Many people had high expectations for 2013 and if they were expecting spaceships filled with friendly aliens to land on the White House lawn or a zombie apocalypse, they likely are quite disappointed. This year was Year One of the New World but in order to build the foundation for that world, we had to go an inner journey that was filled with experiencing unexpected losses and often devastating revelations of truth in order to see beyond the illusions, behind the veil, to shed all the lies we had believed to be true about ourselves, others, and about our world so we could emerge as our newer, more authentic selves.
Some of you may still feeling stuck, not ready to let go of what is no longer working in your lives, and that is perfectly ok. You are at least aware that something is not right, something is off, and at the right time for you, you will take the steps necessary to move forward. You may not be ready to see the key to release you from the box. The truth may yet be too painful to bear, but when you are ready, nothing will stop you from freeing yourself and you will wonder why you ever hesitated. If you meet excessive resistance to anything now, it is not meant to be and should be let go. If you are struggling or feeling defeated or frustrated on a consistent basis regarding a career or a relationship, the job or person is not right for you and something or someone better suited is. As long as you remain attached to what and who is wrong, you do not make a space in your life for what is and who is right. Do not project any blame or judgment on yourself or another, just take the necessary steps to move forward and onward. There is almost no one now who does not sense that everything is shifting. However, some will still cling to their old patterns and behaviors, ultimately too afraid to change. Their constricted reality will never again be your reality. You do not have to keep yourself small to put them at ease. Be yourself always. If you feel it is necessary to limit your time with them or avoid them altogether, that is fine. Do not feel feel guilty that you are not rescuing or saving them from themselves but instead allow acceptance to enter your heart and know that they will make it to where they need to be right on time for them. Your way is no better than their way for everyone indeed is on the way. If you had expectations of certain people accompanying you and they seemed to have missed the boat you are on, let those people go without judgment and find others to accompany you who more closely match the vibration of the new you. Others have been like you on an inner journey for months or even years and feel just as vulnerable, unsure, and uncertain as you do. Have patience building trust in these relationships and together you will gain greater confidence and pick up even greater speed to take this world where she is eager to go. For those of you who are still unsure of why you are here and what you are meant to do, look back at your life and see the dream you allowed to fade away because it was not practical or others thought it was foolish. Think of those activities that brought you joy when you were young that you let go because you grew up. Maybe you wanted to be a novelist, own your own bakery, be an archaeologist, backpack through Europe blogging along the way. Whatever it is, take another look at it now as the new you. It may seem improbable or impossible but once you begin taking steps on the path that is meant for you, you will notice obstacles disappearing. Your mission may not be to become so noteworthy that your name gets into the history books, but it is to be the most true you that you can be. Some of you feel overwhelmed by the ascension process and wish it would just end already. Look back with a healthy detachment at the past year or two and you will realize the tremendous progress you have made. You have survived experiences that you once thought would have killed you. Be assured that once you have learned what you needed to and patterns have been broken and soul contracts fulfilled, you never have to retread that old ground again. You have come amazingly far in a relatively short span of time so be proud of all that you have accomplished. Shine your light proudly as the beautiful, divine being you are. For many of you, 2014 will be the year you step more fully into your missions. For those of you who are already on your path as creator beings, know that amazing, unpredictable opportunities will unfold for you. You will be asked to continually step out of your comfort zone and to release the limitations and false beliefs previously placed on you through conditioning. There will still be days when your body needs to rest but never think you are falling behind or failing to get everything done you are meant to. You are always right where you are meant to be. Year Two of the New World promises to be so much more than we can yet imagine. Do not allow drama from others or the perceived chaos in the world deter you from keeping your heart open and feeling peace within. Have no fear and maintain integrity in all situations. Be bold and place all doubts aside that negative experiences of the past will repeat. You have journeyed through your personal hell and shed the old you and have emerged on the surface as the new you. Trust that the fun part of your journey is nearly here. Some of you are already noticing the signs and experiencing a taste of this New World. Take a leap of faith and dive in for joy and wonders await you. (c)Lisa Renee ~ GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit.
