Everyone is noticing now that the pace of time is ever faster. Your mind is often flooded with all the must dos and projects you would like to complete yet only that which can hold your focus will be created into your reality. It is therefore important to allow that which is not aligned with what you want to experience to fall away without regret. You have realized the old way of doing does not work. Allowing your mind to distract you with too many thoughts or worries will only impede your creation abilities causing neither progress nor completion of projects. Only laser-like focus on what is most essential and necessary for your expansion comes to fruition with relative ease as obstacles and hindrances melt away.
You have spent months/years developing a new relationship with yourself. Your relationships with others have altered and even disappeared as a result of the emergence of the more authentic you. In the coming weeks, there will be even greater shifts leading you to the next level of relationship development for the coming year. Remember to keep closest to you only those who are genuinely supportive and loving and this will attract others to you who are the same. If you stubbornly cling to those who treat you dishonorably hoping they will change or that you can change them, you are only causing yourself unnecessary pain. You are not obligated to keep company with anyone – including family members – who do not treat you as someone of value. When you tolerate unloving, disrespectful behavior from others, ultimately you dishonor yourself and put yourself in a space of unworthiness which affects all areas of your life. Instead, know that you are worthy of the best for you are part of the divine, a being of love, a bringer of peace to the chaotic existence experienced by most on the planet. Your role is to continue moving forward – some days you will make great progress, other days not so much – but always you feel the pull forward and upward and you do not resist. You stay in the flow making choices based on what feels right. Your mind is allowed to throw up cautions along your path but no longer permitted to place roadblocks in your way. As the energetic levels continue to ratchet up, you will watch others struggle and moan resisting the call to change but you merely observe knowing you do not need to dwell in that space ever again. They are stuck in their patterns and continue to take the same steps, think the same way hoping for a different result. This is no longer true of you. You have erased your known life to create something expansive and beautiful and you know that past patterns never need repeating. You have gained the wisdom of your experiences. You are free to be the person you were always meant to be. Continue to step out of your comfort zone and test new waters for you truly will be amazed. What is meant to be part of you will be and what is not will fall away – this is true of situations and people. Allow the comings and goings. Know that all is always divinely perfect and that there are no mistakes now. Universe will keep offering you the experiences meant for you until you are brave and willing to experience them. Let go of expectations and ideas of what it should be like – simply have your intent to experience and the Universe will send you the best that its got. If you limit you, the Universe will limit you, too. You are indeed the creator of your reality. So create a reality of peace and love, a world where people, animals, the ocean, the plants, and all creations can thrive. Time will continue to move even faster and the energetic barrage will continue to strike humanity. But you will remain calm and patient knowing others will catch up to you in lightning speed for ultimately everyone wants to be free, to be the magic – just as you are now. And so they shall be. (c)Lisa Renee ~ GingerMysteries http://www.gingermysteries.com/ You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit.
You are conditioned for instant gratification and creating from this void space is often frustrating. You are reassured again and again that you have all the tools you need and have learned the lessons you needed to, but though you have set your intentions for what you want to create and experience, it does not yet appear. You have let go of the people anchoring you, you have stepped out of your comfort zone repeatedly, and though you recognize that much has changed within yourself, the outer world that you experience daily remains mostly unchanged and the areas of your life that you have desired the most change have made negligible improvement. You then begin to question if your expectations were too high or if the experiences you choose came from the ego and not the heart. Your mind twists and turns wondering if you unknowingly made another mis-step. You feel you are missing some important key, some bit of information that will unlock the puzzle and open the door to the life you have been waiting for. Soon you raise your hands in exasperation and want to give up all together but in that moment instead of cursing the Universe and your fate, you choose instead to be patient and have faith in the divine timing.
