<![CDATA[GingerMysteries - Blog]]>Sat, 08 Feb 2025 01:49:19 -0800Weebly<![CDATA[The Underlying Truth of Twin Flames]]>Fri, 05 Jun 2015 12:18:35 GMThttp://gingermysteries.com/blog/the-underlying-truth-of-twin-flamesA reminder for those single and seeking a life partner - it is not usually beneficial to set the intention of manifesting a twin flame in the form of another person. The "experts" online who encourages others to call forth an incarnated twin flame without the appropriate cautions are doing a disservice to anyone who reads their material. Unfortunately the romantic fluff stuff about twin flames continues to circulate. Some of you met your twin flame before even knowing what the term meant as it was part of a soul contract made before you incarnated.  For others of you though, you had no such contract and now have the power and ability to forge new contracts so be sure you understand just what you are getting when you manifest a twin flame.

Your twin flame is not some fairy tale romantic hero/heroine that will automatically be your perfect life partner. If your twin flame is incarnated and you actually meet said person, this experience is to primarily accelerate your learning of hard lessons. Yes, there may be a strong sexual attraction and desire to have this person as a romantic partner with a nearly overwhelming magnetic pull that each of you will experience because you are encoded into the cellular memory of each other's DNA. But if this person is not evolving as you are, attempts to make a relationship work with this person will be a prolonged emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually wrenching experience. It is EXTREMELY rare for twin flames to meet who are progressing at a similar pace and able to share a life together.

Think of a yin-yang symbol. One side is essentially darkness. The other side is essentially light. One twin cannot be the darkness and the other twin the light. Each individual twin must balance the darkness and light within in order to have a non-volatile union with each other. Unlike what the "experts" online say, you doing your inner work is not going to fix your twin flame's issues. You will only cause yourself unnecessary suffering to attempt to do so. Your twin flame must do his or her individual work and have the commitment to bring this inner balance. Your ability to complete your mission for this incarnation is not dependent on your twin flame sharing the mission with you. You are not responsible for what this other person does or does not do. If your twin refuses to do his or her inner work, then your twin is toxic and destructive for you and is your teacher, not your future spouse.

Even with a soul contract, you are not stuck with this person and can choose for the contract to dissolve. Demonstrate your unconditional love for your twin flame (and demonstrate your own unconditional love of self) by allowing him or her to be a sovereign being and respect his or her life choices even if those choices are much divergent of your own. Once you release your contract with your twin flame, then you have the ability to become your own twin flame - a balance of the darkness and light - a being that truly benefits all humanity and life on the planet. And as your own twin flame, you will have the ability to attract another who is his or her own twin flame who will indeed make a wonderful life partner for you.

(c)GingerMysteries http://www.gingermysteries.com/
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<![CDATA[Love Delayed/Love Denied ~ A Blessing in Disguise?]]>Sun, 01 Mar 2015 13:36:37 GMThttp://gingermysteries.com/blog/love-delayedlove-denied-a-blessing-in-disguiseSome of those who are single have been in a pattern that has repeated for months or even years. Most of the time you feel unnoticed and not amongst your people but then out of the blue, you meet someone you click with - you are surprised, relieved, and excited - only to be soon disappointed when this person disappears almost as quickly as he or she appeared in your life. You re-examine yourself wondering if there is some mental or emotional pattern you are stuck in - and for some of you there may be - but there is nothing obvious yet to be worked on. Your disappointment may turn to anger at the Universe. You endured months, years of painful clearing to ascend and your reward is to be alone? You know your karma has been erased yet it seems that the Universe is punishing you for some unknown misguided deed or mistake. You see others around you pairing off and wonder what it is you are missing. The Universe has its own agenda that often we are not conscious of but it comes from a place of neutrality. It does not judge you as worthy or unworthy. 

Often when you look back into your past, you can see that certain relationships did not work out because it was for your highest good that they did not. Being in that relationship may have brought you suffering and limitation that was not suited for the path you had chosen for yourself. In such cases, the Universe will attempt to keep that person from your path though often you may pursue the wrong person longer than for your highest good because of societal conditioning believing love can rescue and save and that true love always prevails. 