The current energies remind me of a November hike my friend JoAnn and I went on in Ireland back in 2008. Our guide Nathan drove us to the tip of the Beara Peninsula where a rusting cable car awaited to carry us across the Dursey Sound to Dursey Island. We were joined in the cable car by a farmer and his dog. As we began to cross the Sound, the dog who had been happily prancing in the cable car, tucked his tail and hid behind JoAnn’s legs. Concerned by the dog’s sudden change in behavior, it was then we noticed numerous wide jagged cracks in the rusted floor of the cable car and saw the strong tide whipping water up around the jagged rocks below. We sat frozen in silence as if any movement or spoken words might cause the floor to give way. Nathan seemed completely at ease and unconcerned so we trusted that he would not endanger us though our faith in him was shaken. Those few minutes crossing the Sound seemed like hours but we all arrived safely.
Once we stepped on the island inhabited by only a half dozen people, never were we so relieved to have our feet on land. We walked on a paved road up the first hill and Nathan pointed to a Napoleanic Signal Tower on the far side of the island indicating that it was our destination. We veered off the paved road onto the rolling hills of farmland and though the Signal Tower had originally seemed not very far, we continued traversing boggy hills and valleys complete with slippery boulders for hours, enduring bouts of strong frigid November winds and pelting rains while averting feisty feral sheep. The Signal Tower seemed to be quite close on the next hill in one moment, only to appear quite far away a moment later. A dense fog swept the island and once again the Signal Tower seemed to be just on the next hill. We asked Nathan if we were stuck in some sort of Irish special effects trick because the Signal Tower had to be a mirage for it appeared to have moved its locations multiple times. He laughed and delightfully watched the two Americans struggling to press onward in the spongy, sticky bog. He walked steadily along calmly drinking tea while we slid in muck using walking poles to attempt to gain traction and remain upright. Finally, he declared, “It is just up that hill there”. We did not believe him because the Signal Tower had by now completely disappeared in the fog. But we continued to trust him and trudged down into the next valley and using sheer moxie made our way up that last hill. And then at last, indeed there it was a few feet before us – the Signal Tower – that object that had seemingly mocked us for hours. We stepped inside grateful for the respite from the wind and rain and the Signal Tower that we had cursed under our breath for hours became our refuge for a short while. And so it is that currently that which you seek to attain remains just beyond reach. You believe you have overcome the last big hurdle only to find another obstacle on your path. So too some may seem to be breezing through this period while you struggle on a very slippery slope as the Universe tosses everything but the kitchen sink at you but it is sent in love to urge you onwards and upwards. You continue stepping forward sometimes on trust and faith alone – with perhaps a bit of stubbornness thrown in – even as you ponder “why did I ever agree to this?”. Right now the most important thing is to not worry that you are not getting it right or that you could be doing better. Do not compare yourself to how you believe others are doing. You are making good progress even if you feel you are falling behind. At the right moment, you will see precisely what needs to be released from your life and you may want to kick yourself for not seeing it sooner. But any decisions you made in the past were based on what you knew then and you are different now so forgive yourself for any perceived missteps or mistakes and continue on knowing you are now more capable of making better choices for yourself. This is your time to rebuild trust in yourself so that you may learn to trust others. You’ve been betrayed and heartbroken more than once and are still somewhat shell shocked. You are hesitant to enter new relationships fearing a repeat of what happened in the past yet you yearn for meaningful, deep connections in your life. Once old patterns are recognized and released, you will know who feels right and who does not. Understand that while you may be weary of your cocoon and want to transform and fly with others, many are not yet ready to emerge. Maintain your patience for just a bit longer as everyone consciously ascending needs to better balance their inner feminine and masculine selves before forging new relationships. The energies this month will be quite supportive in this regard. You are so expansive now and there may be days when you are unfocused and unable to complete projects or “must dos” but that is perfectly fine. Do not judge yourself on such days and take the rest that you need. Continue to find sacred time in silence or in nature. You are becoming you and it is beautiful. Remember to not take it all so seriously. Laugh, dance, and have fun in the chaos for something extraordinary is about to emerge just over that next hill. (c)Lisa Renee ~ GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. The days leading up to the Equinox may have seemed particularly heavy and dense with plenty of emotional clearing. But in the days following, the energies leveled off and the grip of the dross in the collective loosened. You may still feel too foggy brained and/or physically drained to accomplish all those tasks and projects you hoped to do but allow yourself this period of quiet because as October progresses, the energies will be amping up and shifting once again.
