With the push of the current energies, there is no more time and energy to waste on those who are not stepping up. You are here on a mission and have important things to do. Keep your standards high with regard to what and to whom you allow into your thoughts and your energetic and physical space. If others choose to remain lost in the past or are otherwise resistant to evolving, it is their free will choice to do so. You have more important things to do with your time and energy than to linger in a constrictive space with them or to try to convince them they are stuck in a redundant loop of their own creation. It really is okay to let go of those who are unkind, unsupportive, fear you, or fear your growth. Hold a compassionate space for them if you wish but do not permit them to distract you from what you are here to do.
Be very discerning regarding those who place themselves in guru status or who call themselves twin flames but disparage others (and their relationships) as less than in order to sell expensive services and/or to promote a form of disempowerment and separation conditioning. Such people present themselves as somehow spiritually superior to others and as holding the keys to your happiness but their ego feeds off of the belief that you are somehow broken and incomplete, that your relationships are not spiritual. Any relationship you have that helps you evolve is sacred. There is nothing and no one you need outside of yourself to be complete. Those who provide guidance that is soul-based will offer encouragement or information to help you embrace your own power rather than making you feel that you are a failure or not enough. Remember you are always whole and the sacred union you seek is within. You are in a process of re-learning who you are and what you are truly capable of as you let go of all that hid the truth of your being. If you are not entirely sure what the purpose of your life is, you cannot get it wrong by being yourself and by being present in each moment. Trust your sense that the world is leaving behind the material paradigm for a mystical one - albeit too slowly for your liking. Continue to focus on what you wish to bring into your experience. Engage with your multi-dimensional self and explore all the possibilities available to you for this is no time to play small. Release yourself of the responsibility for righting all the wrongs in this world. Play. Laugh. Love. Life is not meant to be a series of problems to solve but a series of joys waiting to be discovered. (c)GingerMysteries www.gingermysteries.com You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit.
The revelations and charades playing out around you will escalate but such drama has little to do with you. Now is the time for you to use your hard-earned skills, to demonstrate your acquired knowledge, to choose to experience something entirely new. If an opportunity presents itself that excites and inspires you, try it out even if you are not sure how to do it or what the final outcome will be. Your willingness to try, even when you risk making mistakes, shows your commitment to being the creator being that you are. Trust yourself and the skills and wisdom you have acquired. You are ultimately here to be of service and you serve nothing and no one, including yourself, if you hide away your love and your talents or play a bit part in someone else's theatrics. Be boldly you and be open and receptive and you will be amazed by what unfolds.
Be cognizant that those operating from ego have carefully crafted illusionary personas of themselves that they project to others. Your willingness to shed your old identity and to drop old labels attached to yourself will make them extremely uncomfortable. Even those whom you consider friends and loved ones, including awakened ones, may feel threatened by you and seek to diminish you. They wish for their version of you and the past to be restored and maintained for they fear the unknown. The patterns and circumstances they are trying to sustain are part of now non-existent energy streams leaving them in varying states of hurt, frustration, or anger which they often fling at others rather than holding themselves responsible and accountable for the state of their lives. Maintain your dignity and integrity no matter what is tossed at you. Do not give your attention or energy to anything you do not wish to perpetuate. Those who are disingenuous or resistant to growth will be removed from your path quickly - if you allow it. You can love everyone but you do not have to like them. Some people - even ones that were once closest to you - are now non-beneficial to you and need to remain at a respectful distance. Let them go and have faith that the right situations and people will align with you when you no longer allow your mind and emotions to justify the presence of the not-so-bads. You will recognize those that truly are meant to be with you because they will be kind and gentle with your heart - their actions and words will honor your soul. Express your energetic virtuosity by staying in the flow - the less resistant you are to the ever-changing now, the less challenges will overwhelm you. Choose the best options available to you in every now moment - or even better, create new ones - and do not settle for the mediocre as that demonstrates fear and fear snuffs out magic. Be fearless. Embrace the mysterious. Be magical. (c)GingerMysteries www.gingermysteries.com You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. Many highly sensitive people and empaths have spent the majority of this year in survival mode. And the price for this has been high. Some are stuck in grief unable to move forward. Some have fallen into ego and all the shadow aspects of themselves that they have successfully hidden and bypassed for years have come out in the most unflattering ways. They have clung to victimhood hoping it would keep them safe. But attempting to stay safe is negating their very purpose of being here in this critical time and place. Any characteristics and behaviors that are not aboveboard will continue to be exposed as it can no longer be masked in the planetary frequency to which all lifeforms must rise.
