You no longer have to accept what has always has been for how it should be. The systems put into place to control, manipulate, dehumanize large swaths of the populace are failing. A pandemic has effectively triggered a mass awakening along with long overdue resistance, revolution, and reform. The patriarchy is dying at last.
Gaia has raised her vibration to accelerate the planet’s evolution. Humanity as a collective must adapt to this shift in vibration and transform in order to survive. For too long, the sacred has been exploited and destroyed for profit and pleasure by the few. Be assured that the racist, misogynist, colonialist past on this planet will not be recreated in a comfortably, slightly altered way. It simply cannot exist in the vibrational space to which the planet is headed. Fear mongering works on those afraid of uncertainty, the unfamiliar, the unknown. It is not your duty to transform fear or attempt to educate or rescue low vibe beings. Distance yourself from those who are unstable and sociopathic. Avoid digesting words from polluted sources that can potentially infect your thoughts and siphon your energy. Though it may be difficult, refrain from judging those who seemingly revel in the struggle and suffering of animals and other human beings. They will evolve without your interference. Focus on and assist those committed to spreading love and joy not those who hate and harm. Personal and collective anxiety, anger, and grief remain extremely high so personal energetic maintenance remains critical for your well-being. Take respite in nature and near bodies of water as needed. Your energy is sacred. Do not martyr yourself by pushing your physical body or overwhelming your mental, emotional, or spiritual bodies. There is nothing to prove to yourself or anyone else by doing so. You serve others best when you put your self care as your top priority. Life has often been unpleasant but it is time to transcend old traumas, disappointments, betrayals, and heartbreaks. If you look at the landscape around you now, it can be difficult to be hopeful and open to the possibilities to fully experience love and abundance in all its manifestations but the time has passed to settle for less than living life to its fullest. Your time here is short. You have thoroughly learned the lessons wrought by fear and cruelty. Now experience the breadth of what love and compassion offer. Strive to see the beauty in this world that is ever present but often obscured. Express your love to those important to you. Spread kindness. Now is the time for courage. You are called to be more creative, more inspired, and more aligned with the essence of your being. You are the Phoenix rising out of the collective rubble to create a new reality. You are not alone. Others rise with you. Believe in your magic. (c)GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit.
You can wish for a lessening of intensity but it will not be granted. The pressure cooker feel of the physical plane will be lasting for months, years. You may think “I did not sign on for this.” but you likely knowingly did because this is where your expertise shines. You have battled in these energetic wars over and over. You are exhausted and bored of it yet here you are again.
Daily life now has a sinister, surreal feel. Those that are operating at a low level of consciousness and those energetically hi-jacked are obvious and to be avoided when possible. Their level of indifference to the suffering of others and to death is sociopathic. Resist allowing manipulative tactics to prompt you into reacting. Act purposefully from your integrity. Words are powerful now - use them to uplift others and spread love - not as an instrument of wounding or one upmanship which is a misuse of your power. There is no reasoning with or awakening sociopaths. Trust that their souls are safe even if currently “sold” to malevolent forces but mitigate the harm they may do to you on physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels whether you are dealing with family members, friends, co-workers, employers, neighbors, strangers, elected representatives by taking whatever steps are appropriate. Everyone is being impacted by an onslaught of collective trauma, depression, and anxiety as well as their own personal and ancestral healing so support from those closest to you may be absent for they may feel too lost or overwhelmed themselves to lean upon. Some days the collective reality here is overwhelming even for those well-prepared and in-tune inter-dimensionally. The rampant destruction of nature and the hatred of fellow humans is repugnant. Be gentle with yourself as your resilience is tested. Trust Mother Earth to always be a steady, loving, grounding presence for you. Continue to do whatever practices and activities bring you peace and joy. Believe that good and wonderful things still exist and can be experienced. Be fully present even if it is uncomfortable. Your tears are not a sign of weakness. Your presence here is not punishment. There are many like you working purposefully unseen and unheard in this energetic war. Isolation is an illusion of the physical dimension. If you have been working seemingly alone, trust that you have the connections you need to persist and even flourish though some of those connections may yet be unknown. Your timeline was repeatedly interfered with in an attempt to weaken and defeat you but you have persevered. The mechanisms of interference have been dismantled through your commitment to yourself and your mission and will not happen again. Though those attempts to thwart you failed, your belief in success often wavers. You do not dare to hope not wanting to have to face monumental grief and disappointment again. Stay in the present. Do not allow your mind to wander into the past. The past will not repeat unless you choose to experience it. Dare to believe that this time the result will be different. All that has hindered the ability for all sentient beings to rise and thrive on this planet is being wrecked and transformed. Your mission continues to be protecting the vulnerable and the sacred. Continue to focus on the world you are creating, the experiences you wish to have, the love you wish to feel. Seek out humor, beauty, and lightness. Kindness is the hallmark of your rebellion. Refuse to succumb to the hatred, heaviness, and despair as the collective undoes the old and builds the new. No matter how bleak the outcome may now appear to be, everything is being rearranged and energetically realigned, dreams yet unfulfilled are not lost to you. (c)GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. Masculine energy exists in physical form as a protector of the sacred - the feminine, animals, nature - not because the sacred is weak but because it is important. For too long, the sacred has been debased, terrorized, or outright destroyed by a distorted masculine used as a weapon of control and fear. There is no energetic support for toxic masculinity in a world that exists in 5th dimension or higher. Masculine energy as bully and abuser ends here and now.