But once you have ceased pursuing the wrong one, why does the right one seem to slip away as well? Well right now most of the single women reading this are living mostly in a vibrational space where most single men are not living for extending periods of time. So even the right one may seem very interested in you but then once you are out of sight, you almost disappear entirely from their awareness. It is as if you are living in two very distant worlds. Masculine energy in both women and men is still in an unstable, volatile place for most. The good news is that this energy will stabilize and the relationships forged from two balanced beings will be lasting and supportive. The wait may be frustrating but it will be worth it. Other pairings that come together now will be unstable and will not have the endurance and connection that you seek. 

Sacred union is not a carrot being dangled by the Universe to keep the uncoupled moving forward to endure more of the uncomfortable aspects of ascension. It is very real and it is something most of you reading this have incarnated in this lifetime to experience. Sacred union is part of your spiritual and sexual evolution and destiny so be patient and allow yourself and that future partner of yours the time needed to ready for the experience. Release the feeling of lack or that love is denied to you. The Universe is abundant and there is always love available for you. Remain in a state of grace with your heart open and all will be as it should be when it is meant to. Many of you have waited long and endured much but truly it is not long now.

(c)GingerMysteries http://www.gingermysteries.com/
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<![CDATA[Sacred Union Status Check]]>Sun, 01 Feb 2015 14:28:45 GMThttp://gingermysteries.com/blog/sacred-union-status-checkFrom a very early age, you were aware that you were not like others. You were empathic and energetically sensitive. You knew who felt right and who felt wrong and sought to avoid those who made you uncomfortable. You were aware of The Other at a young age, the one perfect for you. In adulthood, you were aware of past life relationship with others which made meeting past lovers and friends joyful yet sad because you remembered them so vividly though they had forgotten what you meant to each other. Instead, sometimes those connections were used as a source to manipulate and control. You wanted them so much to remember - to awaken, to be the one you remembered - but they did not awaken. It is not that you were not loving enough or were lacking in some way, they simply were not ready and it was not your responsibility to rescue them from their deep sleep even if for too long, it may have seemed to be. 

The window to reunite physically with The Other in a long-term connection in this lifetime has closed. This does not mean that you who experienced this connection are doomed to be alone but it also means that pre-destined contracts have been broken and now behind the scenes, reworking needs done as new contracts are formed. This will be experienced as frustrating delays in which you may question all the work you have done to clear the path to receive love. Be assured that you have incarnated with innumerable potential lovers from scores of lifetimes so the possibility of sacred union still exists. The experience of sacred union was one reason that you incarnated in this lifetime and it will be so. However, it is on its own timetable.

You cannot look to the physical world as a measure for your success or failure as much of that world is dictated by advertising and false societal beliefs. Most potential mates are not ready for you yet. They cannot yet share your vibrational space for extended periods of time but it only takes one to potential mate to want to and then all will change. You can hold intent for relationship but you cannot force or control the process as this would infringe upon the free will of another. It is not your place to chase or try to prove to another how wonderful it would be to be in relationship with you. You can have your dreams for what the relationship would be like, but until the other shares that dream, it will not manifest. 

As always, patience is required. Trust and have faith in the process. Announce to the Universe that you are ready for your sacred union and then continue to live your life in a meaningful, authentic way knowing that the Universe will take whatever steps necessary to ensure that you meet the one who has dreamed the dream of you. And when you meet, there will be ease - no fixing or convincing. It will just be and that will be more than enough.

