Your days remain unusual and strange, often challenging in unforeseeable ways. Existing in survival mode is destabilizing so ground yourself by spending time in nature or engaging in activities that quiet the mind. But do not numb out or fog your mind trying to block out collective reality. Others may be pretending that life is returning to normal but any sense of normalcy is ultimately illusionary at this moment. The old way of being and doing is being dismantled. No amount of stalling or grandstanding by those who perceive themselves as powerful will stop the planetary metamorphosis that is underway.
You no longer have the luxury of picking apart memories or rehashing old stories as if they remain relevant to the ever evolving you. Right now you are required to take with you only what you need for your survival in an ever increasingly precarious present that requires adaptability and focus. Attempting to recreate or redraw the past, drowning in what ifs or what might have beens only keeps you in a perpetual emotional quagmire which serves no one including yourself. Allow it to drop. This act of shedding is not bypassing but an acknowledgement that the past can only be transcended by learning from experience and being your best self in the present moment, making better choices, not by continuing the same patterns, making the same choices, recreating the same scenarios that have led to your and the collective's present circumstances. Many will disappointingly continue to devolve into incivility and cruelty. Distance yourself from anyone whose rhetoric is toxic, whose behavior is abusive for those elements need not be included in the groundwork for your future. Realize that some people are only present in your life to deplete your energy and distract you. Drop them. The loudest voices are often the most radicalized so align yourself with the helpers quietly doing their work in service to others and the planet. Be mindful of when it is necessary to react and when it serves you best to be an objective observer to what unfolds around you. Hold those without integrity and honor accountable for the evil they perpetuate on others for those devoid of love can no longer be allowed to be the caretakers of others, the oceans, the lands. The survival of humanity depends on humanity accepting a new way of being in all relationships particularly the one with Mother Nature. Many rapid course corrections will be required on the road ahead as far more opportunities and potentialities will emerge than can currently be perceived. For now, remain curious about the world but be cautious. (c)GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit.
Humanity is at the end of a very long, traumatic cycle. Many continue to be in resistance and denial of the collective reality unable to leave the safety of illusion. Some continue to plan their lives as if the old way can be the new way. Some, even in spiritual circles, have become radicalized and continue to shadowbox perceived enemies and threats projecting more disharmony, distrust, and fear into the collective.
Often your experience here may be unpleasant - circumstances are unjust, environments are unhealthy, and people with their words and actions are often cruel and disappointing. But when you can experience it all and perceive it just as it is and not how you want it to be, you reach a state of grace. Acceptance of what is does not mean you particularly like or want what is but it is a knowing that this is just a step on the journey - not the final destination nor a mirror of your soul - just another step in your personal and a collective metamorphosis. If you are exhausted and not particularly blissful in this moment - own it. Being in collective death energy for months and years while also processing personal loss is not comfortable even for those without fear of death, even for those who embrace change. Grief energy is heavy and isolating but being alone in a perpetual grief state is not why you are here. Try new things. Explore the breadth of experience this world offers. Push your boundaries to find those moments of beauty, peace, and fun even if for now they are fleeting. Make connections with others that you leave you feeling elevated and drop the thieves of joy. You no longer have to tolerate the intolerable in order to be kind. Humanity’s survival depends on the collective stepping up and doing the work collaboratively. That may seem impossible and improbable. Just do your part and do not worry about what others are doing or not doing. Stand in your integrity and take ownership of what you bring to this world. Remind yourself as often as needed that you have not failed even if your life is not currently a picture postcard. You are doing the necessary work that you came here to do. Give yourself credit for showing up and trying your best. Be gentle with yourself and hold compassion for others for you are here to destroy what has been to create something new and as of yet unknowable. That is no small task. (c)GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. Many are operating in a highly functioning state of grief and depression due to loss of security, income, health, and loved ones while enduring the traumatic incidents spawned by the last gasps of toxic patriarchal rule. Often nightmarish scenarios are experienced that are not reflective of personal karma. Acceptance of what is, even if what is is unpleasant and painful, remains essential for navigating through daily life.