It is not your imagination or ego when you recognize that the next space for you to move into in the material, outside world is not yet ready and available to you. There is a lag between what is accomplished in your inner world and what manifests in the outer world, particularly if you are seeking something greater than you would have ever asked for yourself when you were willing to settle for less. This lag does not mean you should lower your expectations because ultimately you will be disappointed in what or who appears and it will make you believe that all your purging, cleansing, and expanding had been for naught. When you have asked to experience something amazing and wonderful, many pieces must fall into place behind the scenes before it is revealed. Continue to move out into the world available to you and acknowledge where you see the improvements. It is indeed changing but not at the quantum pace you chose to experience for yourself. Be discerning for not all that appears before you now is for you. Keep with you only who and what is for your highest good. There are days of sadness and doubt but just keep moving forward even if on those challenging days it is only a half of a step. On other days, you will make leaps forward in progress but you are always moving upwards and outwards no matter the pace. Much of the emotion and heaviness that you experience now may not even be yours but rather you picking up on the state of the collective. The collective is much less capable of handling and processing the strong transformative energies and there are some who resist change all together so on intense energetic days, the effect of the collective on you may seem nearly overwhelming. Keep yourself grounded – spending time in nature, dancing, laughing. Ask that whatever is not yours to carry be released from you – do this at least daily. The world portrayed by the media appears to be spinning into the eve of destruction but you see passed the illusion. The matrix of control and deception no longer impedes you as weave your way adroitly through it for though it is uncomfortable there, you are free. Continue to be a loving being who has fun and is carefree and above all, has integrity, for there is no karmic burden for you to carry or heal – only your mind tells you so. Most others may not yet seem to understand you and may not offer support when you need it, but you have your divine self and the entire Universe backing you. You have reached the point where you are sending out love to Mother Earth, the animals, the plants, the elements, and they are all your allies to call on just as your personal guides are. You are doing what you are here to do so relax and smile even on the days when your avatar’s legs seem stuck walking in place. For ultimately, it is all a game that you are playing It is not your imagination or ego when you recognize that the next space for you to move into in the material, outside world is not yet ready and available to you. There is a lag between what is accomplished in your inner world and what manifests in the outer world, particularly if you are seeking something greater than you would have ever asked for yourself when you were willing to settle for less. This lag does not mean you should lower your expectations because ultimately you will be disappointed in what or who appears and it will make you believe that all your purging, cleansing, and expanding had been for naught. When you have asked to experience something amazing and wonderful, many pieces must fall into place behind the scenes before it is revealed. Continue to move out into the world available to you and acknowledge where you see the improvements. It is indeed changing but not at the quantum pace you chose to experience for yourself. Be discerning for not all that appears before you now is for you. Keep with you only who and what is for your highest good. There are days of sadness and doubt but just keep moving forward even if on those challenging days it is only a half of a step. On other days, you will make leaps forward in progress but you are always moving upwards and outwards no matter the pace. Much of the emotion and heaviness that you experience now may not even be yours but rather you picking up on the state of the collective. The collective is much less capable of handling and processing the strong transformative energies and there are some who resist change all together so on intense energetic days, the effect of the collective on you may seem nearly overwhelming. Keep yourself grounded – spending time in nature, dancing, laughing. Ask that whatever is not yours to carry be released from you – do this at least daily. The world portrayed by the media appears to be spinning into the eve of destruction but you see passed the illusion. The matrix of control and deception no longer impedes you as weave your way adroitly through it for though it is uncomfortable there, you are free. Continue to be a loving being who has fun and is carefree and above all, has integrity, for there is no karmic burden for you to carry or heal – only your mind tells you so. Most others may not yet seem to understand you and may not offer support when you need it, but you have your divine self and the entire Universe backing you. You have reached the point where you are sending out love to Mother Earth, the animals, the plants, the elements, and they are all your allies to call on just as your personal guides are. You are doing what you are here to do so relax and smile even on the days when your avatar’s legs seem stuck walking in place. For ultimately, it is all a game that you are playing exceedingly well. (c)Lisa Renee ~ GingerMysteries http://www.gingermysteries.com/ You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. After weeks of a disturbingly quiet sun, once again the solar activity has ramped up just in time to mix with a number of challenging astrological aspects. However, you no longer need the option to hunker down and wait out the storm. You have endured the worst that the Universe could throw at you (all for your highest good ;-) ) and have survived. Through shedding all that was not you, your love and inner peace have brought you greater strength and endurance to navigate all the changes knocking others around and putting them in greater fear. While it is best to avoid those who are ungrounded and unconsciously projecting their pain and angst, you are always safe and free to be you.