(c)GingerMysteries http://www.gingermysteries.com/
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<![CDATA[When Your Relationship Status Is ???]]>Thu, 25 Jul 2013 23:26:33 GMThttp://gingermysteries.com/blog/when-your-relationship-status-isI received  a few messages and requests for readings this month regarding relationships that  were of the "What the hell is going on?" and "Should I dump him?" variety. As I  stated in my energy reports for this month and April (the beginning of the  eclipse cycle), this was the time that relationships would be placed under a  spotlight - the do or die moment - because whatever is not allowing us to  thrive as our authentic selves has to exposed and healed or be let go. So relationships - either romantic or not - either have to transform and grow with us or end once and for all.
We all have been conditioned to seek out security, something and someone to hold on to. But that is not possible now as everything and everyone is constantly changing. Our illusions about what a romantic relationship is and what love is must crumble away, so that we can open fully to the unconditional, unwavering constant of the vibration of Love. When we have unrealistic expectations about a person and the  life we want with them, these too must fall away so that we can stumble through  all the smoke and mirrors to reveal the Love within ourselves and be able to offer unconditional love to the other person. 
Depending on where you are  in your spiritual progress, you may project your feelings of lack and blame onto this other person for not giving you what you need, for not rescuing you in your time of despair, for not loving you as you deserve. But this person is not capable of swooping in and righting the wrongs in your life - only you can do that by releasing your karmic garbage from this and past lives and opening yourself to something new - even if you are unsure of just what that something new is. Remember Love is not an emotion, it is a vibration and cannot be faked and cannot be destroyed - unlike the deluded emotional version of "love" that has disappointed and hurt all of us at one time or another.

Additionally, beliefs about sexuality have to adjust and rebalance as sexuality can no longer be used as a means of control, manipulation, or humiliation - but embracing the  sacred element of sexuality opens us even further to a vulnerability that most people are uncomfortable with and run away from. But the expression of healthy  sexuality will be an essential component in future romantic partnerships so one way or another all of us will be facing this aspect of ourselves and discovering  new levels of expression with another. Clinging to old versions and aspects of  yourself - or another person - out of security because it is known, even if  disappointing and hurtful, only keeps you in the past, feeling stuck, and out of  the universal flow that is always moving forward.
Because of technology, we have been conditioned to expect instant results. We no longer have to wait months to receive a letter from overseas because we immediately receive an email  sent by a friend from anywhere in the world. So we have come to believe that if  we do or say that, we get a certain result - our expectation is met and we feel  secure for a moment. But our spiritual process, especially when it involves  lessons with others, does not work this way. Some of us will have to accept that  loved ones will leave our lives for this lifetime as their paths are now  diverging from ours. Others of us will welcome new loved ones - which may even  be old loved ones returning transformed but our old methods of relating to each  other will no longer work as we are both "new". Whether this person is new or  old, you will be entering uncharted territory together where the old rules of  relationships will not be able to be followed. Still others of us will be  perfectly happy traveling paths solo. All of us are always following paths that  will allow us to best learn the lessons that we are meant to learn. We only need  to stay in the now, not looking back and not worrying about the future.
We all have free will and can choose who we travel our path with - even those who have deep soul connections. If this person makes you nothing but unhappy and you feel that you are bashing your head into a wall, let go. Remember that having a soul connection with anyone does not make them yours. If they choose to be with another, open up yourself to other possibilities and experiences as you must respect their choice otherwise you are placing conditions on your love which brings it to an emotional level rather than a vibrational level thereby limiting and hurting yourself. 
If you have met the person  who is truly the one you are meant to be with - the person who wants to be with  you, too - everything that is meant to happen with this person will happen even  if right now things seem delayed. You must allow this person to be a sovereign  being just as you are. Nothing can be forced to happen more quickly or in a  certain way. Not being together right now is not wasting time because even in  separation each of you is growing and expanding, learning lessons you can only  learn for yourselves alone. Communicate your feelings honestly and
lovingly, even if you receive no response right now. Everyone is undergoing a quantum  healing and all of us must trust the process and have faith. 
We know so little of what we truly are and what all of this means in the grand scale of things - we only sense that something miraculous is unfolding -- so we only need to allow ourselves to be guided by Love.  Each of us is not the same person from day to day and must become comfortable with peeling away and shedding layers of ourselves (and allowing others to do the same at their own pace) in order to be all that we are so we can live a life filled with passion, to create and be  something unique and beautiful, to be the embodiment of Love.

(c)GingerMysteries http://www.gingermysteries.com/
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<![CDATA[Personal Relationships in the New Paradigm]]>Wed, 19 Jun 2013 01:39:25 GMThttp://gingermysteries.com/blog/personal-relationships-in-the-new-paradigmWe are in a time of rapid personal transformation. At any given moment, we can take a look at ourselves and see that we are not the same person that we were a year, a month, a day ago. As we change, so too must the relationships we have in our lives. 