For those of you showing up daily and walking your talk, even if you are not sure where you are going, you got this. You have faced fear in the face and not backed away. You are open to love and to feel - even when it is not easy. That is what you came here to do and you are doing it. You did not have to rescue the world - only yourself - and you have done it. And now that you have reached this place, you only need to hold space for others to join you. Others may seem so lost that they will never arrive beside you but they will for it is only together that we create a new world. And create a new world, we will. Others will not mirror you now so do not look inside of yourself for the piece of you that they are reflecting. Others may slow your progress in manifesting your goals of abundance but they cannot prevent your from receiving all that is meant for you. Continue building the life you wish to experience even if others are hindrances rather than helpers right now. Continue to reach out to the natural world for love and support when those closest to you fail to show up in an honorable way. You are provided with all that you need right now as long as you do not expect it to appear in a certain way from a certain source. Others may drag their feet as long as they like but the old world is gone - the past is no more. Those of you remaining present know this and make choices based on hope not fear. The creation of a new world is ugly and messy and painful but you have already emerged through the ugly and messy and painful in your own inner journey so this is nothing new. Actually it has all gotten quite stale and boring by now. You are ready to experience fun, laughter, love, passion, and peace and so you shall. It is time to fiercely love and battle as only an awakened warrior of peace can. (c)GingerMysteries www.gingermysteries.com You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. The ugliness, hate, and inanity that swirls around you often leaves you feeling physically exhausted and spiritually flattened. But day after day, you move onward and upward knowing that your presence alone does make a difference even if at times, it all seems pointless.
You are ready and eager to move on to an entirely new experience. However, those around you remain stuck in victim consciousness expending a great deal of energy attempting to maintain a feeling of safety by continuing on in futile destructive patterns. Do not be discouraged if others cannot yet meet you in a loving space. And do not measure your success as a loving being by the ability/inability of others to love you or receive your love. So many people withhold love from others and withdraw from or deny the love of others believing it will protect them from heartbreak because intimacy has been equated with loss and/or exploitation. But hiding from love only results in a perpetual state of lack which affects the ability to create abundance and fulfillment in all areas of life. Humanity up until now has been in a deep dive into learning all that love is not. But the playing field has now shifted. The lessons of heartache and separation have been learned. It is now time to unlearn what you have been conditioned to believe love is. Love does not harm and does not seek to oppress or control. Love is everlasting. Love lifts, supports, and expands. And so it is that in your ability to be vulnerable and open, that you find your strength, that you find your freedom from the cycles of lack, limitation, pain, and fear. You may be cautious, unsure, yet hopeful. The past is truly over. When the sacred gift of love is offered to you, accept it without hesitation and allow your future to unfold in wondrous beautiful ways. (c)GingerMysteries www.gingermysteries.com You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. You have eliminated the drama in your inner circle to the level that daily life seems rather boring and pointless. You have dropped the old stories that could be identified as part of old you. There is nothing left to adjust or tweak and nothing new arrives to fill the space you have cleared. The majority of your interpersonal relationships remain in limbo - perhaps to be resuscitated at some point, perhaps not. No one and nothing in particular seems to strike your interest. You wonder if all the clearing and self-work has only led you to a dead end for no new clear direction or path appears before you.
