Many still live from a place of lack and limitation often choosing the lesser of two evils. Your own options now are limited by the collective energies that simply will not allow you to move beyond a certain point in the physical world because it would make others uncomfortable and fearful. So it is that you exist within their parameters while still pushing the boundaries to make the establishment crumble.
Old systems must be allowed to die so that something new and more beneficial to all sentient beings can emerge. As this continues to play out, many will be triggered and react in delusion, desperation, and outright cruelty so be mindful of your surroundings. Trust your instincts to keep you safe. Continue to honor the sacred by supporting the vulnerable and the exploited. The intensity will not be abating so take time-outs as needed but do so without dropping your focus for the stakes now are very high. You are battle-tested so that now though battle-weary, you are able to look evil in the eye again and again without flinching. For whatever reason, many who were meant to be side by side with you during this energetic war are not here so often you seemingly stand alone. Some will continue to toss out love and light without taking necessary direct action. Some have become lost due to following false light or have fallen into debilitating grief unable to take on the service they came here to do. Even if some choose not to fulfill their service, others will step up to take their place. Have compassion for the paths that others choose even it saddens or disappoints you. Acceptance of what is is always the path to grace. Currently the outlook is bleak but the future is only limited by what you choose to believe and what you choose to create. As a human collective, we can choose something greater than what we have settled for in the past. As individuals, we are powerful but together we can manifest miracles and alter the course of history. (c)GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit.
Horrors that were once obscured and only whispered about now play out for all to see yet most continue on with their daily lives that are carefully orchestrated by the elite while children are caged and trafficked, animals are massacred and their habitats destroyed, oceans are filled with trash, and the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat is poisoned. Most people keep numbing out and fighting each other rather than taking responsibility for themselves and rising up against their oppressors. They will continue to believe what they want to believe even as extinction looms.
You have been called to be of service to the sacred - the sacred within and to the sacredness that exists in this world. The seemingly awfulness of everything is not an indication that magic has failed. Magic is ever present even when others fight hard to obscure it and distort reality. The magic of the natural world, the magic in yourself has long been long violated, suppressed, diminished yet you are now once again fully cognizant of the magical being you are and the evil at work around you. You have reclaimed your power from all that sought to keep you powerless. The collective will continue to face its shadow. Many will continue to follow false light, be complicit in evil, or hide away. Keep your discernment high and remain on alert of your surroundings. What you observe will often be bizarre, absurd, or disturbing. Acknowledge what you witness and what you feel and then accept that it is what it is. You are ready even if you are unsure of what to do and feel overwhelmed by the dire state of just about everything. In a world that appears full of evil, it is an act of rebellion to create beautiful things. Be the creator you are, the magical being you are. Your dreams are not lost to you even if others remain unconscious. Hard work is ahead and many will shirk from it. Your success is not contingent upon what they do or do not do. The present state of the world is not its permanent state. Everyone and everything is a part of this metamorphosis - many resist but all will change. Gaia leads the charge forward and is ever your ally. Even when others seemingly abandon you, you are never alone. The natural world will always provide you with stability and unwavering support. You have cleared your past and learned your lessons. By remaining cool-headed making choices based upon your wisdom not upon reaction, you will know what to do when. You are weary but with unwavering belief in yourself, you will ace this final test just as you have previous challenges. What is ahead is far better than what you have ever known in this world. Be kind. Be courageous. You can do this. (c)GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. There is a concerted effort to keep humans distracted and fearful, to be complicit in evil. Many events accepted as historical fact are carefully crafted stories with an agenda to manipulate and instill false beliefs. Many people are heavily programmed and will defend the false stories through extreme measures to affirm their beliefs emboldened by historical "fact".