If you have not already, it is time to throw out the book of guidelines and rules to relationships that you have been trying to follow for the previous years of your life. For most of us, that book rarely provided any  guidance that resulted in any sort of lasting satisfaction or happiness anyway, so burn it, bury it, whatever, it is no more.
You may have questioned why you were placed into a family unit with discordant individuals, but you made soul contracts with these embodied souls so you could have certain experiences for your growth in this lifetime. In most cases, these experiences were to act as triggers so you could heal and release long-held karmic burdens you carried for many lifetimes. These contracts are now complete -- it is irrelevant if these individuals are parents, siblings, or children -- you can choose whether to renew these contracts or not. There is no judgment on either side if contracts are not renewed. Though someone may be part of your birth family, you are not obligated to include them in your life if they judge,
belittle, or otherwise dishonor you. You have learned what you were meant to and you may release them from your circle with love if you find they are continuing to trigger you and hamper your progress toward living a more authentic life. If
you are blessed with a family who has always been loving and supportive, then you may experience growing pains in your relationships during this expansion period but know that any strains are temporary.
In your friendships, you may have noticed that the further you moved along your path of spiritual growth that some, even most, of your friends disappeared from your life. As we raise our vibration, those that no longer resonate with our more authentic self fall away because the activities and conversations you once had with them no longer fit. Do not feel obligated due to history or habit to continue with friendships that no longer feel right. It does not mean in any way
that we are better than them for living at a higher vibration level. Everyone is living in the vibration that is perfect for them and some of the people from your past that you once seemed to outgrow may actually reappear in your life
again when their vibration expands. The bottom line is that those who are meant to be in your life will be.
In romantic relationships, there is a tremendous shift going on. Long-standing partnerships are transforming or
ending. I know many singles of various ages here in the US that have long ago thrown in the towel with regards to finding the perfect partner for them. However, now is the time to stop playing it safe and send out the signals that
they are ready to fully experience love and sex as it was always meant to be. Sexual energy has for so long been a shameful thing but that is only because the sacred aspect of sexual energy has been hidden for so long. It is time to shed that shame and embrace all aspects of who we are, even those sides that were considered taboo under the old paradigm. It is time to love ourselves fully and open ourselves to fully love another. Yes, those first steps can be scary but we are now in the age when we are meant to overcome all of our fears, in whatever form they may be. So even if you have repeatedly experienced failed romantic relationships in the past, release past hurts and disappointments and allow
yourself to love. You may just find yourself with a romantic partner better than you could have imagined.
Do not force relationships new or old. Allow the people in your life space for their growth. You will not miss anything
by giving people the time they need separate from you. It is important to not allow anyone stuck in old paradigm thinking to place doubt or expectation in your mind about any new paradigm romantic relationship you are in. Trust your instincts over what the mind might try to tell you. If any relationship does not feel right, then it is not for you and opportunities for new better relationships will appear when you are willing to let go of the relationship that is not working. Allow yourself to expand and grow in all ways and the right people will be attracted to you and will support you and stay with you on your journey.

(c)  Lisa Renee@GingerMysteries www.gingermysteries.com
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<![CDATA[Re-Building of the Divine Masculine and the Remembrance of the Divine Feminine]]>Fri, 24 May 2013 01:40:06 GMThttp://gingermysteries.com/blog/re-building-of-the-divine-masculine-and-the-remembrance-of-the-divine-feminineThere are  many resources online regarding the traits and history of the divine masculine  and divine feminine so the focus here will be on what is currently happening to  masculine and feminine energy. 

At the end  of 2012, the corrupted masculine energy that had gripped humanity for the last  2,000 years or so lost its stronghold as a new era was entered. However, we are  still feeling the remnants of that corrupted energy and witnessing the results  of it in our governments, banking systems, environmental policies, relationships  between men and women, and so on. But if you look beyond the illusion of the  obvious dramas being acted out, you can feel and know that an entirely new  platform has been created for us to build upon. But in order to build, that  which has been built needs to be deconstructed on both an inner level and an  outer level.