Sometimes you feel you are between worlds with depleted energy and lack of clarity. But often you feel in a world all of your own and others, even those closest to you, are not quite there for you. Whenever you have to operate in the old world, it may seem so strange, even ridiculous, and sometimes exhausting. That world and its draining energies are going away. Avoid getting your mind caught up in the distractions spoken of in the media and keep your focus on the good that you do see emerging with the intent to see more of it. Weirdness and change are the new norms and little needs to fluster or worry you for you can discern truth from illusion. Almost all those around you continue to wear cumbersome masks and costumes to play out their dramas. They are even more tired of their roles and patterns than you are witnessing them but they are yet unable to end the charade. Be patient and free of judgement. Send them love and compassion allowing them the space needed to find their way on their own for they are not your burden to carry. Sometimes relationships did not work out the way they were perhaps once meant to in order for you to be able to experience something now so much better. Everything that you are meant to achieve you will when you take action on the days of flow. Rest on the days of pause without feeling guilt. You are doing everything you are meant to do just by being the best you that you can be. Yes, there is much more healing needed in the world but you personally are over the big trials so be confident and conduct yourself with the highest of integrity. You will experience delays because the free will of others must be respected and things must fall in place behind the scenes but stay courageous and have faith that the outcome will be just right. Congratulate yourself every time you step out of your comfort zone and have gratitude for all the blessings that come your way – even small things like a smile from a stranger or spotting a butterfly on a flower. Right now your only assignment is to play – no need to ponder all the mysteries or solve any puzzles. Have fun, laugh, and do things that others would consider uncharacteristic of you but feel right to you. Show the others it really is ok to let go of the known and boring for the unknown and magical. Be excited and hold on to the anticipation that something really awesome and amazing is about to unfold – because it is. (c)Lisa Renee ~ GingerMysteries http://www.gingermysteries.com/ You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. Your well-intended goals set earlier this year have taken longer to manifest than anticipated. Some days you were too tired, too foggy-brained but you kept taking steps when and where you could without judging yourself for not progressing faster. You have been confronting fears straight-on allowing nothing and no one to deter you from where you are directing yourself to go. Achievements are now being realized because you chose to not repeat the worn paths of the past. Instead, you forged your way on a new path – one that really is not a path, but a white canvas upon which you draw what you want, when you want, at the pace right for you. You have faith in divine timing and now see that by surrendering in grace, you were led where you were meant to be at just the right time.
You see the unawakened ones continuing their patterns of drama and dysfunction for it is a state more comfortable for them than where you are, the state of constant energetic flux instigating unprecedented transformation. They cannot yet see their lives could be so much more so they continue to limit themselves. You also see some awakened ones trying to think and do the old way and struggling. At times, they emotionally down-spiral wishing for nothing more than to exit their human lives. But you remain calm all the while and continue to step forward no matter what plays out around you knowing that almost all of it remains illusionary and not for you. There are the moments even for you when the energy of the collective is particularly dense and heavy but you do not attach to it and it passes quickly just like any emotional dust and memories of the past that flash up unexpectedly to be briefly acknowledged before dissolving away. Everything is transient now – for you know that even the happiest of moments pass just as the sad ones do. But you identify with none of it for the core of your being is at peace no matter your personal or the collective mood. Now that you have developed a balanced relationship with yourself, it is time for balanced relationships with others. However, you are empathic and highly sensitive and now more discerning about whom you give to. Because you set more boundaries, it may be awkward to receive from others and as of yet, there may be few that you can truly open yourself up to. Trust your inner guidance and bring closer to you those who are like you even it seems uncomfortable. You are passed the point where you can be controlled and manipulated because of your nature and others may be shy or unsure too so allow relationships time and patience to develop. Do not chase anyone and do not try to tie anyone down. Just allow them the freedom to fluctuate in and out of your life for now even it is a bit frustrating because you and they are growing and changing constantly. Communication throughout this process is key though so demonstrate consideration and compassion for yourself and others by not unconsciously projecting whatever you may be going through in a particular moment onto them unless it is loving and kind. Despite your perpetual cocooning and emerging, you always walk now with integrity and determination. No masks, no pretending, no saying yes when you mean no. You feel your way through each now moment with your mind only adding necessary information and no unnecessary fears, worries, or doubts. You