Some have been living in a manipulated mind state for months or years. Even if labeled a healer or a leader, they are often abusers blaming others for being in a vulnerable state and using their words, their actions, their power to shame, to mock, to diminish, to further traumatize those in crisis. Due to their illusion of superiority, they are stuck on repeat and choose to do the “wrong” thing over and over. Some are sociopaths and psychopaths who enjoy controlling and being cruel to others, but some are simply choosing to do the “wrong” thing because it is easy and has, up until now, been profitable. There is a complete lack of effort to be better and do better. It is not easy to choose to do the right thing, the hard thing because it requires work and personal sacrifice and a commitment to the highest good for all. Humanity is facing an ecological collapse on top of many other complex crises. No more time and effort can be spared on those who choose to support colonialism or those who choose to give allegiance to perpetuators of lies. Your mission is to make your mark and leave this world a better place than it was when you arrived. It is a tall order but one you are not meant to accomplish alone. Allow others to support and inspire you as needed. Walk in truth and grace and engage in equitable relationships. Everything necessary to achieve the best possible outcome is always available to you if you persist despite all the traps set to distract and discourage you. These times are odd and challenging and often you may only have faith, hope, and belief to push you forward but that is enough. A human life is very short. Your experiences here are just experiences. You are not being tested or judged. Even if you feel you have wasted time, made too many mistakes, lack essential resources, or that the current state of the world is too precarious to even dare to dream of something better, you are well-prepared for what is ahead and you are worthy of all the beauty, love, and joyful experiences this planet can offer. (c)GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. While much of the energy of the previous year continues to linger and impact your day to day living, there are signs now that the end of this collective cycle is nearing. But the ending of this cycle will not be an end to the work or a return to what was, it will be the beginning of a new level of work that will require commitment and dedication to community and country in order for humanity to survive and thrive into the future.
As has become apparent in the past few months/years, some spiritual teachers and political leaders have been following a false light and devote their power to reinforcing the toxic patriarchy that others fight valiantly to dismantle. Be very discerning regarding your sources of information as proliferators of half-truths and outright lies seek to destabilize, confuse, and incite the masses on a nearly constant basis. If it does not feel true, it likely is not. Do not hesitate to distance yourself from anyone, regardless of social status or your relationship, who attempts to dehumanize or demonize others. Be a leader, not a follower, even if at times you walk alone. Use your time remaining in this cycle to address and heal any issues on an inner or outer level needing your immediate attention while remembering the goal is not to be perfect but to be and do better. Use your energy and focus to create something good and lasting not wasting it trying to correct the behavior and thoughts of those with fanatical views. Your empathy and your kindness remain your super powers. Acknowledge your exhaustion and your disappointment but see the beauty and good that exists in this world not just the hatred and cruelty. Many traps have been deliberately set around you to make you lose your cool. Breathe. Retreat into nature to escape and recharge. Step back into the fray. Slow and steady. Resist the urge to rush forward even if the present moment is uncomfortable or unpleasant. Be cool. (c)GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. You have reached the stage of your journey where it is okay to be just okay. There is such an incomprehensible amount of collective and personal loss to process that it has become more important than ever to savor the beauty of living. The simple joys often overlooked in keeping pace with modern life can now can be appreciated perhaps for the first time or in greater depth. Those clinging to the past fear the loss that comes with change but also lose what might be gained by being present in the moment holding a vision of a brighter future. Your existence in this time and place was a harbinger of change and you welcome the renewal of all within this planet.
Some are currently living in a fractured reality, following a false light and may be dangerous in their hysteria and fervent belief in lies. You need not endure their presence in your personal space no matter the prior relationship. The illusion they perceive as reality is very real to them. It is not necessary for you to confront or convince anyone of the truth or force them to be a part of a collective reality they are not ready to embrace. Rather than wasting your energy trying to convince the unconvincible, support those who work diligently to mitigate the harm done by those driven by fear. Do not give your attention to the theatrics of those who give fealty to narcissistic flim-flam artists for they only expose their own wounding and insecurities. When you feel tempted to react, remind yourself that just because some are using a bullhorn to project hateful rhetoric, there are many more doing good works in the world quietly and peacefully. Those that do harm must be held accountable for their actions with the understanding that though they have shirked their inner work, you can hold a space of compassion for them while not allowing their trauma to become yours. Though you are exhausted, kindness is your strength. There is much turbulence in the extremes so keep to the middle path as you hold fast to your dreams and demonstrate your integrity through your actions and words as you stand with others who do the same. Your people are those who walk through the world gently and purposefully - the ones that elevate others knowing that it in no way diminishes themselves. The war is not over but the tide of the battle has turned. There is now a ray of hope where once there was none. Foster and protect the light of unconditional love as you move forward - resilient and determined - slow and steady. (c)GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. For months, many have been living in an unrelenting nightmare experiencing loss of loved ones, incomes, homes, dreams - abandoned and crushed by systems driven by the accumulation of obscene wealth and egoic power. Instead of receiving the support, love, and kindness called for by the circumstances, often those suffering have been hit with judgment, indifference, and cruelty from family, friends, and communities even by those who consider themselves woke or spiritual evolved. Blaming others for being victims of the failures of systems they did not construct is not particularly beneficial to anyone. Not everything that a person experiences is a result of choice or personal karma.
