As each day passes, it becomes increasingly obvious that the collective reality is unraveling at the seams. Your sense of safety and security is being tested due to unusual weather and a crumbling infrastructure along with corporations and governments pushing all sentient beings toward an ecological collapse. What and who you once relied on can disappear in an instant.
Those content with their programmed lives in the Matrix will fight to maintain the status quo even if the future of their own children is undermined. It is not your job to force them awake, convince them of anything, or drain yourself in an attempt to rescue them. Stay out of judgment and respect their personal journeys but maintain strict boundaries for being unconscious does not give them license to harm you. The reign of toxic masculinity is ending. Be the example to those clutching on to the dying paradigm by letting go of whatever and whoever is draining you. Some of the losses you endure will hit you harder than others, but whatever and whoever is meant for you is never lost to you in truth. Because the collective circumstances are so absurd and often repugnant, it is important to maintain your focus on the new world you are building for yourself that will foster relationships and experiences aligned with the being you are. Become clear on what your life lessons actually are and make choices that further your progress towards mastering those lessons. Try not to get mired in the drama, surrealness, and lunacy that will often surround you as it is not a reflection of you. Let those distractions remind you to stay awake and conscious so that you may navigate your way forward more purposefully. Time may seem to be slipping away, wasted, but trust in divine timing. You may often find yourself seemingly on pause but when things get moving, be ready to act. You will not miss out on anything you are meant to experience if you remain alert and open to living outside of your comfort zone. Over the next few years, you may find yourself relocating and/or amongst new people far different than where you are and those you are with now. Stay out of resistance as your Higher Self guides you into circumstances and toward people that are optimum for your well-being and growth. The path ahead for the human collective is precarious - masks have fallen off and evil parades in broad daylight - but you are a multi-dimensional eternal divine being. Nothing and no one can ever diminish you. Keep a cool head and hold peace in your heart no matter what crisis you face or what triggered person is before you. Be kind and gentle with the hearts of those who choose to stay, grow, and expand with you. Continue to move bravely forward though what lies ahead is unseen knowing you are lovingly supported by Gaia who appreciates your presence and service to her here in the Now. Remember above all that this moment in time is only a blip. Love, laugh, and play knowing that everything is divinely perfect even when it appears you are a player in an episode of The Twilight Zone. (c)GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit.
Rapid changes and revelations will occur over the next few weeks, personally and collectively, to set up a new year that will bring a brand new flavor of intensity. Make the necessary adjustments on your path as you welcome this next level of intensity with gratitude knowing that it is bringing you closer to all that you have worked so hard for. Your personal trials and journeys through the nine circles of Hell are over and have not been in vain. You are accustomed now to walking the razor's edge between the light and the dark allowing you to traverse any obstacles on your path with greater ease.
The outside world with its anger and destructive events is not reflective of the inner peace you now hold within. You will not like everyone but you do not need to, nor do you need to allow everyone into your personal sphere. Keep your circle tight and small - be gentle with the hearts of those who accompany you onward. You can have compassion for all even when others are seemingly unlovable knowing that their souls took on sinister roles for this incarnation. Many are acting as blind teachers to show you what you are not and what you do not want to be. They also act as catalysts to awaken those enraptured by illusion by perpetrating acts of horror to shake those heavily asleep awake. You have dissolved enough of your conditioned beliefs that you no longer need to endure acts of violence or cruelty to learn the truth of your being. The war is no longer yours to fight though the battles will rage on around you. No matter what is happening in your world or others' versions of the world, you are here in service to Gaia. The sustainability of human life on this planet is indeed in jeopardy and there is a very short time to reverse what is now inevitable. The only way to stop the demise of humanity is to return the sacredness to all that was stripped of it a long, long time ago. You remember betrayal, rejection, and pain when you trusted in the past but now you must let all your wounds go. If you have not already, open to being in a one on one relationship with another - someone equally committed to a path of expansion that you are - deeply exploring vulnerability and intimacy through which trust will become resolute. Trust allows for the return of the sacred expression of unconditional love first through a single relationship and then rippling throughout the world to other humans, the animals, the oceans, the earth, the forests, the air, and outward to the totality of All That Is. Everything you have always wanted to have and to experience is there just outside of your comfort zone. Happiness and joy are never lost to you despite what outward appearances may sometimes be. No matter what others believe, say, and do, live from your heart knowing that you are part of the divine and therefore fully capable of creating a beautiful safe planet for all sentient beings just by being who you have been all along. On the days you struggle to find your hope, faith, and courage, remember: Love is stronger than hate. Love is stronger than fear. You are eternal Love. (c)GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. Often words fail to describe the crushing intensity that exists now in daily life. Death energy is ever present. All must metamorphize or perish altogether. Many seem to be descending into new levels of madness or hysteria as they go to any length to uphold the tenets of toxic masculinity that have victimized the vulnerable, the unusual for millennia. For those who are highly sensitive and empathic, you may feel called to engage with this circus as if you can somehow can put order to the chaos but ultimately the only one you can heal and restore is yourself. Continue to focus on the release of your own trauma and undo all the programming that made you somehow believe you were less or deserved to be treated as broken or defective. Conditioning is pervasive and has effectively infected every aspect of life from the most public to the most private.