At this point, you may feel like shouting to the Universe, “Enough with the cleansing, shifting, releasing, expanding and contracting!” Unfortunately though this uncomfortable period will be experienced a bit longer. The most important thing right now is to not judge yourself about what you are feeling or experiencing compared to what you believe you should be feeling or experiencing. Nor should you compare yourself to how you perceive others are doing. Remember most of the people you encounter throughout your daily life are not at the spiritual level you have attained. You have been squeezed, scorched, tested, and transformed repeatedly in a relatively short span of time. However, most of those around you barely have begun their own spiritual transformations in earnest just yet. They may seem happier and more carefree than you are because you feel mired in figuring out the mysteries of yourself and the Universe. While others have concerns that seem petty and superficial, you are releasing non-beneficial karmic patterns that have played out over millennia. However, their roles are to allow you to have contrast so you can see just how far you have come. If you are honest with yourself, you will have to admit that you now would be suffocated by their daily lives because you would have to make yourself too small to fit into them. Even if it seems that you are being punished by being awake, you are actually experiencing your liberation while others are still imprisoned in illusion and distortion. You now have the ability to build your life free of the control of outside influence. You can include or exclude whatever or whoever feels right for you. You have the ability to think for yourself and do what you choose. Maybe right now, you do not feel like doing anything, just being still, and that, too, demonstrates your freedom. You are not following a programmed pattern. You are not trying to fit in or to conform. You are allowing yourself to be you. It truly is beautiful. You are brave and courageous for choosing to be the first amongst humankind to step into the new uncharted territory. Even when you doubt your worthiness or question why you even incarnated in the first place, you are not backsliding. Find little things that bring you joy to help you maintain a sense of calm in the midst of outside chaos and internal uncertainty. Remain neutral when others attempt to draw you into their drama. By finding and holding your center, you are a beacon for others to awaken. You may feel tired, just wanting it to end, but you are never failing at getting any of this right. Even when you feel that the darkness swirling in the energy collective could potentially overtake you, your light is still shining brightly and you are perfectly safe. There will be stress and tension in the months ahead as the unstable foundations in the world continue to crumble. Others not yet awake, will be gripped by fear as their own foundations give way. But your old foundation has already fallen and your core has become unshakeable. You have been through the ascension wringer and there is nothing to fear now. You have already been shed raw and naked to your very essence. You have lost all that was not meant to be part of the authentic you – even people that meant the most to you. Do not falter now. Do not try to regain what is already the past. Keep faith and continue moving forward. You wanted change and you will have it – even if little seems to be changing in the way you would like just yet. Trust in yourself to be a harbinger of change for as you transform so does the world. Much is happening behind the scenes to allow everything that you have dreamed of to be. When the momentum picks up just a bit more, there will be an avalanche of change and you will forget these moments of doubt and worry. Keep showering yourself with love and kindness. Send out your intent for a peaceful loving world. You will soon see more signs that all is changing and your confidence will grow and joy will blossom fully in your heart. Then you will beam your light even brighter adding even greater beauty to this new world. Trust in yourself for you are amazing. You are Love. (c)GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. If the past month – or two – or three took you to places you never wanted to be or had never wanted to go to again, the good news is that if you recognized your lesson(s) in those experiences, you will NEVER have to go there again. Many karmic cycles that have repeated and lasted lifetimes are coming to an end bringing with them painful revelations both on a personal level and on the world stage as the light of truth emerges.