express your gratitude for signs and happenings meant to ease your way and notice more obstacles disappearing as you believe more in yourself. There are many distractions and distortions being played out in the world and by those closest to you but you know who you are now and nothing will suck you into the soap opera world again. Take refuge in nature or with animals when you need to escape the noise and relax. Listen or play music. Write. Draw. Ultimately, no one and nothing is creating what you are experiencing but you. You are a creator at all times. You are free. Demonstrate your liberation to others. You are a being of love and peace in constant motion creating your reality. Lighten up and laugh and play. Throw a party for yourself for the School of Hard Knocks is over. Others may look on in disbelief but soon those holding back will join you and then the celebration will truly begin. (c)Lisa Renee ~ GingerMysteries http://www.gingermysteries.com/ You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. If you were expecting to relax after the April eclipse, you may have been snapped to attention by the sting of May’s Scorpio Full Moon. You may have taken a critical eye to the outside world and even the people nearest you and thought, “Did I go through all of that just to experience this?” While acknowledging with gratitude the inner and personal changes you have experienced, you may have felt discouraged and saddened by outer circumstances that seemed to be oppressively stagnant and caught in predictable patterns. By feeling this, you may have felt guilty or that you were backsliding but you likely shifted out of these feelings as quickly as you shifted into them.
For many of you, the heavy purging on an inner level is over and now it is time once again for relationship building. However, though you may have shed the people you needed to and perhaps gathered a few new people into your social circle, the people nearest you may still appear to be frustratingly lagging behind. They also may be absent or unsupportive in the moments when you need someone to lean on. Even as a sovereign being, it is human nature to want to anchor or to have someone to hold on to during turbulent moments but instead you may find yourself in a space vacant of others thinking, “This is not how it is supposed to be.” You may have criticized yourself thinking you somehow did something wrong or had somehow fallen into an old pattern you had worked so hard to break but once you recognized that you were over-thinking, you likely shifted out of this quickly, too. The energies of the moment remain highly unusual and you have no guidebook on how this ascension process is supposed to work or feel. However in each moment, even if it feels uncomfortable and appears wrong, it is important to remind yourself that what you are experiencing is only temporary. Everything is very malleable and at certain points, it is difficult to gauge your direction or to even trust your inner guidance due to lack of clarity. Most of you, even if you feel wobbly on some days, are navigating these energies far more successfully than you might believe. You are taking a balanced thoughtful approach to each step you take. However, others are still very haphazard in their intentions and remain caught in limiting patterns causing them to appear to flit in and out of your life rather than being consistent, supportive companions. Acknowledge any disappointment you feel when you experience this but do not give in to bitterness or hopelessness. Time is not slowing down so that you can catch your breath so take a rest when you need to and spend time in nature as much as you can. Continue to make the steps that take you forward and continue to face any limiting fears. Continue to meet new people and have patience with friends who do not seem quite there for you because their pace seems much slower than yours. In addition to your own personal shifts, you are in a global paradigm shift and love and peace are always present within you and in the world even on the days that seem terribly bleak. The unrest and chaos is necessary to shake awake all those who chose to awaken and to make space to build the foundation of a new world. For some of you, you came so far so quickly and the outer world is not yet reflecting the experience you should be having so you are being held in suspension or feeling pushed back toward the more dense experience of the majority which is even less suitable for you than it was in the past. However, you cannot go backwards and the outer world will catch up to you. You only need to hold steady as you go onward bringing the integrity of the unbreakable you into all circumstances. And then when you least expect it, the world will burst into the world of your Technicolor dreams. It will be so for you already feel it in your heart. (c)Lisa Renee ~ GingerMysteries http://www.gingermysteries.com/ You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. You have likely noticed that the current energies are intense but unusual. Some who are gripped by fear have been taken to the brink as never before. Yet you who are in the flow experience seemingly nothing at all on the surface despite a barrage of solar flares and cosmic configurations designed to trigger upheaval and change. There may be moments that you are so calm, so detached that it may seem something has gone awry, that you are missing something. However, you are always connected, you merely do not need to experience whatever is meant for others at that time. In other moments, memories or feelings may surface that you believed you had already healed or let go of which might make you believe you are backsliding. This can never be so. Just allow yourself to feel whatever you are feeling and allow it to flow through you and out of you and continue on knowing you are always progressing forward.