In the 1960's, there was an agenda to silence truthsayers like John Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Fred Hampton because their vision of the future was expansive not restrictive, one of hope not of fear, one of freedom not of slavery. Fifty years on, we are recycling through energies similar to the 1960s and the toxic masculinity that silenced those leaders and made the masses capitulate has become brazen. The elite could end deforestation of the Amazon rainforest, destruction of wildlife habitats, poisoning of the oceans, income disparity, domestic terrorism, and a myriad of other ills in the world in an instant but they choose not to. This is reality. The game has been rigged to keep humanity mired in misery and suffering but the foundation upon which a millennia of deceptions were built is crumbling. In a myriad of ways, the truth has been distorted or obscured with layers of lies and deceits. The heroes have often been made into villains, the villains into heroes. Trust your discernment and inner guidance on what is true. It is not your job to convince others of truths they are not ready to learn for if they prefer to carry on with their heavily controlled, superficial existences while their own extinction looms, you must respect their free will. It is not a mistake that you are here. You are part of the revolution and evolution. You have gained your wisdom from facing your past and the false beliefs you held about yourself. You embrace your own light and darkness. Now you must face the collective past and the collective shadow. The revelations will be fantastical and likely disturbing but you must see the truth and discern what is of value to carry into the future allowing the rest to fade from human history. Changes will be happening fast and will be ever quickening. Be cognizant of who you allow into your space and be vigilant in your surroundings for as further chaos ensues, many will be reacting from their programming in potentially harmful ways. An obvious sign that someone is a sociopath and/or is programmed is lack of empathy and an inability to take responsibility for their words and actions. Masks are off now. People cannot hide what they are making it easier to know who to trust and who to avoid. When you feel isolated and alone, Mother Earth remains your greatest ally. Connect with her to remain focused and steady even as the ground quakes. No one and nothing can truly harm you. You are here to create a new way of being and a new world. Make your presence known using the words of Joan of Arc as your mantra, "I am not afraid. I was born to do this." And so it is. (c)GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. The empath's Achilles heel is often believing others have the same loving heart that they do and that they can fix broken things, even people, with that heart. This belief has often led to the empath being manipulated and gaslighted by narcissists and energy vampires. Fortunately, due to having endured extreme circumstances, many adult empaths have broken free of this distorted programming and now clearly see others as they are and know that they are not responsible for fixing others. These conscious empaths have learned to love themselves and have taken back their power - their freedom gained at a heavy cost - while the majority of humanity remains unconscious and controlled slipping further down the helter-skelter.
Evil machinations that were once hidden in the shadows can now be witnessed in the light if one chooses to see. Most choose to be complicit in evil-doing as it is easier to stand with the herd pretending the evil is not there in order to not take responsibility for their autonomy. However, no matter how horrific what you see is, you must look at it and acknowledge it for the evil that it is and then draw a line in the sand and not back down. You are engaged in an energetic war. Have compassion for those who hate and destroy but understand that many are unwilling to change. Irregardless, it is your duty to use your voice to speak for the vulnerable and the sacred, to take direct action as necessary. Remember above all that most of what you experience and witness here is illusionary - only temporary - and though much of it may be unpleasant, your presence and engagement is required. This is what you came here for. You did not start the war but you are here to finish it. Your greatest ally on the battleground is Gaia herself. Her patience with the current manipulated timeline has expired and her vibration continues to ramp up activating all sentient beings on this planet. In the months ahead, remain vigilant about your personal space and the landscape around you as weather conditions, situations, people, and the land itself will be shifting in abrupt and unpredictable ways in response to energetic frequency changes. Be prepared for anything and everything, for the surreal and the bizarre, the beautiful and the miraculous. No matter how bleak the future outcome appears to be for humanity and the planet at the moment, do not despair, for there are more here like you than often it appears and your collective power (your magic that was so long hidden and suppressed) will bring many inspiring and glorious plot twists ahead. Civilizations fall in order to rise again. You are more than ready for it. (c)GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. The collective continues to be enslaved to inconsequential distractions as those with a more evil agenda seemingly get away with every injustice imaginable. It is important to remember that no matter how bleak the situation appears, there are always those on the ground fighting the good fight.
In every moment, be conscious of where your focus is. Is your attention centered on what is supportive and forward driven or on what is fear based and disempowering? Be aware of what is happening around you as knowledge is power but do not allow this awareness to impede you due to emotional overwhelm. There are many sad and downright awful things happening to our planet, animals, and people. Acknowledge this but know that you were never tasked with fixing all of it. You are wholly responsible for you and what you bring to your space here. You cannot change the minds and hearts of others by arguing with them but you can influence them with your energy. Remain vigilant for others are highly triggered and often sociopathic which has nothing to do with you. Have compassion but permit no one to harm you. Walk your talk for in a world full of illusion and delusion, your integrity has great importance. Old programs with a root in toxic masculinity are not supported in Gaia's ascension and will be revealed, destroyed, and rebuilt. You have been experiencing this process personally for years - transmuting old programmed versions of you. Now all that you experienced on an intimate scale is happening on a world scale. The world must go through a Dark Night of the Soul just as you did. It is a messy but necessary stage of the process. The weird and unexpected are the new normal but you are now comfortable in the collective discomfort. There is a purpose to all of this though it often seems elusive and you are so very tired. Your presence matters and it is not a mistake that you are here although it has often seemed so. Others have long suppressed your magic, have forced you to hide, but there are too many like you now. What is emerging on the world stage is still a blur and humanity's fate still unknowable but personally, you have turned a corner on your path and something truly wonderful is unfolding created by your magic just for you on the foundation you have so meticulously laid. (c)GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. The old world is deconstructing in very dramatic fashion yet far too achingly slow for you. As destabilizing events increase, those living in an unconscious way will rapidly unravel mentally, emotionally, and spiritually unable and unwilling to adapt, struggling to hold on to what already is gone and will act out and vent in disturbing ways. You have learned to provide little or no reaction. Continue to call out evil for what it is but remain discerning about what stories and who you connect with as even what is seemingly innocuous can hook you back into the distractions of the collective. Walk your path with your integrity intact even if you often walk in silence alone.