Almost all of our existing foundation is based on deception and lies meant to keep us controlled in fear. All that is not based from a place of love must be revealed so illusions may shatter once and for all. As the world you know falls apart, you may find little, if any, support amongst those physically close to you – they may even have been the catalyst for the devastation in the first place – but when you feel the most alone and abandoned, you have a community of light waiting to lift and guide you. No matter how violently the foundation beneath your feet shakes and cracks until it crumbles, you will dig deep finding strength within that you never imagined. When you are ready, you will climb out from under the rubble and continue stepping forward battered, bruised, but not defeated and when you are ready, you will begin to build a new lasting foundation based on authenticity. For the majority of your life, you had family and/or friends that you could rely on to love you and engage with in social activities. But now, some or even most of these relationships may ring hollow, uncomfortable, and untrue as others seem to have fallen further and further behind as you ascend. You may even attempt to put the brakes on your own progress to try to keep these relationships fearing the loss of connection as your mind tells you that this cannot be right, but when you feel this, you must trust and have faith to let go. It does not mean that you stop loving these people, but right now you relate to people from a different level of awareness and those who have been with you for years likely are no longer a match for you. Even well-meaning people will try to make you small or to conform in an effort to subtly control and manipulate you back into a place where they feel more at ease with you. Your expansion calls to their souls and they are still gripped by fear and distracted by illusion so they hold themselves back and wish for you to do the same. At the same time, there may be others in your circle who hear the call of their own ascension but simply hit “the easy button” in their lives not wanting to let go of the drama nor wanting to do the work to live an honest, authentic life. They have been coasting through life so long that they feel no urgency to change. This can be discouraging, disappointing, and disheartening to witness but you can still love them even if you detach yourself from emotionally connecting to the patterns that inevitably lead them to unhappiness. It is not your responsibility to save them. Though it may not seem right on some level to not run in to try to help them, you do not need to unless they ask directly for your assistance. Do not put your life on hold waiting for them to wake up and catch up. It is all about living a life based on integrity and truth now, and even if you grow weary of these cycles of cleansing and expanding and contracting, you are beyond the point of hitting “the easy button” and wearing masks and living a lie. You have to trust and have faith that those you love will find their way at the time that is best for them whether they are a part of your physical life or not. You may see co-workers, neighbors, friends, and family seemingly go on with their lives as if nothing has changed while for you EVERYTHING has changed. They are entering new karmic relationships, going about their busy lives full of mundane meaningless routines, getting distracted by stories in the media, etc. but none of that seems real to you. If things are not falling into place in certain areas of your life, there is a reason for it and if you change your perspective, you may discover that any delay is for your own good. For example, you seek a new romantic partner and while others seem to find someone new quite easily, no one seems to be coming along for you. Remember, most people are still operating out of a place of conditional love (co-dependency) – convenience, fear of being alone, etc. But you operate from a different level of awareness wanting a partner with whom you connect on an emotional, spiritual, and physical level as part of a sacred union. The pool of available partners on this level at this time is relatively small. Be patient. More and more people are awakening every day and potential partners will become available. Looking around at how asleep most people appear to be, this may seem impossible to happen before we have all transitioned out of this world, but as the perception of time continues to change, others will awaken and expand more quickly so there is not long to wait. It goes back to having trust and faith in this process. Rather than keeping your life on hold waiting for everyone else, this is your time to pursue that wild idea you always wanted to do but never had the courage to try and to allow yourself to shed the armor that has weighed you down over the years so your true self can shine through. Express yourself however you like in your appearance, your words, your actions – whatever feels right – without worry about what others think. Every time you show off who you really are, you encourage others to do the same helping to accelerate the awakening process even further. Hold peace and love in your heart – much of what you see now is not real – and trust that all is happening for the highest good and highest healing. Allow yourself those days when you need to retreat to rest or cry knowing that a successful journey in life only requires that you have a human experience not that you should be perfect. Stop judging yourself and others regarding any perceived shortcomings. Trust the unseen more than the seen and allow your intuition to guide you to the truth. Most of all right now, give yourself a pat on the back. You – YES, YOU – are bringing magic and unconditional love back to the world. How awesome and cool is that? (c)Lisa Renee ~ GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. This month continues rapid shifts and transformations. Do I hear groans and pleas to know when it will all end? For those who have been strongly feeling these cycles of change for several months, you are no doubt noticing these shifts so distinctly now that you have learned how to adjust your schedule accordingly. For those of you who are struggling, be sure to reach out to supportive friends/family or to trusted holistic practitioners who may help you along. It is not that you are doing anything wrong but all of this releasing and shifting is necessary and all of us have days when we need to reach out for support no matter what stage we are in. Sometimes the most supportive person may be a thousand miles away and that is perfectly ok. Do not let the judgments of family, friends, or co-workers deter you from speaking your truth and following your heart. The more that you allow yourself to stand in your power and to continue on despite resistance from those around you, the less resistance you will encounter and you will transition through these shifts just a bit easier.