Despite assurances that you are not alone and despite your comfort with your independence, it gets lonely in this void. The repeated message of "soon" often seems like a carrot dangled by the Universe to keep you moving forward in futility toward an ever elusive prize. While success and progress can be made with ease when the contribution and presence of others is not required, any manifestations involving others, continue to be delayed. This is neither your imagination nor a call to re-examine yourself for how you may be blocking good things from getting to you. There is nothing wrong with you that you need to fix in order to attract positive experiences and beneficial people. You were created by and are part of the divine. You are worthy. It is just what is at this time. Accept what is rather than attempting to force it to be something else. Take whatever actions needed to remain inspired even if your activities or interests could be labeled surprising or eccentric or extreme. You may be lightyears away from where you thought you would be and the people you thought you would be with but know there is a higher purpose to all of this even if right now the reasons are unknown. You may slip into feelings of depression, anxiousness, or anger and if so, recognize that this may not have anything to do with you at all. Allow these emotional eruptions to pass without attaching to them as yours. The collective relentlessly projects toxicity and is perpetually in a state of overwhelm making it nearly impossible to stay continually at ease, in a state of spiritual joy. Remember that even when you feel abandoned, Mother Earth and all the elements of the natural world support you. Rely on their strength and consistent presence. Reach out to them with your love and you will feel the return of their love ten-fold. You may be exhausted and weary but you know within the depths of your soul that despite appearances, there is something more ahead - something you do not want to miss. Your mind may doubt your wishes will come true - but what if they do in a more magnificent way than you can yet conceive? Seeds deeply planted are stirring - they will root, grow, and blossom into something beyond words. Your flower is blooming earlier than most and is yet unnoticed but the beauty that you are will prompt others to bloom alongside you - you may worry that when that time finally comes you simply will not care anymore but you will - then the best chapter of your story will begin at last. (c)GingerMysteries www.gingermysteries.com You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. The post-eclipse energies dropped us all into a void of sadness and a twisted weirdness not easy to shake off. It is now apparent, more than ever, that the old ways of doing never worked effectively and to continue to try to do as you have always done will only bring results that are less and less desirable and satisfying.
Many people are very attached to their wounds and the stories attached to them. They prefer the known - even if it is painful - to the unknown due to a lack of faith and trust in themselves and the Universe. If others have caused you heartbreak through betrayals or even death, denying yourself love does not prove the greatness of the love for those you have lost. Focusing on the lack or loss of love while ignoring present opportunities to love others has nothing to do with a devoted heart but with a stubborn ego that wants and accepts love only from a particular source. You came here to be present and to love - to experience joy and play. If you see yourself stuck for months, years, decades on an emotional roller coaster due to a twin flame, soul mate, or karmic relationship, you have mistaken the lack of love for true love. Perpetual heartache is not a sign of love - it is an indication of fear. Universe will always provide you with the love that you need if you are willing to open and receive it. Attempting to live a life devoid of love negates the purpose of life itself. Break free from illusion and appreciate and celebrate those willing to reciprocate your love in the present. While technology connects people as never before, it also has made obvious the vast disconnect that now exists between individuals, groups, and countries in relating to one another as well as the disconnect between humans and animals, oceans, forests, and the earth. The problems caused by this disconnect can seem overwhelming. For those of you who are empathic and highly sensitive, be reassured that it is not your mission to carry or transmute the pain and suffering caused by this disconnect for others. Many of you have isolated yourselves in order to protect your heart. But your love and presence is much needed in the world. Society has normalized being emotionally distant and emotionally unavailable as acceptable but the world needs people who are willing to feel even if it seems vulnerable and uncomfortable. Do not be afraid to feel. You are always safe. Nothing and no one ultimately can harm you - allow that belief to empower you. Your kindness and gentleness are the most powerful weapons in righting the wrongs in the world. You have been waiting for new options and opportunities to open and have felt stuck, frustrated, and disappointed. This is a time for new sensations and new experiences. If you do not like where your choices have taken you, choose again. Keep trying. Attempting to hold things together that are meant to fall apart creates unnecessary work and emotional pain. Instead, invite in the new and be patient. Do not settle for anything less than what feels aligned with this more authentic version of you. It is all unfolding perfectly for you now even if the process feels messy and too slow. Miracles can and do happen in an instant if you believe - and even if you do not. (c)GingerMysteries www.gingermysteries.com You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. What surrounds you continues to become more freakish but you remain calm in the tempest of doom. What others project into the mix through action, word, or belief has little if anything to do with you. The collective mirror is capturing the result of thousands of years of deception and illusion - it does not act as a mirror of you so there is no need to be caught up in any images you might glimpse there. Many will be changing, much will be shifting - timelines are collapsing, timelines are merging. Obstacles are falling away. Possibilities are endless.