All the wisdom you have attained through your experiences thus far must now be applied to relationships with others. Yes, there will be moments when isolation will still be necessary for rest and integration but for most of you, you have healed what you could on your own and now it is time to navigate relationships as the more authentic you. You may lack confidence in yourself or in your discernment in choosing others to share your space with but if you truly allow yourself to select friends and lovers based on who feels right to your heart and soul, you will not make a poor choice and you will not repeat the past. Sexual power remains largely a taboo topic but it is through the misuse of sexuality that duality has played out the strongest and created the most distortion so it is this aspect of duality that is the most important hurdle for humanity to overcome. It is through the sexual act that people may experience their greatest vulnerability and receptivity yet most have never experienced sexuality in its full beauty and power. Not only will the people engaging in the sexual act in its most sacred and archetypal form open themselves to higher levels of awareness as never before, they will assist each other in healing the divine masculine and divine feminine within each other and in the world. Many of you have laid the groundwork within yourselves to experience sacred sexuality with another, however a romantic partner remains elusive. If you have been traveling life solo for quite some time, you likely are experiencing trepidation and frustration centering on romantic partnership and sexuality. If this is you, show the Universe your willingness to experience the new in all its forms by meeting new people, trying new activities, visiting new places and then the Universe will conspire to send the right person to you when and where you least expect. Set your intention to meet your energetic match but do not be limiting as the person who happens upon your path may not look or be quite what you might have imagined but will offer amazing qualities that you had not even considered you needed in a partner. The Universe truly does know what it is doing. Remember though you must make space for a new person so if you are attempting to hold on to the wrong person for whatever reason, you are keeping away the very person you wish to attract. If you have let go of your conditioned addiction to drama, many experiences and people appearing in your life now may be subtle, gentle, and loving (as a reflection of you) – not disruptive, confusing, and overwhelming. You may misinterpret this as “nothing is happening” or even a lack of interest on the part of another because they are not turning your world upside down. When this occurs, pause and allow yourself to feel into a situation, feel the nuances of another before discerning what or who needs to stay or to go. You are different now so you will be experiencing the world and the people in it differently as well. Even if most everything seems business as usual and others appear to be stuck in repeating patterns, everything is shifting and everyone is in transition. You had the strength to break free first. Be confident in your choices. Be proud when you take risks. Even if you feel you are not doing enough, being you is more than enough. Now is the time to live and love as you have never before. For you, the hard work is done so relax and have fun. You have earned it. You have changed the world. (c)Lisa Renee ~ GingerMysteries http://www.gingermysteries.com/ You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. The events and energies you have experienced this first quarter of the year have been unusual as you have traversed almost blindly in an unknown territory that did not look, act, or feel quite like anything you have encountered before. The more you have stayed in the flow, moving forward, adjusting your direction as needed, the greater ease you have navigated within this new space. You have learned to not force relationships or pursuits that were not energetically supported and found that you are now much better placed to begin experiencing a life more suited for the truer you that you have enabled yourself to become. Delightful surprises and intriguing possibilities are presenting themselves now encouraging you to go forward even more. At times, you will need quiet and rest and at other times, you will make choices and take action but always you are in the flow. This transformation process is ongoing and increasing speed, always moving you onwards and upwards even when you feel completely still.
