enter your life and will step up in surprising ways but you must allow space for them to reach you. Keep your focus as opportunities will appear suddenly and go quickly if you hesitate grasping what feels right. Remain at peace though you may seem more out of place in the world than ever. You will feel unstable and unsure but keep going. Continue to do what feels right for you and to build your life the way you want it to be, not how others believe it should be for you. See the natural world thriving and yourself experiencing love as you never have before. It will all come to be because you are making it so. No need for worry or frustration. The airplane will be taking off soon so sit back and relax and savor each moment of the journey. (c)Lisa Renee ~ GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. Last month was so unusual and exhausting in its energetic overload but somehow you kept your ordinary life going as your extraordinary self leveled up yet again. You found moments to catch your breath all the while realizing that before the new year, you need to end energy-draining activities and relationships because the energetic pace will not slow. The next few weeks is the time to declutter and refine what truly needs and deserves your focus in life.
When you are fully expanded and open surprisingly wonderful experiences occur but then you contract back and all is almost as it once was. But you are never quite back where you were for always you are progressing further and will never return to who you were and the live that was. But the gulf between what was and who you are now is ever growing and soon you will leave what once was for the final time to live fully in the present and now as the authentic evolving you. There is no need for disappointment if you do not have with you those you once thought you would for others better suited to the authentic you will be joining you on your path in ways they never did before. Know that those you seemingly leave behind are safe and cared for and you need not feel guilty for embodying who you are even if it means that you now live in what seems to be different worlds. Life in their world of control and drama you would now find too confining and stifling for you have expanded beyond such limited space. Their lives will continue in predictable even absurd patterns but yours is unpredictable now. The new normal is to feel unsure and even lost at times. Be at peace with not knowing. There is no need for frustration if you cannot see clearly ahead as you once did. Just relax knowing that all is unfolding at the right time and in the way that is right for you even if it seems too slow. You are not missing anything that is meant for you even if nothing seems to be happening now. You have created the space to manifest all that you wish so trust the process. When you least expect, it will happen in a way you could not have anticipated. Just keep moving forward and trusting that all is well because it always is for you. At times, the ways and behaviors of the old world will invade your new space not to indicate that you have done anything wrong but to allow you the opportunity to stand in your integrity with calm and love in your heart. Your lack of reaction is a powerful message to the Universe and soon such invasions will become infrequent and then disappear. Some days you will be tired and disconnected and on such days, rest and do not judge yourself for not doing and being more. No one can be on every day in such intensity. Time will continue to move briskly and opportunities will appear suddenly and choices will have to be made quickly so allowing for downtime will enable you to be ready for action when needed. Always make the choice for your highest good even if it does not please others. At the moment, others will continue to be distracted by the illusion but focus is your greatest tool now. What holds your attention, what you anticipate, you can and will create for yourself. Your focus will change the world for everyone not just yourself. So do not allow the mind to worry or doubt your abilities or worthiness because you can do this – you are doing this. The results of everything you have done this year to lay your foundation and begin building the life always meant for you will become more obvious in the coming months. You will not feel as alone as you often have for more and more will join you. You have had the courage to hit the reset button in every area of life and it feels uncomfortable. For now, find opportunities to laugh and have fun and spend as much time in nature that you can for soon you will be amazed by the life you have created for yourself. (c)Lisa Renee ~ GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. |
January 2023