Pause as needed to restore yourself to prevent overwhelm as this intensity will remain in play for months. Connect with and retreat into Nature for solace as it is always there to love and support you particularly when you feel offline, disconnected from all and everything including Source. Such periods of transition and integration though weird and uncomfortable will abate typically in a few days if you just accept and allow the process. Sometimes it all may seem futile but it is not a false promise that more joyful periods of greater duration are coming. Space has been cleared within and around you and that space will be filled with something far greater than what has been cleared away. Even if someone you care for is distant now, it is not necessarily an end if there is unconditional love between you. However, some relationships will end completely now if the foundation you built together no longer supports you both. You can only go forward with others who are as committed to growth as you are even if you grow at varying paces. Trust your inner guidance about who is meant to be walking on the path with you and who is not. You cannot force anyone to be at your side but you can hold space for those who need more time in their healing process before being comfortable in your vibrational space for long periods of time. And you can release with love and gratitude those who now need to go their own way. Some people do, either out of fear or preference, choose to be spend their lifetimes alone but having a human experience is about relationships. All the lessons you go through ultimately teach you how to co-exist with people, animals, the planet - all sentient beings - in a loving, peaceful, interdependent way. Some of you may have trauma around the concept of relationships due to past betrayals and losses and/or from being empathic and sensitive but now is your time to focus on healing those aspects of you that stand in the way of you fully embodying the truth of your being. It is safe to love and nurture you. It is safe to receive love and have others nurture you. It is safe to live with an open heart. (c)GingerMysteries www.gingermysteries.com You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. It is time to emerge from challenges and turmoil free of the hindrances of the past and the weight of your armor. You can now stand strong unencumbered ready to face your future with an open heart receptive to all truly meant for you. Your mind may be cautious and unsure but trust your heart’s certainty that there is no more need to be on guard and braced for the next attack. Yes, there will be challenges but you have new tools to assist you through them more quickly and with greater ease. Allow those who long to love you to approach to be your friend, your tribe member, or your lover. Be fearless for truly nothing and no one can destroy you.
There will be times ahead just as you have experienced recently when you are off-line in a period of integration and leveling up. During those days, you may feel in a fog, disoriented, and disconnected from All That Is. The world will seem to be operating as usual while you may seem barely functional. You may get frustrated thinking you were beyond such reboots. Remain calm knowing that it will pass no matter how uncomfortable. Spend time in nature and/or with companion animals to feel grounded and secure. You are never alone even when you feel at your loneliest. Those that once you would have reached out to for support may be absent either due to being so deep in their own healing process or being distracted by fear or due to no longer being in alignment with the being you have become. Know that the ones who are meant to be with you, will return when they are ready. It is actually a blessing they stay away as it can muck up your energy as you may automatically take on their stuff to try to process it for them when it is vital for them to do the healing for themselves. You may have told them five or even five hundred times the root of their issue but until they are ready to see it for themselves, they will not heal. Providing them a loving space to heal will allow them to face and conquer their blocks in their own way to truly move forward making them more available to be in a mutually supportive relationship with you and others. In this way, you no longer carry anyone emotionally or even energetically allowing you to honor them as sovereign beings fully capable of taking care of themselves as they walk on the path beside you. This ensures there is no build up of anger, frustration, or resentment between you. And if those who are absent decide to not return to you, they will be replaced by others more aligned with you. Allowance and acceptance of what is will ease any sense of loss. When you lose the support of those physically close to you and when you cannot feel your guides and angels, you always have nature as your constant steady loving support. The trees, ocean, the earth itself stand ready to envelop you in love and strength whenever you need it. You can connect with any mountain or sea which will happily exchange magic with you no matter the distance. Often now insects, animals, and flowers act as messengers