All of this transformation is indeed your choice. It may be uncomfortable emotionally and physically at times but you have chosen to become more, to lead others by your quiet example. You see now the contrast between you and others who are resisting growth and their lives seem increasingly uncomfortable full of drama and limitation. They are becoming more irritable and energetically unstable in their repetitive patterns. There may be times that you are not sure where you are going or how you will get there, but you know that you do not want to go back to an existence in a box with them. That box filled with conformity, control, manipulation, and lack represents suffocation to your new, more authentic self. You want to continue to release fear and doubt, to grow in the light, and to love. And so you will. Romantic partnerships and marriages will continue to fall apart around you because many chose partners based on fleeting chemistry and convenience rather than potential growth and long-term compatibility. Even those who have been together many years and believe their relationships to be “not so bad” will find their situation becoming so intolerable that they will separate because it is impossible to sustain anything inauthentic for long in these new energies. Once the soul awakens and knows that there is more to experience, something more supportive and loving, it will not settle for less than. And with that, even contracts with some soul mates and twin flames will end as individuals choose divergent paths for growth. Some people will stubbornly continue to hold on to stagnant and dead connections and it is their free will choice to do so but is not necessary as there is so much more and beautiful to experience with a better suited partner who is committed to the same level of growth. For the family members and friends close to you that continue to play small, honor their choice. Offer support and compassion but maintain boundaries at all times. Everyone from time to time needs a shoulder to lean on or even someone to carry them a short distance but you cannot build the foundation for and choose the path of another. You cannot rescue and save and must honor the paths they choose for themselves and their free will. Express love and have gratitude for all of those who honor and support the transforming you even if they cannot quite understand the new you. Release with love and compassion anyone – including family members – who disempower you. You have no karmic responsibility for and do not have to keep anyone in your life who continually dishonors you. All facets of life are shifting and this will be scary for many as locations, jobs, activities, and people change but it is only because for so long, so many did not reach for more. In all situations, act from a place of integrity and make choices based on what will allow you to grow and what feels right to your heart. You can make huge transformational leaps this month if you choose. It is all up to you and how much change you allow yourself to experience. Be open and release any thoughts that good things only happen to others because truly astounding experiences are ahead for you especially if it seems you have waited so very long for them. You are free now so enjoy this life experience more than you ever permitted yourself before. Remain neutral when others attempt to distract you with drama. Ignore the judgments and limitations of others directed at you. Take opportunities to play over doing must dos and should dos. Busy-ness does not make for a contented life but trying new things, making mistakes, and laughing through it all – living without a comfort zone – will bring you joy. It really is as simple as that but you tend to believe that things must be difficult and serious. Be yourself – embody love and follow your passions. Live the life you were always meant to have – a life beyond your imagination and daydreams. Celebrate Mother Gaia for supporting you every step of the way. Have no fear as you step up onto center stage seemingly without a dress rehearsal for you have been preparing for this moment for millennia. Your time is now – ramp up your performance a few notches and be the radiant star you were always meant to be. (c)Lisa Renee ~ GingerMysteries http://www.gingermysteries.com/ You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. These past weeks have flown by and depending on what ascension symptoms you have experienced, you may feel frustrated that you have lost time not accomplishing tasks and projects or reaching new year’s goals. But linear time is becoming increasingly insignificant and how much you do in a certain period of time is irrelevant. The now is about being and becoming in the moment. Everything that is meant for you and all that you are meant to experience will happen in divine timing, no need to watch the clock or the calendar to measure your progress.