What plays out daily exists only on residue of an energetic platform that has already has ceased to be. It will continue to be experienced for a time because it is bolstered by a number of brainwashed and/or sociopathic people. This cycle of evil will disappear when enough humans declare “enough!” which will open the possibilities for the collective to experience something new. Many want to return to their "normal" lives of a few months ago. But that normal was an illusion built by ignoring the toll that society has had on the environment, animals, indigenous people, and the working class, by ignoring the suffering of the exploited and the vulnerable. The systems were all rigged to favor a few and there can be no returning to “normal” if humanity is to survive for there is a heavy collective karmic price to pay for the cruelty and indifference humanity has meted out upon each other and the natural world. As the karmic reckoning continues to play out, stay grounded and clear-headed with Mother Earth as your support so that you can rely on and trust your intuition. Your ability to process grief and PTSD are tools that will serve you well so that your decision-making and action-taking is not based on emotional over-reaction. Be vigilant in regards to your physical safety and what words, images, and personas you expose yourself to. Many who consider themselves woke are actually jacked into false narratives so be very discerning about what you attach to as true. Allow your own acquired wisdom and higher perception to guide you forward. You are part of the resistance meant to right the wrongs of your ancestors. You cannot sit this one out. Stand up if not physically, then energetically with your empathetic, conscious brothers and sisters in the face of evil. Arm in arm, be the line that will no longer be crossed. It is not your job to personally clean up this world's mess but you are here to contribute and participate in the building of a new world. Only through collaboration and cooperation will humanity as a collective level up and out of the pattern of cruelty and oppression. You are exhausted and it may seem pointless but continue to focus on the world you wish to create and what you wish to experience. Believe in yourself, your strength, your resilience. The future of your dreams is coming together though it appears to be coming undone. The dark is not unfamiliar territory for you and in it you can not only live but thrive until the collective emerges on the other side of this transition. In the coming months and years, your faith and patience will continue to be required. Hold fast to Bruce Lee's mantra, “Patience is not passive; on the contrary, it is concentrated strength.” (c)GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. Though much of life before was cruel and absurd, many aspects of daily life are now surreal. Some fear totalitarianism, some fear poverty, some fear sickness, some fear the loss of their illusion of freedom or of being in control. Some who proclaim themselves to be proliferators of truth are merely another mechanism to spread fear and hate. Avoid hooking into anything, including social media posts, mass media broadcasts, and online videos that are disempowering and place blame, shame, or judgment on others for certain scenarios playing out or for not accepting a particular version of truth. Keep your discernment very high and trust your inner knowing. If something feels off, it likely is trying to manipulate you energetically - unfollow and block as necessary to avoid infecting yourself for an energetic war is still very much happening.