There are an infinite number of possibilities and opportunities now. Since that concept can be overwhelming and intimidating – even downright scary – many people are still clinging to the tried and true and continuing to exist in known patterns of limitation. These patterns are riddled with unfulfilling relationships, energy-zapping obligations and tasks, and lack of love and material resources but most accept it as just the way it is because though it may rarely be a happy existence, it is safe in its predictability. Some of you have broken the patterns through your own acceptance of spiritual ascension or through the occurrence of abrupt, painful, life-altering events. Now you are in an entirely new space that seems unsettling because the old ways of doing are not working. You may even try to retreat to the old patterns from time to time because when you look around, everything is so vast that it appears to be blank and you feel you might have ended up in the wrong place. But it is blank so you can create whatever you want. There are no controls or authority to tell you what is right or wrong – no limits or boundaries. You are remembering and aligning with your gifts and talents yet you may feel quite isolated from others who are still stumbling around in the lingering but dissipating old paradigm energies. It is not that you are any more special to have arrived in this space before others…but well, somebody had to be first. Others will be getting there, too, so no need to attempt to try to drag them with you or push them or shake them awake or lecture them with your truth. You may be a healer or caregiver to others but unless they ask for your assistance, you must not try to control or influence their process. They themselves know when and how they will release the old paradigm and arrive in this new space with you. It can get lonely in this vast space and the waiting can seem endless at times because there is a sense of disconnection from loved ones, from the Earth, and even from Source. However, any sense of disconnection is the illusion of separation. Remember All That Is is connected always. When you feel the frustration of waiting and boredom, it is your call to action to create, get out into nature, or reach out to your support network which may be those in the physical or your guides and angels. Remember too that whatever discomfort you are experiencing is only temporary. Also, there are times when all you are meant to be doing is Be-ing and resting because you are adjusting and integrating new energies so do allow for those time outs. Your greatest purpose on this Earth is to simply be yourself (which is not always so simple) and to be of service to others. To be of service to others does not imply people pleasing and stuffing down your own needs and desires – that is co-dependency and conditional love. The way to serve others is to be the most authentic you. Your frequency is unique and the higher you raise that frequency – the vibration of unconditional love within you – the more you contribute to the world. The more that you do what feels right for you – not what you think is right – the more of you there is to offer to others. On the topic of unconditional love, I know there are a number of you right now who seek your soul mates. The healing we are all undergoing increases our need for meaningful relationships, intimacy, and sexual fulfillment as part of a sacred union. Remember to not focus on what you lack (a soul mate, companionship, a spouse) but instead focus your intent on being an abundance and joy magnet. You are already whole and need no one to complete you. You attract a soul mate through the frequency you are vibrating so the more you allow yourself to be you, the more that the person with a similar vibration will be drawn to you. You do not have to be perfect, just you. We are here to radiate and be unconditional love which some days in the midst of all this change manifesting as instability and chaos can seem like some impossible dream. Yes, there will be challenges and obstacles on our paths and days when it seems hopeless. But we are all in or entering a space where if we all dream of love, peace, and joy on a planet on which all life is respected, cooperating together we can transform the dream into reality. (c)Lisa Renee ~ GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. The beginning of the second half of 2013 brings with it a fascinating mix of energies which could bring the biggest leap in your progress on your path thus far. The contrast of the varying stages we all are in has become blatantly clear. But that is about the only thing that is clear at the moment. Most of us are likely experiencing brain fog and a murky sense of our past, present, and future as our concept of time is changing – we are leaving the illusion of linear time and returning to the more natural cyclical time. We asked for a new world and so we shall have it but first we must witness the breakdown of the structure of the old world. Expect more surprising revelations from within yourself and from those around you and those on the world stage.
