There are many resources online regarding the traits and history of the divine masculine and divine feminine so the focus here will be on what is currently happening to masculine and feminine energy.
At the end of 2012, the corrupted masculine energy that had gripped humanity for the last 2,000 years or so lost its stronghold as a new era was entered. However, we are still feeling the remnants of that corrupted energy and witnessing the results of it in our governments, banking systems, environmental policies, relationships between men and women, and so on. But if you look beyond the illusion of the obvious dramas being acted out, you can feel and know that an entirely new platform has been created for us to build upon. But in order to build, that which has been built needs to be deconstructed on both an inner level and an outer level. After the Vernal Equinox on March 20, 2013, there seems to be a greater instability in relationships -- our relationship with ourselves and with others -- as if all needs to come up for final review to be healed, transformed, or to be let go. In the old era, both genders allowed a distortion of both feminine and masculine energy to play out -- women sometimes forgetting the sacred element of their own sexuality to control and manipulate men and reducing the divine male to a shadow of himself and men sometimes dominating females through the use of fear and force and reducing the divine female to a victim or an overly-sexualized caricature. Each of us, whatever our gender, contain both masculine and feminine energy. The masculine energy is breaking down in full force now and so even those of us who are female are feeling it. For the most part, women are more accepting of their connection to the divine and we are being pushed to remember the sacred elements of our feminine energy and heal both the masculine and feminine aspects of ourselves. As we assume once again our roles as part of the divine feminine, we may be called upon to assist the males, particularly Adult Indigo males, who are struggling in their awakening/remembering. Many Adult Indigo males are strong willed and logical and their minds resist acceptance that what they have been conditioned to believe to be reality all their lives is actually not so. Their egos, who have protected them for so long, resist surrendering to outside forces beyond their control like solar flares, planetary alignments, cosmic forces, or ascension symptoms (caused by the vibrational upgrade of Mother Earth) which are causing physical, emotional, and spiritual changes within them. Additionally, these men were typically warriors throughout the ages often having to shut off fear and love in order to carry out tasks that might be judged as bad or morally wrong. Now they carry a heavy karmic weight of guilt, shame, unworthiness that they feel they have earned due to misdeeds or mistakes. Often these men also did not experience unconditional love in childhood and are suspicious of and feel unworthy of genuine love and kindness when it is offered to them as adults. We must remind ourselves – for again, this is affecting both genders -- that the Creator/Source does not punish us as the Creator only creates – only we punish ourselves. In this new era, our karmic slates have been wiped clean. There is no need to continue to carry karmic baggage from this or past lifetimes. We may forgive ourselves and allow the weight of karma to be released in gratitude knowing that we have learned the lessons we needed to from past experiences and we are all indeed worthy of love and to have balanced, happy lives free from struggle. The masculine energy will rebuild and men will transform at the pace that is best for them just as women are. If you are in a relationship with an Adult Indigo male (most twin flame and some soul mate connections), be patient and do not project blame or frustration at his seemingly lack of progress for the males are in new unmapped territory. It makes all of us uneasy to step into the unknown and right now, there is no clear path or destiny for any of us. We are all creating now as we go so offer support and love but do not try to force him along the path you believe he should follow. Allow your light alone to guide him until his own inner light shines bright enough for him to follow the path that he chooses. This will be a year of change like no other. This is the year that existing relationships will either transform or end once and for all to allow new relationships to enter our lives. In this year and beyond, we will put into action all the lessons that we have learned separately and then together take the steps necessary to rebuild the world. (c) Lisa Renee@GingerMysteries You are welcome to share this article but please include the above credit.
AuthorLisa Renee Archives
June 2015