Daily clearing and upkeep of your energetic hygiene is necessary to maintain a clear connection to Source and to your I AM Presence. Nature remains your escape from the crazy and your recharging station when you feel tired or overwhelmed from having to adapt rapidly to ever-changing, often sociopathic, scenarios produced by both collective karma and orchestrated evil agendas. Much of what is playing out has little to do with you at all so there is no need to give your attention and power to it but its presence will drain you if you allow it. Everyone has their own beliefs about what is happening around them and playing out in the world and has their own vision of the future that is emerging. It is neither helpful nor beneficial to throw stones at others for their fears or beliefs or to try to force others to think, feel, or act as you do. Choose compassion instead. Accept others where they are even if it means you keep them at a distance. Railing against systems, politicians, billionaires, foreigners, whoever, whatever is a misuse of your power. Blaming others does not solve problems or improve anything. Make a stand and take direct action against others if it protects the vulnerable, otherwise stay on your path focused on the future you wish to experience for yourself. Much is uncertain and unpredictable now. What is certain is that the weird will get weirder. Being in the in-between is challenging but the comfort of the old dysfunctional normal is not returning. Resistance to change only makes the way forward more unpleasant. Acceptance of what is leads to inner peace and spiritual joy which opens you to more possibilities to serve others and the planet for the greatest good as well as to connect with others more aligned with you. Your power is in your stillness. Your kindness is your rebellion. Your joy is your success. (c)GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. In the blink of an eye, the world has shifted and life as most people have known it has changed forever. For the majority of humans, it is impossible to learn peace without the contrast of chaos. Most have spent their lives transfixed to the illusions placed before them to manipulate their thoughts, emotions, and behavior subverting their intellect and intuition. Unlike you who has been preparing for this moment for years, that majority has now been thrust into an entirely new territory without any preparation at all. Their normal daily routines have ended swiftly and perhaps permanently as they realize that they never were in control of their circumstances or their destiny as much as they had believed themselves to be.
Crisis exposes what is broken - all that is cruel and dysfunctional is being exposed personally and collectively. What has been calling for change and attention can no longer be ignored. Be mindful that some may be experiencing physical, economic, mental, emotional, spiritual challenges at extreme levels. Some will lose marriages, careers, even their lives. Have compassion for those that are scared, grieving, or overwhelmed but do not hesitate to end any connections that become toxic and unsustainable. Much of what is playing out now on the world stage has nothing to do with you at all. Your role is to serve Gaia and others by being present and walking your talk. Be adaptable, an advocate for the vulnerable, the protector of the sacred, the voice of reason, the picture of calm, even as circumstances and people remain unpredictable. Do your best to stay out of judgment and remind yourself that you are not here to solve all of this world's problems. When you feel the isolation, call in the love of your ancestors. Honor them by your grace and bravery as you venture further into the unknown on an ever-changing landscape. Ground. Breathe. Listen to music. Dance. Connect with Mother Earth herself daily to remain steady and focused. This moment in time is providing a reset for humanity - a time for the healers, the creators, and the innovators to take the spotlight away from the demagogues, the false prophets, and the social media influencers - a time to discover individually and collectively what is of value. However, society and many people within it remain sociopathic despite the "we are in this together" overtones. Be vigilant and err on the side of caution when interacting with others. You have longed for change and here it is. This is the ending and the beginning. Life until now may have been a disappointment but multiple timelines are playing out at once and never has humanity stood at the precipice of so much potential. Dream big personally and for the world at large as the possibilities are endless. The platform upon which the new world filled with compassion, equity, and respect for the sacred can be built is emerging out of the vestiges of the energetic war. Hold steady. You have the wisdom and the skills needed to navigate this new terrain and all that is to come. This world can go dark but you are still the light. Be the kind, loving, magical creator being that you are. It is enough. (c)GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. You realized long ago that you and your life were not "normal" and stopped trying to fit in but others have spent the majority of their lives following paths dictated by their programming, checking off boxes of what people are supposed to do while trying to fit into an unrealistic image of what a human is supposed to look like and be as dictated by societal norms and trends. Their energy has been wasted and their power handed over to outside authorities. Now complete ecological collapse is looming and drastic changes must occur quickly in order for humanity to survive.