Many people are unstable and unbalanced right now. Many are struggling as their egos scramble to hold onto the old and known. Some will be offloading verbally, spilling long-held fears and deeply guarded emotions onto unsuspecting recipients. Some will be offloading their fears violently. Now it is always best to use your intuition to guide you where to go and who to spend time with. If you are an empath and/or a highly sensitive person, it is particularly important to use proper grounding and protection techniques at all times when you go out and about to ensure that you absorb as little junk energy as possible. Also be sure to do a daily clearing of non-beneficial cords and attachments that you acquire throughout your day. For some of you, the time is past due that you take your power back from others. This may entail going far back into your childhood and finding the seeds that were planted there by parents and siblings. Traumas and abuse of your inner child can be healed without judgment allowing you to live your adult life free from the burdens placed upon you in childhood, burdens that you never deserved to carry. For others of you, the past is of no pertinence and you may no longer remember much about it which means you are keeping yourself primarily in the Now. But you likely still have situations where you need to stand in your power and speak your truth. For you this month, it will all be about continual re-balancing and staying in the flow as your perception of the chaos grows. In all personal and work relationships, you must speak your truth. But remember this is done from the heart, not from the ego. Do not instigate or participate in any conversations or actions that are not for the highest good of all for this only feeds the illusion of separation. If someone wishes to engage you in verbal sparring, remember to stand up for yourself but do not unnecessarily fuel the situation. When confronted, always silently send the other person your love but do not attach to anything that they do or say. Remember their need to attack, belittle, or otherwise attempt to control you, is always a sign of their fear. If you have something that feels right to be said, then do say it. This is not the time for stuffing down emotions or pretending to be anything other than what we are. Unleash your passions and allow yourself to really, truly feel. It can be scary to allow ourselves to be raw and vulnerable in our dealings with others and to fully express ourselves but it is up to you to do and say what feels right. The energies this month will heighten our emotions and the importance of communication but at the same time, we must realize that when we find our courage and state our piece, we must do so without expectation of a certain response or outcome. Sometimes we need to allow others to digest what we have said so respect the silence of others and do not try to force a response. You will not get anything positive in return when you attempt to impose your will on another. Everyone is dealing with their individual stuff now and everyone’s path needs to be honored. There will be days that you feel as if your mind, physical body, and soul are separate entities operating in opposing directions and getting through your normal daily routine may be difficult. You may feel completely disconnected from your support system and perhaps just plain tired of this whole process. You will not feel like you but this sensation indicates you are moving up to the next level. On such days, do not worry that anything is wrong or try to do anything requiring much physical exertion. Do not feel guilty that you cannot accomplish what you had intended to do. Instead, drink lots of water, spend time in nature, and take a nap, if possible. As you move along, these periods of downtime will become less as you keep yourself in the flow. You will start to recognize the cycles and move through them more efficiently, if not more pleasantly. You may have at this point let so much go that there appears to be holes in your life with nothing new yet to fill them. The natural order is that there is no wasted space so be assured that at the right time, the right opportunity or the right person will fill that space. Keep taking one step at a time and you will walk your way through this period of chaos. Do not over-analyze or try to drag others with you or worry about what is happening or not happening. Keep yourself detached from drama. Everything is always fine and you are always right where you are meant to be. With all this chaos going on, it may seem frivolous to take time for fun — especially if you feel you have been wasting time with those naps. However, we are meant to indulge ourselves from time to time as reminders that this journey is not all about all work and no play. So take time to sing in the rain, eat chocolate chip cookies, daydream, take an adventurous trip, or watch a thrilling action movie – and do not feel guilty about it later. Do something you would never have imagined trying a year ago, maybe not even a month ago. We are shifting quickly now so remember to take time to breathe and to laugh to help rebalance when you are knocked around a bit. We asked for a new world and the Universe is delivering it. No need to worry. No need to rush. Our true selves already know the steps to this intricate dance so trust the Universe to lead. (c)Lisa Renee ~ GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. Who you were at the beginning of May is quite different from who you are stepping into June. We spent weeks undergoing a repeating cycle of cleansing, releasing, expanding, and integrating. No one was immune to this process even those who still seem quite asleep and unaware. Some of you likely not only experienced destiny-altering inner changes but unexpected life-altering happenings in the form of serious illness, financial issues, abrupt moves, job changes, or relationship endings. Some of you may have spent days feeling disconnected and not quite part of this world. And in many cases, loved ones that you would have relied on in the past for support were likely unavailable when you seemed to need them the most. For we were meant to weather the storms of May alone – learning just how strong and capable we can be no matter the obstacles thrown in our way. But we also learned to not have too much pride that when we are struggling, we do not reach for help when it is readily available. When we faced our fears head on, we experienced a sense of freedom and personal power we never felt before.