After the  Vernal Equinox on March 20, 2013, there seems to be a greater instability in  relationships -- our relationship with ourselves and with others -- as if all  needs to come up for final review to be healed, transformed, or to be let go. In  the old era, both genders allowed a distortion of both feminine and masculine  energy to play out -- women sometimes forgetting the sacred element of their own  sexuality to control and manipulate men and reducing the divine male to a shadow  of himself and men sometimes dominating females through the use of fear and  force and reducing the divine female to a victim or an overly-sexualized  caricature.

Each of us,  whatever our gender, contain both masculine and feminine energy. The masculine  energy is breaking down in full force now and so even those of us who are female  are feeling it. For the most part, women are more accepting of their connection  to the divine and we are being pushed to remember the sacred elements of our  feminine energy and heal both the masculine and feminine aspects of ourselves.  As we assume once again our roles as part of the divine feminine, we may be  called upon to assist the males, particularly Adult Indigo males, who are  struggling in their awakening/remembering. 

Many Adult  Indigo males are strong willed and logical and their minds resist acceptance  that what they have been conditioned to believe to be reality all their lives is  actually not so. Their egos, who have protected them for so long, resist  surrendering to outside forces beyond their control like solar flares, planetary  alignments, cosmic forces, or ascension symptoms (caused by the vibrational  upgrade of Mother Earth) which are causing physical, emotional, and spiritual  changes within them. 

Additionally, these men were typically warriors throughout the ages often having to shut off fear and love in order to carry out tasks that might be judged as bad or morally  wrong. Now they carry a heavy karmic weight of guilt, shame, unworthiness that  they feel they have earned due to misdeeds or mistakes. Often these men also did  not experience unconditional love in childhood and are suspicious of and feel  unworthy of genuine love and kindness when it is offered to them as adults. 

We must  remind ourselves – for again, this is affecting both genders -- that the Creator/Source does not punish us as the Creator only creates – only we punish ourselves. In this new era, our karmic slates have been wiped clean. There is no  need to continue to carry karmic baggage from this or past lifetimes. We may forgive ourselves and allow the weight of karma to be released in gratitude knowing that we have learned the lessons we needed to from past experiences and we are all indeed worthy of love and to have balanced, happy lives free from struggle.

The masculine energy will rebuild and men will transform at the pace that is best for them just as women are. If you are in a relationship with an Adult Indigo male (most twin flame and some soul mate connections), be patient and do not project blame or frustration at his seemingly lack of progress for the males are in new unmapped territory. It makes all of us uneasy to step into the unknown and right now, there is no clear path or destiny for any of us. We are all creating now as we go so offer support and love but do not try to force him along the path you believe he should follow. Allow your light alone to guide him until his own inner light shines bright enough for him to follow the path that he chooses.

This will be a year of change like no other. This is the year that existing relationships  will either transform or end once and for all to allow new relationships to  enter our lives. In this year and beyond, we will put into action all the lessons that we have learned separately and then together take the steps  necessary to rebuild the world.

(c)  Lisa Renee@GingerMysteries www.gingermysteries.com
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<![CDATA[Fear as a Motivator]]>Thu, 25 Apr 2013 22:59:16 GMThttp://gingermysteries.com/blog/fear-as-a-motivatorLiving in the US, we are assaulted by the media always beating the drum of fear. According to the media, we have a Big Bad ready to destroy us (currently terrorists), our food giving us a slow painful death with heart disease or cancer or whatever the disease of the week is, deadly airborne viruses spreading, our neighbors killing each other with guns, our water supply being poisoned by fracking, etc. Additionally, we have advertising enticing us to eat the foods we should not be eating and telling us we will be unloved and unsuccessful unless we buy this lipstick, those shoes, or lose another 15 pounds. We are manipulated into stressing ourselves out with long commutes to earn money to buy all the stuff we do not need, the stuff that in some cases is killing us to keep the entire failing system going. All of this fear and paranoia allows the government and authorities to keep us under control, distracted from remembering just how powerful we are. They do not want people knowing that they do not need to take those prescription drugs or that free energy is available to everyone. The collective of fear that has been created affects each of us daily even if as individuals we keep our televisions off to avoid the nightly news and advertisements.