During times of frequent intense uploads, downloads, releasing, and integrations in which your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies seem disconnected, you may be wondering what made you come here and why you are staying. You just want it to end already. As uncomfortable as it may seem to be here so thick in the illusion and distortion, you wanted to experience a rapid transformation and you are leading the way for others even if you feel you are struggling or failing to get it right. There is no right or wrong. Do not look to others thinking that those not on the transformation fast track with “normal” lives have it better or are happier. Or that spiritual gurus have mastered joy while you are stumbling doomed to this torment forever. Everyone is experiencing similar lessons in their own way and at their own pace. You are always perfectly fine and making progress even when you feel completely stuck or lost. Relationships of all types must and will continue to transform or dissolve. The more you let go of your old patterns of people pleasing and trying to fix others, the more you will experience a sense of liberation. Once you release attachments and addictions to those who have manipulated, controlled, or gaslighted you, those who have kept you feeling less than and in lack, you can experience the freedom of being you. When you allow yourself to be you and not a projection of what others expect you to be, you can then align with those who truly belong with you in a valuable, supportive way. Do not be guilted into keeping around someone who needs to go, you are only delaying the inevitable and causing both of you more struggle and angst by forcing a relationship that no longer is or perhaps never was. Even if a relationship might have been or should have been a certain way, it is not and will not be, so release it with acceptance and without drama. You may hold a space of love and compassion for anyone even if you choose not to have them as an active participant in your life experience. Choose to empower yourself instead of giving your power away to those who are incapable of honoring you. Set and enforce boundaries with everyone, even those you strive to love unconditionally. Nothing and no one in the Universe has the right to make you feel less than the divine being you are. Opportunities for change and new experiences will continue to come and go quickly. If you play it safe, the experiences offered will become predictable and boring. But if you are willing to take risks, even small ones, you will notice amazing opportunities coming your way. Do not over-think these opportunities or believe somehow you are unworthy of them. If in your heart the opportunities feel right, reach up and take them even if you do not know how or why. You are the only one limiting you so with every choice, be sure to reach beyond your perceived boundaries. Always choose to expand even if it is scary or the path seems unclear. No matter how dire the events happening on the planet appear to be or how stuck in destructive patterns and behaviors others seem to be, always hold the intent for the highest good for all while maintaining peace and love within your heart. Everything is in perfect order, even if it seems to be a complete mess or if positive change seems to be unfolding too slowly. Have courage and continue to ride the barrage of transformative waves having faith that whatever is coming for you to experience is better than anything that has come before. Energetically now you are able to move rapidly through beginnings and endings as never before. You have cleared what is not you and have been building the new foundation of your life block by block. Now that recreating the past or staying in your comfort zone are not options, what will you create on that foundation? (c)Lisa Renee ~ GingerMysteries http://www.gingermysteries.com/ You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. The past six weeks filled with Venus in Retrograde, multiple passes of the Cardinal Grand Square, two Super New Moons, an emotional Full Moon, daily multiple solar flares including many powerful M-class flares, and perhaps even a brutal Polar Vortex, forced you to transform, adapt, and change in ways that could not have been anticipated. Do not be upset at yourself if you felt at times you could not accomplish all the things that you had intended to because in such powerful energetics, napping or zoning out watching a movie is perfectly acceptable as you integrate all of the new.
But even on difficult days when you feel somewhat disconnected between mind, body, and spirit, muster up your courage and keep moving forward though you lack the clarity to know exactly where you are headed. If you are feeling uncomfortable as if walking in unfamiliar territory, then you are right where you need to be. Attempting to maintain the status quo because it is known and feels safe is only preventing progress and growth. At first the Universe will be patient and indulge you as you stall stepping into the new. But eventually the Universe will plan a big shove for you in a different direction so it is best to heed the subtle nudges prompting you to try a new way of being and doing. Even if you cleared away and let go of everything and everyone you were meant to last year, these past weeks may have felt like you were being tested to make sure that you were really ready to step into something new. If you still had lingering fear causing you to try to repeat old patterns, keep in mind always that 2014 is all about stepping out of your comfort zone and doing so will allow you to go with the flow rather than trying to force a desired result or to recreate the past. Opportunities will appear and disappear quickly and you can choose to continue to play small or to reach up for something greater and more suited to the always expanding you. Over-thinking and over-planning will only limit you so trust your gut instinct and follow it. At times, there may seem to be a pause as if nothing is happening, but change is constant and much is moving behind the scenes, so always trust that something wonderful is just about to appear on the horizon because such lulls are typical once you are in the flow. You will notice more and