Though June will not be as turbulent as May, we all will be in various stages of remembering just who we are and what we are capable of and that will look different for each person. If you have gained some mastery in maintaining your balance no matter the chaos that ensues around you, it will be time to embody all the lessons you have learned thus far. All your experiences have led you to this moment. Where you are going and how to get there will still remain unclear, perhaps even impossible, but everything and everyone is in full-blown transformation now so opportunities will continue to manifest when you least expect. Hold your intent to attain goals and take action when guided without limiting what precisely the outcome of your efforts might look like. You and others around you will still likely be in some form of the repeating cycle of cleansing, releasing, expanding, and integrating. Everyone will continue to experience events around them that best assist them with learning and remembering. Life contracts we have with others will continue to end or transform. Some changes will seem to come too quickly and other changes too slowly but know that all things happen perfectly in divine timing. So this month will not be less intense than May in some ways but there will be more opportunities for beneficial manifestations when we take even small steps guided by our hearts. We are now weaving together and healing the duality within ourselves in order to fully collapse the duality and illusion of separateness that exists in the world. So on an inner level, we will be weaving together the light and the shadow; the masculine and the feminine; the mind and the heart, and all the seemingly opposites that reside in each of us. We are not whole when we deny parts of ourselves and so to be our true authentic selves, we must embrace the sides of ourselves that we hide or reject. We must continue to step out of the boundaries that we ourselves and our conditioning have drawn around us so that we can confidently show the world all that we are. Try not to get caught up in “busyness”. Physically, emotionally, and spiritually we are evolving and rushing about doing “must do” activities that do not nurture us or speak to our hearts will take a toll quickly in these strong energies and rapidly moving times. Attempting to ignore these energies and to continue in old world patterns and ways of doing could bring your life to a crashing halt when your body simply shuts down and says “no more”. Spending time in nature and finding even 10 minutes of quiet time each day will become essential for everyone to maintain optimum health. Always remember in the new world, it is all about Being not doing so never feel guilty for not accomplishing that to-do list. It is important to connect with those who are experiencing similar inner and outer experiences as building new supportive relationships is essential as family members and friends fade from our lives, some to return, some not. When you are feeling isolated, it is beneficial to have a trusted network you can reach out to. Joining with and trusting others may be out of the comfort zones for some of us who have relied on ourselves for so long. But eventually these new friendships will create partnerships, networks, and even communities that will help lay the foundation of the new world. Going forward through this month and beyond, remain flexible and open to all the changes and possibilities that unfold around you. People will come and go and opportunities will appear and disappear. But always know that all is well. And most of all, remember to laugh. Sometimes we take all of this just way too seriously but life is meant to be fun, too. (c)Lisa Renee ~ GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. The energies of April packed a wallop for many. On some levels, we are still processing all that we experienced but if you found yourself stepping away from the pack with their old world thinking and fear mongering, you found that this new world lacking structure and full of unlimited potential was actually not a scary place to be.
Going forward it is about Being and not all about doing. By Being you and projecting that authentic you into the world, you draw others to Be their real selves, too, which will build the foundation of the new world. Trust your feelings to guide you. If something does not feel right — a job, a person, a place, a belief, a pattern — it is time to leave it behind. If you have been doing your inner work and finding yourself more and more in the Universal flow, having gratitude for all the good things in your life now and all the good things on their way to you, you are likely noticing that you are able to recover faster than ever before when you are thrown off-center. You will still have days when you seem disconnected or overwhelmed due to the processing of your old karmic baggage, integrating strong influxes of cosmic energies, or heaviness from fear in the collective. But on such days, never allow yourself to believe that somehow you are failing or are lost on your path. Growth is defined by experiencing a wide breadth of emotions, pains, and sensations and moving through them not avoiding them. If you find that you are struggling, overly-emotional, and having more off days than on, May is your time for breaking patterns, habits, and beliefs that are no longer working for you as the energies pushing for change will be forceful. If you stubbornly cling to the old, the eclipse period this month may be especially challenging for you as unanticipated and sudden situations may occur to propel you forward. Remember when you are trying to hold on to the past and cling to some version of you that no longer exists, you are not allowing the new to manifest. Get out of your own way once and for all. What are you refusing to look at? What are you resisting the release of? What are you not opening to? Have no fear and bravely take those first steps toward the life you always wanted and you will find a number of paths opening up for you that you never dared to hope for. If you have been waiting for certain changes to happen and are not seeing them yet — for example, a new job or a new romantic partner — you may be frustrated or feeling you are doing something wrong. If this is you, it is best to hold your intent for those changes to occur but direct your attention in the now to making smaller changes that can bring more instant results. This shift in your energy will send a signal to the Universe that you are not focusing on what you are lacking — and thus manifesting more lack — and are focusing on change. Sometimes big changes have a lot of components that must go into place behind the scenes so there is a delay in our awareness that they are happening. But always trust that what is meant for you will come at the right