It can be overwhelming to consider what all needs to be destroyed and rebuilt so focus on your most intimate relationships first. What treatment have you received in your closest relationships that you never want to experience again? Are you ready to drop your old story about who you were and how you were mistreated and start again with a clean slate? Are you ready to be vulnerable and open, to trust in a relationship that is on equal footing? The world truly will be healed one relationship at a time with the masculine and feminine energies operating together in a respectful, sacred way rather than in a controlling, manipulative way. Neither the masculine nor the feminine need to subjugate the other but must work in tandem to create peace and harmony in a personal and in a collective way. Many of you have worked diligently for years on balancing the masculine and feminine within and now you must work on bringing that balance to your relationships with others. Some friendships and familial and work relationships will have to go away in order for this to occur. You cannot rationalize maintaining certain relationships that are not evolving or are not assisting in your expansion in a positive way. You no longer have to do things the hard way in order to succeed or to experience moments of fleeting happiness. You can instead be at peace within, in spiritual joy, knowing that everything is unfolding in divine timing which is likely faster than you believe. Your sense of safety and security is being rattled as old foundations crumble and new ones emerge. There is nothing at all to fear when you accept that you are a divine eternal being. No one and nothing can ultimately hurt you. Trust that and watch the beautiful and wondrous emerge even more brightly in your world as the corrupt and vile fade and dissolve while your daily experience morphs into something miraculously new. (c)GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. Now as never before, you are aware that your multi-dimensional self walks in many worlds. Being on this planet at this time often seems the less palatable place to be and the pull to another place that is far more inviting is tangible. But for now, your service is needed here - not to save anyone but to be present as Gaia restores her vibration back to its optimum level playing her part in raising consciousness for all sentient beings that live upon her. You have witnessed the birth, destruction, and rebirth of planets before - this is nothing new.
As you navigate the world in a liberated state, you can see why others remain stuck - still clinging to their power trips or still dwelling in the traumas and heartbreaks they experienced years, decades, eons ago - still living as if those old stories about themselves depict the truth of their being. The lives of others will continue to destabilize as false beliefs and foundations continue to fall away. Many will exert tremendous effort in trying to hold together relationships that are meant to dissolve. It is unnecessary for you to engage in the drama that plays out around you in so many dysfunctional and unnecessary ways. Others will see the truth of the their own being in their own time. You have better things to do than to wait or to rescue. Radical acceptance of what is without judgment or impatience is required for your inner peace. The more you choose to remain tuned into higher dimensional frequencies, the more you realize your own powers of manifestation that are readily available in other dimensions are emerging here out of the density of the now fading third dimension. Even if the rest of the world is seemingly going to hell in a handbasket, it is important for you to remain focused and present to create an experience for yourself that is more rich and meaningful than what was available for you to experience on this planet even a short time ago. Restore yourself as needed by spending time in the natural world drinking in the beauty, wonder, and love that surrounds you. Your time on this planet is exceedingly brief. Make the most of every moment. Settle for nothing less than who and what honors your soul. (c)GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. The deceivers continue to enrapture the mob which keeps its eyes fearfully transfixed on the circus. Your past experiences have taught you to look for what is real beyond manipulation, gaslighting, sheer lunacy, and outright evil. Trust what you know to be true. Although misdirection is at an all time high, the truth remains hidden in plain sight. While others remain chained, triggered, and destabilized, you remain free.
And in your freedom, it remains important for you to connect with others despite, or even because of, the circus. Hiding away from meaningful and intimate connections with others contradicts the reason you chose to be here. Ultimately the entire purpose of incarnating as human is to connect with others in a tangible way. Life is not meant to be lived as a miserable hermit enduring lesson after lesson without the joy of connection. You do not have to be perfect to have enriching connections with others - you only need to be striving toward being the best version of you. The challenge is to get out of your own way, to drop your conditioned fears of betrayal and hurt in order to create for yourself a new life story. In sacred relationships, you lose nothing but there is unlimited potential to gain. You allow others the space to be free, allow others the option to continually choose to connect with you - or not. No one is ever yours to own, to possess, or to control. Your value and your level of self-love is no longer based on the presence or absence of another allowing for the blossoming of unconditional love for yourself and all. What you have always sought in your connections with others lies beyond your comfort zone in a new space entrenched in unknowns. Be courageous - always moving forward even if the mind believes it is safer to retreat to old toxic relationship patterns. Through sacred connection to all that is, you allow yourself to thrive rather than to simply exist thereby allowing your unique gifts and talents to serve the world. Believe in your own power to create your own reality and to be joyful through a radical acceptance of yourself and the totality of your being. Choose to immerse yourself in the love and abundance that await your openness to receive. At first, you will feel unsure and unsteady in the newness of it all. Trust yourself. Take a deep breath and dive in. It is time. (c)GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. Expansive growth comes from embracing, not rejecting or avoiding, your own darkness. Darkness holds the primordial matter for creation. Nothing can grow in the light without having roots in the dark. To heal and release the traumas of the past and to exist in truth, you cannot forever chase the light and deny your darkness. Instead, you must exist within both the light and the dark - to be at ease in either - for they are not separate from each other. When you resist acceptance of your darkness, you keep yourself in fear and separation on an inner level which is reflected in your outer world causing both to remain on either a stagnant loop void of progress or a repeating pattern of pain and chaos. Your darkness hides the keys to your desired manifestations and the life of your dreams.