of encouragement so take notice when they reach out for your attention. Many rapid adjustments and un-foreseen changes will be unfolding over the next few months so trust the process even if some things feel off now. Illusions are still holding strong and often what you experience does not reflect the truth of your being or your connections with others. You may have ancestral karma affecting your manifestations making you believe you are missing something in yourself to heal because you are unable to see that the obstacle in your path is not even yours. Trust that at the right time, you will recognize what is meant for you and what is not and that your way forward will be cleared. When you find yourself in a situation filled with love, joy, laughter, and beauty, soak it in. Acknowledge and appreciate all that contribute to that moment be it others or just yourself. You are not incarnated to only be tortured with tests and challenges. You are meant to have fun and experience the full spectrum of the human experience which includes being in love with another, making beautiful creations, traveling to stunningly gorgeous places, or whatever happiness is for you. You are amazing and strong. By being brave and loving, you are affecting others in beautiful ways that you cannot always see or know. There is no other expectation of you than to be the wondrous being you were created to be and you are succeeding in shedding all that is not yours. By doing so, you will experience the results of your efforts if not now, very soon in a way beyond what you could imagine. No more hiding. Bask in the light that is you. (c)GingerMysteries www.gingermysteries.com You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. You notice the bizarre almost everywhere but it only garners amusement from you for you know that weeks or even days ago, these occurrences could not have been at all. There are also daily horrors playing out in social media and in mainstream news programs but you know only to observe and have compassion to all involved while not attaching or reacting in fear to any of it. You accept what is happening even if you see greater potentials for all the players involved.
Situations that play out around you and the behavior of others are often not reflective of your own vibrational space. This may confuse you since you have been conditioned to believe that like attracts like. You are connected to everything and everyone because you and All That Is are from the same Source but you have your own unique signature that belongs only to you. Others due to free will may choose to believe, talk, and act quite differently than you and it has nothing to do with you at all. You are in the world but the crazy circus is not part of you. The circus is your outside environment right now but you choose to what level you participate in it. Move through your days minding your own space and your own business. And when you find your own peace eroding, it is time to up your energetic hygiene. Seek out an energy worker, indulge in a massage, take a long hike in a forest, or take a nap on a vacant beach to clear away the gunk you have acquired from living amongst others still engaging in low vibrational thoughts and activities. It is not that you are better or more special than anyone else, but if you are finding yourself rather isolated, it is because others are not yet aligned with you simply because they are evolving at their own pace. It is not your imagination if right now, others seem repelled by you though you are a loving generous being. Use this time alone to adjust your own frequency even higher. No matter what is happening or not happening around you, keep your space as loving as possible. Try your best in every moment and know that it is enough. You are not doing anything wrong spiritually if you are not manifesting your tribe, your dream job, or your life partner even if online gurus may make you believe you are. Stop comparing yourself to the illusion others try so hard to maintain. If you are not experiencing what you desire, there is no need to panic or to delve deep inside yourself for something to heal that is no longer there or was never there at all. If you are not getting what you want, either you are trying for something not meant for your highest good or the timing is wrong. If you know you could have made better choices in the past, then do so next time but do not keep looking back and beating yourself up about what you might have done differently. Others will judge you and have opinions about what you should be and how you should think and live but no one is the ultimate judge of you, except you, so be kind and gentle with yourself. Know you are worthy of wonderful experiences and loving relationships and they will happen in their own time and in their own way without you forcing anything or in any way being untrue to yourself. Much of the natural world is in peril and Gaia is reacting sometimes throwing you energetically off-balance. You have an abundance of love and support available to you from All Our Relations - the trees, the ocean, the forests, the animals, the stones - so be sure to connect with them when you need to feel loved and use your