more that others are living in a very different space than you and will talk about and expend energy on matters that are of no importance to you. Such people whether they are family, friends, co-workers, or strangers are precisely where they need to be for their own growth. Even if they seem to make choices that you know will not lead them to a beneficial place, you must respect and honor their sovereignty without judgment. Not all people or challenges that are brought before you are due to your karma and therefore it is not meant for you to attach to them. Do not allow your ego to seduce you into thinking you can save or rescue anyone or to convince you that you must do something because everything put before you is significant for you. It is not. Rather, be an example of peace and light and remain neutral. Not trying to fix someone or control a situation may make you uncomfortable and if it does, then you will know that you are breaking a habit and doing what you need to do for your own growth. If someone asks for your support, do offer it but maintain healthy and appropriate boundaries at all times. Remember that anything and anyone that is not for your highest good is not meant for you and it really is ok to let it or them go. It is only when you believe yourself small or unworthy that you accept less than you deserve. You are free and there are no boundaries or obstacles unless you allow yourself or others to place them before you. This year is the time to begin living life as the authentic you, not trying to copy how you think others live or living how others expect you to live. It is true that most around you will not understand you or may want you to be “normal” and at times, you may feel quite alone but you are always loved and supported in every moment. There are many diversions and distractions that will gain the attention of others but it is up to you to focus on you and why you are really here. Keep your peace within and move in the flow with grace and ease. You are not here to gain mastery of your energetics for personal gain or dominating power but to assist the healing of the collective and Mother Earth. The task may seem overwhelming but you have the ability and you know within your heart that you do. Stop allowing your emotions or your mind to rule. No more hiding yourself or squelching your voice. No more people pleasing or playing it small to make others comfortable. Be brave and laugh as you throw caution to the wind. Be big and act big. Be the magic that you are and do what you came here to do. Create beauty in every moment. Be love and heal the world. (c)Lisa Renee ~ GingerMysteries http://www.gingermysteries.com/ You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. Many of you are breathing a sigh of relief that 2013 is now a memory. Be grateful for all that you learned and experienced for it shall never be repeated. Although the tradition is to make resolutions for the new year, it would be best to set your intentions loosely and then hold on tight for this roller coaster is not stopping any time soon. Rather than sitting back allowing yourself to be flung to and fro, you now have the ability to guide just how smooth the ride is even if you are not clear on the destination. You will have to be flexible and nimble to endure the rapid changes of direction and twists on the track but all of you have been prepped and readied and are up to the task.
Firm goals could be considered limitations, perhaps even ego-centric, so instead keep yourself open to whatever is meant for your highest good. The Universe often has better things to bring you than you would choose for yourself so have faith in you and in the divine order. A year from now your life will be unrecognizable in a truly beautiful and remarkable way if you maintain your integrity, keep your sense of humor, and just roll with it. This year is all about relationships. Some of you who had heart-wrenching relationship challenges in 2013 may groan at reading this but relationships have the potential to be very beneficial and rewarding this year. Many are frustrated and doubtful from past hurts, but if you have let go of those you needed to and released any bitterness, you will begin to see the arrival of those who are more of a vibrational match for you. Always remember that the most important relationship you have is with yourself. It is easier said than done but if you are good to yourself and love yourself, everything else will start to fall into place. Some of you have spent months, even years, isolated or detached from others but this period is now ending so step out from behind your shields. At first, you may see no difference from the past and may be afraid to open your heart. But rather than retreating to safety, have courage and wait and soon little signs will appear that show you that indeed things are changing. You may feel raw and vulnerable but remember others do as well. Use your discernment and trust your instincts, even if at first they seem shaky. You know deep down inside who is meant to be with you and who is not. Some of your choices may seem odd or unusual, but if it feels right to your soul, it is right. There will be days when you feel disconnected from everyone and everything. Seemingly, without warning, you will become completely lost and directionless – perhaps even back in the dark place you thought you had long left behind. Be gentle with yourself at such times. Worry, sadness, hopelessness, and tiredness may seem overwhelming but this is only a brief adjustment period. For soon, everything will shift and you will be on your way forward and upwards again. This is the year to stop over-thinking and allow your heart to always lead. Make play and fun a priority. Speak your truth, do no harm, and all the other lessons you have learned need to be applied consistently and with confidence. No more hiding in the shadows or wearing masks. Step out of your comfort zone. Now is the time to stand up and proudly be who you are and do what you came here to do. Most of all, love as you have never loved before. Go for it. The Universe has your back. (c)Lisa Renee ~ GingerMysteries http://www.gingermysteries.com/ You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. |
January 2023