Darkness should not be confused with evil. Evil exists at extremely low frequencies - it consists of lack of compassion, lack of moral compass, the absence of love, sadism. When the face of evil is revealed to you, trust what you see and feel even if it diverges from what others see and feel. The wrongs to humanity and to Planet Earth that will be revealed in the coming months and years can only be attributed to evil. Do not be overwhelmed by the enormity and horror of it - all must surface in order to be transmuted. The energetic support for evil has or is in the process of being deleted. You do not have to engage with evil directly in order to defeat it. Rather, resolve further to become a bearer of truth. Evil exists under many guises to make you feel broken, lacking, or otherwise powerless which keeps you distracted and controllable. Remain mentally focused and grounded to avoid the pitfalls caused by illusion and deception. Keep your discernment high regarding what you read and hear whether on mainstream news or in spiritual posts on the Internet. The intensity of absolute metamorphosis in all dimensions and timelines of your being will not be abating soon. When support is needed, escape to Nature to maintain your balance. Do not worry that you have fallen behind others or that you are not worthy or ready - your presence and integrity is enough. Be open even when circumstances make you want to hide. Be loving even when your heart remembers being broken. Be courageous knowing that you are an eternal divine being that no one and nothing can diminish. Whether you stand in the darkness or the light, be at peace. (c)GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. Reaching the halfway mark of this year, your life likely looks different than six months ago and radically changed from a year ago and unrecognizable from five years ago. The people closest to you, the activities that you do, the thoughts that you think, the feelings you experience have shifted and continually shift by your willingness to let go of what was known. You no longer desire to rehash the past in any form and it is being reflected in your outer world albeit often too slowly.
All this shifting can be disconcerting when everyone and everything is either in a state of perpetual metamorphosis or resisting growth entirely. You may often find that you walk your path alone and that is not an indication of your level of success or failure. No matter how powerful you have become while on this planet, your role as a creator is still restricted by the parameters that the collective are comfortable with. At times, the collective simply will not be open to you and what you offer. This is not mentioned to dissuade you but rather to help you to understand the playing field you are working in. If there are things in this world you want to acquire - a successful career, a loving partner, etc. - you have to believe in your worth and ability to have them wholly and completely even if seems impossible or that the rest of this world is against you. Your integrity is paramount now - your words must match your actions. If you tell someone you will do something, follow through and do it - particularly if that someone is you. If you make a mistake, consider what you might do differently and try again. You now have an everlasting clean slate waiting for your do-overs. Realize though that if something is not in alignment with who you are and your highest good - be it a goal, a job, or a romantic partner - no amount of effort or will on your part will change it. Always move in the direction that feels joyful and expansive - not defeating and stagnant. Do not settle for less than the best because you think so-so is all you can have or deserve. Anyone and anything that adds a positive presence to your life is meant to be there. Anyone and anything that drains your energy must go. It does not mean they are bad people or bad things, just not for you. Breathe and remember that the dystopia others choose to live in is not the truth of your world or a reflection of your being. You are in this world but not of it. However, you are meant to live fully while here - not hide away. Embrace your role as a catalyst for your presence as such influences others in ways you cannot now know. If you feel the need to escape, restore and renew in nature for it is real even when much of everything else is illusion. When you feel disappointed and impatient, breathe and remember who you truly are. Accept that you are a living embodiment of love and magic. Believe it fully and you will know that there is nothing to fear ever. The pace will be quickening. Breathe and remember to have fun. (c)GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. You are noticing the signs that a new vista is forming ahead of you. Where nothing at all appeared to be just moments before, now something blurry, still malleable is coming into view. You are not yet sure what it is all about or what it will be or where it will take you but you know it will lead your life in an entirely new direction. Do not worry that you somehow messed up and will be thrust back into an old pattern you thought you had cleared. It is over. It is done. Old you settled for less but new you is empowered and reaches for more.