We all have dreams and things we would like to accomplish in life but we look to the past and pre-judge the outcome in our present. We remember the disapproval of others or outright failures that happened when we tried in the past and become paralyzed about doing anything that might bring wonderful changes to our present. If you are following your heart which is guided by your soul, there is no failure and what others think is irrelevant. Only how you feel about yourself matters. The Universe fully supports our intentions when they come from our soul and will cooperate with us to allow them to manifest in our present.

When you felt fear in the past, you may have chosen another path to avoid a person or situation. Going forward, when you feel that fear, know that you are being called to action, instead of turning away or trying to ignore it, face it. When you stand up for yourself and speak your truth, you can feel the empowerment and a lightness of being. I have been witnessing co-workers who have never had the courage in their lives to defend themselves, now standing in their power when unjustly confronted by authority figures. Afterwards, they are amazed at themselves for speaking their truth (and realizing that nothing “bad” resulted) and I am so proud of them while knowing that their little victory is a victory for us all. Every time one of us stands up and faces our fears, speaks our truth, it lessens the control of fear in the collective.

When I have to confront those I know are living in a fear-based reality, I always speak to their Higher Selves knowing that the current selves they are projecting into the world may not be ready for what I am saying or may retaliate in some way, but their Higher Selves are listening. I view these people with compassion knowing that they are not guided by their hearts and are insecure in their own personal power. When you change your perspective from viewing such people as ignorant tyrants to lost souls gripped by fear, it makes daily life a bit easier to navigate when surrounded by others who have not yet reached the same level of spiritual awakening that you have.

When I do chakra readings, almost everyone has a blocked solar plexus chakra. This chakra is the center of personal power, the “I Do” chakra. People have been conditioned into not standing up for themselves, to dim their lights and conform. Power now for the most part denotes something so negative that most people want to reject that part of themselves more than any other part but that power is the very divine light within you -- the part of you that is connected to our creator and all that is. In order to heal yourself emotionally, embrace your dreams, and evolve on your spiritual path, you must take back your personal power that you have allowed others to take from you.

All you need to do is make a declaration that you are reintegrating all of your personal power that you have given away to others over the years and it is done. Yes, you are that powerful. Then remember to congratulate yourself when you  notice in your daily life that you have stood in your power and spoken your truth. Even a little affirmation is a sign of self love and love attracts more love to you -- including love from others.

(c)  Lisa Renee@GingerMysteries
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<![CDATA[Soul Mates]]>Thu, 21 Mar 2013 23:12:58 GMThttp://gingermysteries.com/blog/soul-matesA soul mate is someone with whom a soul contract is made prior to entering a lifetime. It is debatable if soul mates can be non-romantic partners. I prefer to call non-romantic relationships with soul mate-like traits part of a soul family rather than a soul mate.
Some people may never meet a soul mate in a lifetime. Others may meet multiple soul mates with each relationship lasting until the contract is complete – which could be a few weeks, a few months, or a few years. And others may meet only one soul mate with whom they stay for decades.
Soul mates feel an immediate attraction and connection when they meet - love at first sight combined with the feeling of finding a long lost friend. Soul mates typically are on the same page about the relationship rather quickly but there
may be short separations and partings between soul mates due to distance or the mirroring effect. It can be unsettling to have someone else reflect back to you the areas in yourself that need attention or qualities that you exhibit that are
The challenge in soul mate relationships is to maintain balance - to learn to equalize each other’s differences in a way that each person maintains their sovereignty while merging as one. Soul mates meet to help each other grow but their lessons are learned in a more gentle way than twin flames. Not everyone wants to experience the challenges and intensity of the twin flame journey and so a soul mate is just right for them. Soul mates do not have a divine mission as twin flames do. The life purpose of soul mates is to learn from each other and have a balanced relationship and if they desire, to raise children in a nurturing environment. Soul mates are meant to share their passion and excitement for each other in a healthy way.
When in a relationship with a soul mate, it is important to keep in mind that it will not be all hearts and rainbows. It takes work and effort by each person to maintain the balance - if either person becomes lazy or takes the other person for granted for an extended time, the contract will end. Despite what Hollywood or jewelry commercials would try to tell us, soul mates are not forever. 
If you want to meet a soul mate, allow your authentic self to shine into the world and a like person will be attracted to you. Do not pretend to have traits or interests that you do not have. Let go of the baggage of past failed relationships and be open to the possibility that you could meet someone who will respect you, and add security and love to your life. Remember though to always love yourself first. No one can complete you. You are already whole.
(c) Lisa Renee GingerMysteries www.gingermysteries.com
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<![CDATA[Sacred Unions]]>Wed, 27 Feb 2013 23:03:07 GMThttp://gingermysteries.com/blog/sacred-unionsThere has been a buzz for the last several years about twin flames reuniting and bringing in the new Golden Age. Some of you may have met the person who followed the pattern of behavior and melodramatic incidents ascribed to the twin flame journey by so many “experts” on the Internet. These relationships may have at times led you to the brink of ecstasy, to the brink of madness, to the brink of death as the very source of life itself may have seemed drained from you when your “twin” rejected, denied, or ignored you. You may have found yourself separating from friends and family members who thought you were obsessed, crazy, desperate, or worse because you forgave your “twin” for treatment that you would have never tolerated from any other person walking this planet. If you have been there, done that, then just what has this been about?
Many people are extremely attached to the label twin flames because they consider the reunion with their twin flame the seal of approval from the Universe that they have spiritually evolved beyond the rest of most of humanity and have earned their grand prize, the ultimate soul mate, their missing other half. And there just may be a few of these reunions meant to happen at this time. But reunion of twin flames on Earth is extremely rare and most twin flames never incarnate together and some of our twin flames may have never incarnated at all. So just who is this person that we have met in this lifetime, the one whom we seem to recognize instantly on a soul level, the one we have loved and lost  countless times in innumerable lifetimes? And just why are so many of us here now?