You are tired and quite aware that this is not the life you signed on for. Many of your relationships with soul family have been distorted often resulting in confusion and sadness. Your timeline was interfered with and though you have broken free of it, you now lead a life quite different from what was intended so when you look around, it all feels wrong. The interference is not due to your karma - you only got in the way of an agenda. View the challenges here as opportunities to try something new. Presently many worlds filled with contrasting possibilities seek to take hold on this planet. Despite all the deception in play, you still have the power to choose what you experience. When what you hope for manifests, it will not quite look the way you expect and it likely will not be with who you expect but peace and happiness are never lost to you even here in this Twilight Zone farce for even in darkness what is meant for you will find you. In a very short span of time, the landscape of everyone's lives will appear very different from now. You are a catalyst and your presence is helping to restore the magic to this reality. Trust that all is in divine order even while you are surrounded in chaos. Have faith that all will turn out far better than you imagine for it will. (c)GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. You have undone much of the programming that sought to make your being insignificant so you no longer choose to participate in toxic drama and nothing yet has appeared to replace it making day to day life a slog. Others continue to choose situations out of karmic patterning or for societal acceptance but you no longer settle for less. Though you know you are meant for more, you are on Earth to experience the here and now even if it is currently limiting and dull. Much still waits to percolate into your experience which will offer the growth, expansion, excitement, and fulfillment you seek but it simply is not ready to align with you in this time and space.
Everything you have experienced in this lifetime up until now has been preparing you for what is ahead. The intensity will not be winding down only ramping up. There is no need to waste energy on trying to convince others they are caught in a trap of lies and false beliefs as as most are quite comfortable in deception and their versions of reality. Stay out of judgment and be kind and compassionate to others even as you keep your boundaries strong. Others may be ill-prepared or completely unprepared for the trials ahead but you are not meant to drain yourself trying to wake them up or rescue them. You are meant to be a wise, calm, and balanced presence during extreme planetary changes. What human reality will be like during and after this collective metamorphosis remains largely unknowable but it is irrelevant in the now. You have endured much and can withstand any and all of it but when you need support during any phase of the process, always return to nature. Feelings of defeat, exhaustion, and isolation are your call to take a hike in the forest, walk on the beach, dig your hands into the soil of your garden, or connect with whales in meditation to restore your awareness of the sacred within and all around you. Make the most of each moment and soak in the spectrum of beauty that surrounds you even when the collective tries to smash you down with ugly. Drop your resistance to accepting what is even if what is is unpleasant. Build the life that pleases you even if it seems foolish and futile. Dream big even if what you hope for seems impossible to experience for it may not be possible today but may be quite probable tomorrow. Magic is omnipresent even when it seems to have abandoned you and this world. Trust in magic. Believe in you. You are magic. (c)GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. The oppressiveness and chaos of the collective reality does not represent you or reflect the progress you have achieved. Your personal evolution as well as the collective evolution involves loss. In order to evolve, you have to accept the loss of everything that makes you feel secure including the people who make you feel loved. Because some are unwilling to lose what currently is, they are stopping their personal evolution out of fear and not doing the self work required by escaping into distractions or returning to their programmed comfort zone. Stay out of judgment for those who choose to remain in fear, for those whose actions and words project their own unhealed pain. Be an embodiment of compassion and patience while holding yourself accountable for what you bring to this world.