voice to defend them. Our planet can heal if humanity chooses to live in tandem with the natural world rather than exploiting it. Do not despair for the future of Earth, instead have faith that an awakening humanity can do the impossible. You jar others awake simply by being you - you do not have to do any special rituals or quit your day job to meditate all day - you only need to be you. You are accomplishing what you came here to do. Play and laugh and allow the worries to go. Take risks even if you fear failure or heartbreak. No one can hurt you when you know you are divine and there are no mistakes, only course corrections. Everything is as it should be to create the magical life of your dreams. You only have to believe it to make it true. (c)GingerMysteries www.gingermysteries.com You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. You never expected life to be perfect but perhaps just a bit more than what you are currently experiencing. You sometimes feel encouraged for progress can now be seen though the unfoldment remains glacially, achingly slow as if the Universe does not want you to lose focus by getting lost in egoic satisfaction. Instead, for now, the rewards of your epic healing process remain just out of reach though from time to time you are provided a glimpse, a tease of what it would feel like to experience what is meant to be yours.
You are tired and the journey often seems pointless for nothing glaringly obvious needs your healing attention. You have faced every shadow residing in your soul and either vanquished them or comfortably live with aspects of your own darkness. The test now is to merely hold your inner peace, to maintain your spiritual joy even if it means you are often isolated from those physically close to you. This isolation is not punishment but rather a necessary protection of sorts because others are not consistently residing in the space you are now. Some are processing grief and unavailable to anyone due to being in a necessary state of withdrawal. Hold space for them and allow them to work their way through loss without judgment as to where they should be in their process. Some are still in the throes of emotional projection, victimhood, addiction to drama - states of being that are not necessary for you to be subjected to because there is nothing further for you to learn from being in those vibrations. You have been cautious about expressing your love to others and their resistance to accepting your love does not bolster your confidence. You are worthy of love and all the abundance of the Universe. Despite your moments of doubt, you know this deep within but those you love may not yet know this for themselves and may often withhold their love from you and hesitate to accept your love. Forgive them and love them anyway without expectation but be able to discern those who hide from love as part of their healing process from those incapable of giving and receiving love. Walk away from those wishing to remain absent of love knowing they will find their way in their own time but patiently wait for those whose souls long to align with yours. In truth, you are never abandoned or truly alone. Connect with the energy of the wind, the mountains, the forest, the sea for there you will always find consistent support and love. You have an entire spiritual team in other dimensions to call on too for guidance and information. When you find yourself going it solo, nurture yourself by resting, embarking on adventures, trying new activities, studying something new, using your creative abilities, observing the complexity of a flower or the pattern on a bird's wing. When your loved ones align with you, they will do so because it will no longer feel safe for them to hide from you, to hide from love. And you will know they have stepped beyond fear because they will be consistently present for you, no longer erratically disappearing physically and energetically from you. And yes, it is possible even in these times of constant flux to experience being "in love" as sovereign beings even if now it seems hopeless to even dream of. Believe it is possible for you and it will be so. There are many lessons we can only learn and much healing we can only do in tandem with another. The majority of humans exist in a much denser space than you do but their illusion of the status quo is crumbling. It is not for you to take on all of the world's problems nor to fix them. If a cause speaks to you, use your voice and act with a gentle but unwavering strength. The energies of the collective may be intense - at times overwhelming and disheartening - but keep going. Your presence is making a difference. Soak in those moments when beauty, kindness, and truth present themselves in unexpected ways knowing that for now those moments are few and fleeting but soon they will arrive with greater frequency as more and more people tune into love rather than into fear. Never waver in your belief that you - just by being your truest you - are the catalyst. You are the spark of magic lighting the wick that will illuminate the world in love. (c)GingerMysteries www.gingermysteries.com You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. |
January 2023