You are exhausted from the endless conflicts and cruelty on this planet - the energetic war - but an end to this cycle is rapidly approaching. Remain calm, vigilant, and brave. Much is and will be happening behind the scenes and out in the open to interfere with and distract you. Let those attempts fail. Stay grounded and connected to Mother Earth. The natural world is your constant, undistorted source of loving and supportive energy while in physical form. Rely on its sacred presence to help you be clear-headed and emotionally stable while tyranny and oppression reign. Throughout the many rapid shifts ahead, be kind and supportive to those trying to bring their best self forward. Some people will behave in extreme, irrational ways either due to being interfered with energetically or being unwilling to adapt to higher frequencies of light. Remain shielded and maintain strong boundaries in such circumstances. No matter how it appears, there is nothing and no one to fear. Nothing and no one is more powerful than you. Resist anything and anyone that contributes to the harm of the vulnerable and the destruction of the sacred. While you have to respect the evolutionary state of others and the roles they have chosen to play, you do not have to tolerate the presence of evil. The buck stops with you and others like you. As one by one you stand together, the framework of the corrupted patriarchy degenerates and soon the mechanisms and controls of society will crumble en masse causing panic to ensue as everything plunges into the unknown, into darkness, to become something new. Trust your intuition and wisdom to navigate in the dark and into the unknowable future. You may feel you have exhausted your experiences on this planet since much of your life has been spent on repeat but you are no longer tethered to the third dimensional Earth reality construct and its limited possibilities. Because the world currently appears to be a dysfunctional mess, you are cautious not wanting to face further disappointment and boredom by hoping the future will bring something fresh and wonderfully different. But what would your life be like if you started always making the most expansive choices for yourself and the planet along with having an unwavering belief that your dreams would manifest in a way perfect for you and for all? And what would happen if hundreds, thousands, millions also did the same? With billions of contrasting visions of what the future on this planet should be, it may be difficult to perceive how peace can ever exist here. However, consider what peaceful times can be - big and small. For you personally, it could be time spent playing guitar or painting a landscape or playing fetch with your dog or having drama-free relationships with loved ones. Or it could be opposing sides in a centuries long religious war deciding to lay down arms. There are no limits to what peace can be. By experiencing what brings you joy, engaging in ease, you bring peace to the world. When your heart is full of joy, there is no space for hate or lack. What others have or do or do not do does not diminish your peace because you are full. You accept what is from a place of spiritual joy. There is no resistance or conflict, simply peace. And this is how peace - quietly and effectively - will come to Planet Earth. (c)GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. Multiple realities are playing out at once. A proliferation of lies, cover-ups, and outright nonsense seems to dominate politics, the press, and social media polarizing groups and individuals from one another but all of that is merely a distraction as governments destroy habitats and erase species in the name of corporate interests. No matter where you live, there is no hiding from the assault on all sentient life. Your air, land, and water are being poisoned in an attempt to keep you weak and controllable. Keep an eye on the actions of those complicit in evil but do not become distracted and immobilized by them nor consider yourself as superior. Use your power to maintain your inner balance and to push back on the institutions that serve no one but the cruel and weak-willed elite.
When you feel under attack or overwhelmed, take whatever steps necessary to keep yourself safe whether it be physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually. You alone determine what and who is allowed into your consciousness and your experience here. You are wholly in control of you even if at the mercy of collective chaos. Make maintaining a high level of energetic hygiene a daily priority because you need to be a feeling being to remain connected with your intuition even if you are tempted to shut it all down and shut it all out. Traveling a path of truth can be isolating. However, there is an energetic war playing out and it is not easy to navigate it alone without support. Be assured that those aligned with you will find you, will stand by you. You may have been disappointed or betrayed in the past but collaboration is necessary for human survival in the years ahead so you will have to let the right ones in. Allow those old patterns to dissolve and be brave enough to try relationships anew. Gaia is moving on up vibrationally and human beings can choose to move up as a collective with her or not - there is no judgment from her either way - it just is what is. Weather and Earth changes will continue to affect millions worldwide not to punish but to rebalance. The majority of humans do not live according to the cycles of nature and natural law and struggle is inevitable due to their hubris. Humans need to learn to live in harmony with nature and with each other and the animals and trees have long-awaited to have their wisdom heard. Take time to listen. They will show the way. In the coming days, months, and years, there will be instances where you must stand your ground without hesitation, without wavering. Keep your integrity intact and your sense of humor in tandem with your sense of calm no matter what plays out. When faced with anything that attempts to diminish you, learn the power of "No!" sprinkled with a "Not today, Satan. Not today." and keep moving forward. Allow nothing and no one deter you from being the most authentic self you can be. Be determined to thrive not merely exist and so it shall be. (c)GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. There is no doubt that in the coming months and years, life on this planet will require that you leap headlong into the unknown without a safety net as radical changes in behavior will be required to maintain your well-being as an individual as well as part of the collective. Trying to carry on with life as it has been or once was will simply no longer work as the very structure holding the construct of this planet dissolves and transforms.