We chose to be here now for the end of the old oppressive world and the beginning of the new world in which we will all begin to remember what greatness humanity is actually capable of as we all begin to remember the divine beings of light that we are. In the past, I myself have shaken my fist at the Universe more than once questioning why I was here in a place that I so obviously did not belong but that is the point of me being here. I am here to make it a world I and those like me do belong in. We entered this world like everyone else but we chose to not conform, to not forget that there is something more, even when we are almost constantly barraged with means of conditioning to make us forget.

And then we meet someone who triggers us to remember even more of the truth of who we are. This person forces us to be vulnerable and honest, to unveil all the layers and masks of protection we wear to shield ourselves in the world. They are the ones that our twin flames have chosen for us to share human experience with.

Through false conditioning, most people confuse Love with emotions. Love is not an emotion. Love is the force of the Universe. Love is a vibration that cannot be broken and so even the cycle of life and death cannot break our connection with this chosen person. In past lives, we have each played each other’s roles. We have both in various lifetimes been the rejector, the betrayer, the lover, the victim, the hero, the killer, and subconsciously we have remembered the pain, guilt, and fear from those roles and have carried those memories into this life causing us to shield from being open to Love and beneficial emotions in order to prevent further hurt like those painful emotional memories from past lives. We may emotionally want to break the connection to the person chosen for us because of fear and we may try to run from the connection but running from Love only causes more fear and pain as the illusion of separation strengthens. We all have free will and if the one chosen for us runs, we must respect this choice. We cannot push them to remember us, to be with us, or to surrender to Love. For Love does not seek to control or manipulate – those are traps of ego and emotion – Love allows and flows freely.
But the end of the old world and all the releasing and letting go of 2012 and previous years allows us to have a clean slate on a karmic level. All the wrongs and betrayals of this and all past lives are being erased and left behind, remnants of an old world that no longer exists. There is no need to cling to fear because the past is no more.
So if you have met this chosen person in this lifetime, your sacred union will happen when both of you are open to Love, open to remembering all that you are to each other and to the Universe. There is no timetable and that which is meant to be will be at the precise moment it is meant to be – not necessarily when our ego would like it to be. And why should these sacred unions come to be now? To show the way for all the others just awakening and needing to find their way and what better way to find their path than by those who radiate the vibration of Love, the essence of the Universe?
(c)  Lisa Renee@GingerMysteries
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