time. Another focus of this month is to shed our hang-ups and fears relating to expressing ourselves — particularly our sexuality and creativity. Some on a spiritual path reject sexuality as part of their shadow side residing at lower vibrations in the lower chakras. But such a perspective limits us and all that we are and dismisses the sacred element of sexuality. Part of being human is to be able to fully allow ourselves to open in sexual expression with another and we can actually raise our vibration by doing so. Closely related to sexuality is creativity. We are all creators and artists — not just those who are painters, sculptors, and writers. Many of us suppress our ideas, our words, and our creative expression because we are afraid of judgment and rejection from others. Or worry that we are not good enough. But when we allow ourselves to be vulnerable and express ourselves honestly, we open ourselves to a greater sense of love and acceptance. It is time that all of us embrace the parts of ourselves that we long felt necessary to hide in order to have the type of relationships, especially romantic ones, that we have always dreamed of. We have been given the gift of the ability to recreate our lives, let us all not settle once again for a life half-lived. This month we will be more fully integrating and applying our new selves into the decisions we make and what we say and how we say it. By doing this, our lives will look very different than a short time ago. The more we allow ourselves to release what no longer is part of us and embrace all that we are, the more we will thrive and expand even more. We all feel that time is accelerating but expect it to feel even faster as a greater number of people open their hearts to experience life as never before. (c)Lisa Renee ~ GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. In any moment, we have the choice of how we wish to experience anything brought before us because we are co-creators of our existence. At the beginning of March, we found ourselves floating in an abundance of Piscean healing which allowed us to either gently rinse away parts of ourselves that we no longer needed or to crash upon the rocks forcing us to face parts of ourselves that needed our attention. When the Equinox kicked in fiery Aries energies, the intensity built and any unhealed remnants of our past came up one last time. We remembered long-forgotten painful relationship memories – our relationship to ourselves, lovers, family members, friends – and felt anger, sadness, loss, regret, guilt, or other non-beneficial emotions. If we allowed ourselves to feel these emotions without judgment or attachment, they passed within a few days, but if we started accepting them as part of our identity, they lingered until we finally recognized that they were part of our old story and did not belong as part of who we are now. This clearing was necessary as the re-emergence of the divine masculine and divine feminine kicks into high gear.
Masculine energy is rapidly de-constructing and being rebuilt into its true divine masculine vibration and feminine energy is reawakening and strengthening into its true divine feminine vibration. Since each of us hold both masculine and feminine energies, this energy shift will affect not only our inner selves but affect us on a world level and in our personal relationships. We may experience our own personal relationships abruptly ending. We may witness those around us who have been in long-standing relationships breaking up. These endings will cause panic for some. But these endings will make way for new, more authentic, balanced relationships that few of us have ever experienced. Some relationships that already have a sacred component (twin flames and some soul mates) will transform – essentially becoming new relationships though the relationships may have been ongoing, even dysfunctionally, for years – if both partners choose this outcome. The world will be infused with even more light as each partner reflects the vibration of love back to the other as romance and sexuality are experienced in an entirely new way. We do not need to be perfect to be worthy of these new relationships but we do have to allow the relationship to blossom in its own way and in its own time without any control or manipulation. We will be able to stand on our own but will choose to be in the relationship because we want to be, not because we need to be for security, money, attention. We all have to be mindful that intense healing episodes will be ongoing but as we recognize the ebb and flow of energy, we will pass through them more quickly and with greater ease. There is no need for anything of the past to trip us up long-term as we stand firm in the Now. Likewise, it is important to not get caught up in the dramas of those around us, particularly family and friends who have not reached the same vibration levels that we typically maintain. Some of us only think of protecting our energy when we venture out into the outside world but now, it is important to protect our energy even with those closest to us. It can be jolting emotionally and energetically to witness someone we care about still dwelling firmly in the old paradigm, repeating unhealthy patterns but we must not feel guilty for not rescuing them. We must practice self-care so that we can be ready as family and friends awaken and have questions and fears about what is happening to them – which could be very, very soon as the Equinox solidly jolted awake just about everyone. This month, as a sovereign individual, it is important that you apply all the lessons you have learned, or lessons you have been working on, to begin taking action on all the ideas and intentions that you have been planning and imagining during the first part of the year. Delay no longer pursuing the life of your dreams. Even if you start out in one direction, keep open to other opportunities and be flexible to changes. Everything is manifesting and changing so quickly now that new paths may appear seemingly out of nowhere and you will need to make snap decisions based on your instincts as you likely will not be given ample time for analysis before these paths and their opportunities disappear. Remember though even if you feel you make a mistake, all that is meant for you will come to you even if it is a bit delayed. You chose to be here at this amazing time in human history and even if you are not sure why you are here yet and even if you are anxious about what lies ahead, be sure to have fun with whatever and whomever turns up next. If you can find joy in every moment and express gratitude for your blessings, then be proud of all that you have learned and trust that more beautiful gifts from the Universe are coming your way. (c)Lisa Renee ~ GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit. |
January 2023