"Bad" things happen to "good" people because there is collective karma and a Law of Randomness proven by physics. Throughout the Universe, some happenings occur randomly without cause. When things considered good happen, it is called luck, even a miracle. Although there is a lot of dismissing of science in recent years because science has been politicized - and science is often not convenient for those wanting to make money or sustain existing restricting systems - that does not change what is - the Law of Randomness is always in play. The Law of Randomness can be scary - it takes away control and predictability that humans gain comfort and security from - but it also can be exciting for it means that anything is truly possible. Under patriarchal rule, humans have often been corralled in and limited intellectually and spiritually but the existence of the Law of Randomness ensures that no one has sovereignty over you because there are no absolutes of anything. No matter the cards you have been dealt, there is always a wild card to play as you choose. You are always free. The weeks ahead will be challenging, often bleak. Feel whatever you feel in the moment knowing that no matter how awful or how wonderful it feels, all of this - your feelings, this moment, everything - is only temporary. Even in chaos, destruction, and reconfiguration, opportunities exist for those who dare to dream and try. Be kind and gentle to yourself and others and just keep going. (c)GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. It is predictable and tiresome to endure the chaotic and disruptive presence of those who desperately cling to power and ego trips rather than acting from a place of honor and truth, those that attempt to diminish others in order to provide themselves with a grandiose sense of importance and virility. It is obvious now who take no time for self-reflection, who make no effort at being their best selves. There are certain standards of conduct, certain boundaries that simply can no longer be allowed to be crossed or humanity will not survive into the next century. It is not your mission to convince the abusers, the bullies, the gaslighters of anything, only to stop the harm that they do by removing their spotlight and standing with others committed to the greater good. Persistence and kindness can build a society that at last brings hope and joy rather than lack and suffering.
Many have only learned a sanitized version of history but the truth in the historical record shows that life in past centuries, just as now, was often more bleak than joyful. While a few prospered, many were subjected to an endless onslaught of miseries. People have accepted this as the human condition but you are quite weary of this collective pattern. Limitation and oppression are weights you no longer want to bear. You wish to expand and prosper and witness others do the same. You may be exhausted by the manipulations and trauma you have withstood for months, years, lifetimes which is magnified by the current collective beating. Feeling it all yet remaining a loving being is your super power. Be assured that the end point is near. You are not going back to what was even if that known reality provides comfort to others. You have been in the unknown drifting for some time but your direction and new purpose will be revealed as the energetic hold of the old world releases once and for all. The future beckons. (c)GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. Change is constant for energy is never stagnant. Energy forever endures, creates, and transmutes. No matter how horrific or terrific the present moment may be for you, it will be fleeting. For months, much of the developed world has been seemingly at a standstill. Although the situation is dire, this is truly not a stopping point. Rather, this is a transition point. You are ready to move beyond the in-between but have patience as the rest of the world endures its time out. Much is falling into place even as all falls apart.