Acknowledge the presence of those who control and suppress and those that fervently defend their evil agendas under the old power structure but do not allow their circus acts and vitriol to sidetrack or derail you. You alone decide how much of their toxicity affects and infects you. For so long, you have worked in the dark in order to serve the light. Now, if you are directly confronted with evil, be confident and brave in your words and actions in defense of the vulnerable and the sacred for you are here to draw the line that shall not be crossed. Be very discerning regarding what news (even from alternative sources) and channeled messages (even those from famous channelers with huge followings) that you hold as true. Many "lightworkers" on social media are following a false light which is revealed through their air of superiority and their judgment of others. Information touted as ancient or spiritual knowledge is often distorted and used to manipulate. Always trust your inner guidance above all. No matter what happens and what is revealed to you, resist anything and anyone that is an insult to your soul that parades as a necessary part of human existence. You do not have to settle for a life filled with struggle or submit to people who are without integrity and a moral compass who gain pleasure from the suffering of others. Throughout this next phase, you will discover what limiting beliefs you have held onto through all of your cycles of transformation. Drop those beliefs along with the trauma from past relationship disappointments and betrayals. Allow yourself to open and to connect with the people who are in energetic alignment with you as they appear. These connections will help and sustain you through the challenges ahead. As the highest vibrational regeneration of yourself and all sentient beings unfolds, your intention and belief is powerful. You deserve a life in which you feel supported and free to expand, to create, to thrive. Make it so. (c)GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. The cracks in societal constructs continue to deepen. Many stand transfixed to the soap opera playing out as public servants who have failed as leaders make for compelling players acting out storylines that long ago have jumped the shark. The racists, misogynists, and sociopaths have unmasked themselves. Continue to observe rather than react to disturbing revelations and twisted behavior being either ignored or normalized by the mainstream to avoid becoming physically, emotionally, and spiritually drained. Keep your focus on your path and your purpose not the relentless drama grasping for your attention and energy.
You have fought hard for your freedom - your freedom gained by choosing to do the required work to raise your consciousness. You have remembered who and what you are despite efforts to keep you compliant. Others choose to be manipulated and will fight for their oppressors in order to maintain a distorted reality that they perceive as normal. The level of consciousness others exist in must be respected even if it disgusts and infuriates you. All have their roles to play in this world of contrasts but it is your sovereign right to thwart their attempts to diminish your worth, usurp your power, harm the vulnerable, or destroy the sacred. The foundation for the next phase of your life has been carefully and painstakingly built. You have hesitated to dream that something better awaits as your experience thus far has conditioned you to be wary and cautious, to not hope for too much. But your hopes - your wishes - are powerful. Develop a vision in your mind's eye of what the future for yourself, the future for the planet could look like. Hold that vision. Trust that part of you that is infinite - a creator - and the Universe will respond. To you, change is happening far too slow as the urgency to save the animals and habitats and humans themselves becomes ever greater. Remember it is not your job to rescue everyone. You are not inadequate. You are enough. Gaia has already set in motion a course correction for herself and this planet. You are here to support her and do so by finding acceptance and peace with what is, by seeing and respecting the beauty and complexity of the natural world that surrounds you, by being a gentle yet formidable presence. When existing here becomes unbearably sad, all the problems overwhelming, people far too disappointing, use music and laughter as your tools to lighten and elevate your mood. Spend time with animals and the trees to immerse in unconditional love. Remind yourself that all of this is only temporary and not meant to be taken too seriously. As this world crumbles, reconfigures, and resets, you rise above the fray. Believe in magic to create miracles for magic has and always will be you. (c)GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. You have emptied out your programming, toxic relationships, karmic loops, irrational fears but there is, as of yet, very little to fill the void. Despite what the self-help gurus online state, you are no longer placing obstacles on your path blocking your ability to manifest or to be abundant. What you are seeking does not yet exist in your vibrational space. If you are feeling bored and isolated, it is because there is nothing currently suitable to fill the void without repeating what you have already experienced, learned from, and finished with. It may be a struggle to remain even vaguely interested in your daily, still necessary, muggle routine so remain present by being in nature, interacting with animals, listening to music, and expressing your creativity.
You exist to disrupt the system that has sought to keep humans controlled and without a deep connection to each other and to the Earth for millennia. Many people are complicit in evil out of fear, not wanting to be accountable for their own actions, or are sociopaths who enjoy the suffering of others. You have learned that shouting at them in an attempt to wake them, lecturing them in an attempt to teach them, or in any way trying to fix them only adds more negativity to the collective and depletes your energy. You now know that you only need to be yourself. Your presence - your essence - disturbs evil and is a virus in the system of control which will become more desperate and cruel in a futile attempt to stay in control. While unrighteousness reigns, being kind equates to rebellion. Be kind to animals, the environment, the vulnerable and stand up for their protection because of their sacredness. Attempts to destroy the sacred will not prevent the forthcoming cataclysms that will unfold to level the playing field for all sentient life on this planet. Maintain your integrity and equanimity as systems collapse and people unravel around you. The outlook for humanity is currently dire but this Earth construct was not set up to be taken too seriously. However, it is paramount over the next decade that you maintain your inner peace and a cool head so that you make the best choices for you and for Earth even when your safety and your comfort are threatened. Throughout it all, keep your sense of humor. Do your best. It is enough. Above all, rebel. (c)GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. |
January 2023