Many insist they want change yet will clutch to the last bastions of the crumbling Matrix because what is known deceptively feels safer to them than the unknown. You, however, embrace the unknown. Acceptance of what is remains your go to reaction in any situation. You wear your grief, for who and what you have lost here in the physical world, as your badge of honor. For in truth, love is never lost to you making resistance to change futile. You stay in the flow - your energy now is too precious to waste for Mother Earth is under metamorphosis. The blackouts, the fires, the floods, the blizzards, the wicked winds are only a teaser for what is to come. You are prepared. You are conscious. You know there is never anything to fear. You have spent years eliminating all the obstacles preventing you from remembering who you are and what you are capable of. You are resilient. You do not need validation from anyone else regarding your worth because you know your value. Your power is again yours and yours alone. While others remain numbed out or seek answers in the past or in misguided teachers, you rely on your wisdom and are ready for whatever is thrown into your path in the here and now. Although the current trajectory is a dire outcome for humans on this planet, remember that you have already beaten the odds and are free. You are not meant to save humanity or old Earth but to assist Gaia in the birth of a new world. Your presence is enough. Your love for animals, wild natural places, and all sentient beings is enough. When you feel unable to maintain balance due to energetic bombardment, connect with Mother Earth to feel all the love for you that is there. Life has become disinteresting because the options available to you in your daily life have been limited and not particularly exciting or fun. You seem stuck in an exhaustive pattern that will not end but it is only temporary. Soon you will have new opportunities for experiences beyond what you previously dared hope for. You will not stand alone because others who are like you that you have not yet met will join you. Your future is yours to create. Believe in your dreams. Trust yourself to bring those dreams into physical reality. Your destiny unfolds. (c)GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. There are strange energetics in play, particularly for the human collective, and you are reminded again that your purpose here is to serve Gaia. Therefore, your focus needs to remain on your personal energy management. Just because the choices others have made have turned their lives and much of the world at large into a raging dumpster fire, it is not your job to rescue anyone or to absorb anyone's pain. Much of what calls for your attention are absurd distractions so be discerning about what and who you give your attention (your energy) to for you have far better things to do.
Everything that surrounds you is real but it is in no way permanent nor is it the complete picture. The less you count on things looking or being a certain way, the fewer obstacles you will get hung up on. Continue as an observer making internal and outer adjustments even if your efforts seem insignificant and/or pointless as part of the human collective. You are making progress and having an impact any time you choose to operate from a place of compassion and kindness rather than from control and fear. You are exhausted on a level that sleep will not cure. However, it is not required that you become overwhelmed or over-burdened. Take time-outs to laugh, play, create art, or get lost in the beauty of nature even if it seems there is much work to be done. The pace will remain relentlessly fast but you can jump in and out of the transformation marathon at your choosing. The power of belief is often drowned out by doubt, worry, and mistrust. Therefore, it is important to an unwavering belief in yourself and in your magic. Weather extremes and other planetary changes will only be accelerating in the coming months and years, increasingly disrupting the conditioned patterns of millions, but trust that the presence of your unique magic helps to build a platform upon which miracles can be built upon. Allow no one and nothing - including yourself - to snuff out your magic. Believe. You are co-creating a new world with the Universe. (c)GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. Thrust back unexpectedly into your own shadow, you remain in the vast, the void, in yet another holding pattern. New potentialities remain too elusive to grasp and take hold now but do not try to redo or recreate the past because you seek security. Old choices, old relationships, old ways of thinking and being have become a waste of time and effort. A commitment to new everything is required.
People will continue to exit your life as most remain unable to match and maintain the frequency levels in which you exist here. Others are not ready to walk their talk as you do, are afraid to live outside of their comfort zone. A life without passion is a cold march towards death, but others will fight to maintain what they know even if it keeps them in a state of lack and misery. Do not despair for your current state of isolation will not be permanent. You may be sad and bored by the slow progress of others but they are yet unable to fulfill roles in your manifestations. You may be disappointed by the absence of meaningful interactions available to you but you are reminded that what is often presented to you now is not a true reflection of your karma or your being or your worth or a measure of your progress in any way. Dig deep to stay inspired. Believe it is possible to live a joyful passion-filled life and your belief will eventually make it so. If you await a life partner, trust that you will not have to play out another Twilight Zone version of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Your karmic slate is erased regarding romantic relationships so there is no need to proceed with any relationship that mirrors one from the past for it will only lead you to a dead end. You have learned your lessons - you know your value - you deserve a love that honors you. Do not settle for less. You are ready for something greater even if others seem not ready for you - someone out there is and will find you. It will continue to be your task to rise above the chaos and mess of the collective and to clear your life of what and who needs to go. Eliminate clutter, keep distractions to a minimum, and avoid escapism - too much of anything that does not keep you in the here and now is not beneficial for you - even if the here and now is unpleasant. Keep your discernment high, too, for there is a proliferation of false information and corrupt gurus and experts that seek to keep you small under the guise of help and enlightenment. When it all seems dire and futile, remember to reach out to Mother Earth and the natural world for love and support. You are here in this time and place in service to Gaia. Your presence serves a purpose. You are responsible for what you bring to this planet so take ownership of what you create and what you emotionally and spiritually project. Be proud of who you are even if what you present is unseen and/or unappreciated by others. You are a beautiful powerful being even when your magic gets fizzled out by the collective energy. Acknowledge when you are tired, take a rest and then carry on. Breathe deeply and remain focused. Trust yourself even when it seems all your effort has brought you to nothing. Above all, be ready to step through when the long obscured door to the life that was always meant for you suddenly opens. (c)GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. |
January 2023