It has been disappointing and disheartening to witness family members, friends, neighbors, spiritual teachers reveal their energetic ignorance and fanaticism in their roles as Pod People completely indifferent to the fate of humanity. Many of these connections are irreparably damaged, even toxic for you, and best released with love without judgment. There is no convincing or rescuing those not committed to leaving behind a dystopian reality. The sociopathic narcissists, the sexual predators, the racist oligarchs, the cult leaders have been using rhetoric to bespell their disciples into bullying, shaming, mocking, harming those they perceive as weak or less than all the while feeding off of the energy of those disciples and the chaos, trauma, and violence that ensues. The truly powerful have no need to make others subservient but rather create an environment for all to flourish. Many have grown weary of enduring the patriarchal playbook of abuse, gaslighting, and destruction and will no longer acquiesce to further oppression and cruelty. Those are the ones who will stand with you and build the new world that will serve the sacred and protect the vulnerable. There will be no returning to "normal" or recreating of the past though some are desperately trying to make it so. The majority of existing systems lead only to failure and subjugation. Humanity is facing extinction but working together much can and will be accomplished quickly. Powerful magic exists in this world when it is focused and dedicated to righteous action. Acknowledge the struggle, misery, and grief of the human experience but hold onto the love, the hope, the laughter. Show your appreciation to those who bolster you when you are deflated. Embrace the trees and feel the love from Mother Earth. A lifetime is short. Allow others to live out the nightmare of their choosing while you enjoy the imminent fruition of your most cherished dreams. (c)GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. October 2020 Energy Report ~ The Sun, The Moon and Stars Don't Seem as Far as They Did Yesterday9/29/2020 No matter how much meditation you do or feel-good workshops you attend, the relief from suffering is temporary because you live in a physical world where pain and challenges are somewhat inherent to the human condition. The extinction bell is ringing and you no longer have the luxury of turning inward and hiding from what is occurring all around you. Rather than sinking into the unease, panic, and insecurity of the present, you must rise and protect what is most sacred to you. The months and years ahead will require your focus and fortitude. Righteous anger should be felt and righteous action should be taken.
Anyone who seeks to divide, diminish, or malign others or destroy nature should be seen as a threat to life itself. Those addicted to drama who gain gratification from the suffering of others must have their megaphones, spotlights, and followers removed. Be unwavering. Be fearless. They must be made to stand down and get out of your way because you along with others committed to compassion, integrity, honor, and service have a new, brighter world to build where the oceans, lands, trees, and animals are treated with respect and all humans experience equity. Stay connected to Mother Earth and your Higher Self to maintain balance as you navigate your way through whatever is presented to you. Even if when you look around, it looks very much like the bleak, traumatizing old world, your beliefs, your visions, your dreams are creating the new world. Drop the out-dated roles and labels attached to you and leave behind the scenarios that no longer serve you as you open to receive the love and support that were always meant to be part of your human experience. When you are willing to let go of what has been, from out of the darkness, unanticipated possibilities will appear. (c)GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. Most people are in some level of survival mode right now. For some that means engaging with the world through fervent, persistent malevolence. As the patriarchy crumbles, it is obvious who choose to misuse their power through attempts to manipulate, diminish, and abuse others. Keep an eye on them for they are dangerous due to their projections of unprocessed trauma but do not accept their fear-driven diatribes as the true voice of the collective. No one is more powerful than you - stand your ground when necessary.
You have a strong sense of self and have released the influence of past traumas. The chaotic outer world is not a reflection of you even if there are memes on your social media newsfeed telling you it is. Keep your discernment high. Many alternative news outlets and many in the New Age spiritual community seek to keep you disempowered making them no different than mainstream sources of information. If what you read, hear, or see does not feel right, trust your intuition and wisdom. Your space is sacred so maintain healthy boundaries. Hooking into conspiracy theories or giving your power or your beliefs over to anyone or anything outside of yourself is a debilitating choice that does not alleviate suffering on the planet nor benefit your growth and service. Be gentle and kind, particularly to yourself, as the constant barrage of fear attempts to make you bitter, hate-ridden, and exhausted. Have compassion for the souls being consumed by evil but use your energy judiciously for creating something new for yourself, supporting and defending the natural world, and building strong relationships with those using their power to elevate others. Despite what the media and politicians choose to focus on, the biggest threat facing humanity at this time is ecological collapse. The only way humanity survives the coming months and years is by finding workable solutions to seemingly unfixable problems and insurmountable challenges through partnership. You may not have had a hand in creating the extreme mess on this planet, but you are here, and your presence is needed. Humanity is not returning to the old normal and this is not the new normal. This is the in-between. Timelines are dissolving, transforming, merging, emerging. Your past, present, and future are being rewritten even if you remain unaware of the specifics and cannot see clearly what is ahead. When it feels unsafe in the unknown or you feel quite alone, find respite in nature and be unwavering in your belief in your own power and your own magic. The old world with its old version of you has ended. You are the beginning. (c)GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. |
January 2023