It may be difficult at times to believe but your hard work is over - lessons learned, the past dissolved away - it is time to move on to fully live in the present. You look around you and wonder why you want to be present in the world of perpetual destruction and suffering - or doubt that your work is indeed done - but your calm presence alone disrupts and alters the cycles of fear and violence in ways you cannot yet know or perceive. The world's plunge into the dark is cause for neither alarm nor celebration - merely what is and what must be. It is not an overstatement that the natural world is currently in deep distress. Most people on the planet remain unaware of just how precariously close human life is to ceasing altogether due to their defiance of natural laws. But Gaia remains patient and rather than eradicating the source of her pain, she is choosing to elevate herself higher vibrationally - pulling all sentient life with her. Send her your love and gratitude often. Connect with her when you feel isolated or overwhelmed knowing she is ever-supportive of your metamorphosis and service here. If something in your life is currently not working or has not worked in a very long time - if ever - be brave and try something different. The more self-reliant and self-contained you can be, the farther out of your comfort zone you can go, the more you will allow yourself the space to draw in the right people and right circumstances to lighten things up with glimpses of what should be, what could be, and what will be. Those moments of respite and levity - those magical and likely unusual time outs will seem like a dream within a dream - and indeed they are. For now, try not to grasp onto those fleeting moments or try to recreate them but rather enjoy, appreciate, then let them go knowing that more and something even better is coming. Your dreams are becoming reality. Your magic is making it so. (c)GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. None of what is available to you particularly interests you for all of what is currently offered is more of the same - been there done that. In the void between what was and what will be, you are well aware of the resistance to evolution propagated by the collective. Fear is palatable. But all the muck that has risen, all that is rising from the wreckage of the old paradigm prods the awakening of those whose eyes do not wish to see, whose ears choose not to listen, whose hearts choose not to feel.
You may be respectful of the pace others are awakening though it may seem frustratingly and agonizingly slow. Patience is still required in large measure for many still identify themselves through their stories about themselves - their heartbreaks, mistakes, losses, even illusionary successes - rather than through their own unique beingness. Because of this, you will have to witness them looping through the same behaviors and emotions until they decide to breakthrough or simply drop their self-imposed obstacles. It may happen quickly or it may take a while. Everyone is right where they individually need to be - wholly responsible for their own joy or sorrow. It is not your imagination that what is meant for you to experience may not be available for you yet because certain manifestations require the participation of the collective which largely remains afraid of who you are and the world you are creating. You have been waiting for years - millennia really - and progress will occur but this resistance from the collective creates a drag you must account for with physical manifestations. Again, your patience is required. You have come quite far very quickly - have surpassed the initial goals you set for yourself for this lifetime. The future is not set in stone so set the bar even higher. Use each moment to take another step toward creating something better for yourself and the planet. Take risks when the opportunities do appear. No matter what is happening or not happening, your focus, your presence, and your state of calm are of utmost importance. Others may be incapable of loving you where you are right now and that is okay. It is irrelevant if love is reflected back to you because you have an endless source of love to tap within. When the isolation becomes overwhelming, find your solace in nature. Feel deeply into the constant steady support provided to you by the natural world. Though people are often deceptive, nature is always true and ever present to support you. Nature knows you are magic even when you - and others - forget. (c)GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. When someone blames others for personal choices, when someone chooses to manipulate and deceive, when someone chooses to engage in acts of violence, you can no longer dismiss it in order to be nice or to keep the peace because tolerating and making allowances for someone's cruelty is to be complicit in it. Those that are in pain or in ignorance do not have an inherent right to inflict pain onto others either through words or deeds and must be deterred by firm boundaries on both personal and societal levels.
No more wishing the problem will go away or the person will change. People are taught how to treat you by showing them what you will and will not allow them to do to you. Set and keep the bar high. Anything or anyone that violates your integrity and well-being or brings harm to you or others on a spiritual, mental, emotional, or physical level must be met with a zero tolerance policy. While those who are unconscious can do much harm, be aware that empaths who do not know how to effectively maintain boundaries and process emotion in a conscious way can and do project their pain in sociopathic ways. Causing others to suffer because you suffer or using and abusing others because you believe you are superior to them is not acceptable in personal relationships or in a society. Have compassion for those who choose to do harm and demonstrate your unconditional love for them by accepting them as they are but also hold them accountable for their hurtful words and deeds. To not do so gives your power away to them and normalizes their behavior. While it is important to be kind and gentle to others, it is more important to be kind and gentle with yourself first. Remember that much of what others do and say now has nothing to do with you at all but also acknowledge there are consequences and karmic implications that must be and will be mete in order to honor the sacredness of life and for individuals and the collective to evolve. You can avoid contributing to the current toxicity in the collective by:
(c)GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. |
January 2023